Anyone able to do a welfare check on

“Joe Biden has been removed from power by the same anti-democratic forces that rigged the field for him in 2020 & skipped the primary to anoint him in 2024.”

This is 100% accurate.

The Democratic Party hasn’t had a legitimate candidate through a Democratic process since 2008. Why are you okay with that?

2012 Obama 2nd term
2016 rigged for Hillary
2020 rigged for Biden
2024 rigged for Biden, now will be rigged for Harris.

When will Democrats get a voice again?
Like you I am not a dem (I’m independent) so technically neither of us have a right to be upset - and yet you and many Republicans are for some reason. Your arguments are hyperbolic, hypocritical and lack reason:
  1. The constitution does not require political parties to have a fully democratic vote. In fact multiple founding fathers abhorred the idea of organized parties in the first place. How the Dems choose their candidate is literally their business not ours.
  2. The same people complaining that representatives will vote for the candidate (and not individual voters) are the ones who waive the electoral college and talk about being a republic with representative democratic principles. Well, if a party chooses to use the same mechanic that is fair game. It is hypocritical to suggest otherwise. Faithless electors are allowed in the constitutional process, so why should people be upset when they are used in a vote that is not even remotely governed by the constitution?
  3. Democrats have not be disenfranchised, they have the right to vote this November for whomever they want. They don’t have to choose the candidate the party selects. If Chis wants to vote Biden he can go ahead and do so.

Why did you change yours? Feeling froggy?
I changed mine a little while after it became obvious to even the Democrats that Joe wasn’t with or, or actually in charge.

It kinda killed the joke when everyone could see it.
Think he's crazy on here?

Go check him out on Twitter, where he tells people to delete their accounts. A 77 year old Democratic Senator called for Biden to drop out of the race. Chis responded to that Democrat with this: "resign, you old moron."

He's such a crazy clown; even Democrats aren't safe if you disagree with him.

Direct link to his Twitter (I wonder what the "81" means):

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