Anyone else experiencing Rivals lag?

No but I’m still not able to see tweets people post on mobile. Just a blank screen where the tweet is supposed to be.
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Before I can help I need to know, dark mode or light mode?
Before I can help I need to know, dark mode or light mode?
racist comedy central GIF
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Dollars to donuts a backup of the server is kicking off. The creation of the snapshot is causing performance issues.

@Moral you have access to the Veeam console?
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Not sure if it’s related or not, but by 8 I have opened my fourth browser and 167 tab of different porn sites
Every night for about a week, HROT (and other Rivals boards) just spins and spins and spins typically between 8-9:30pm central. It happens on both PC and my phone.
No, but I have had moments in the past week where I was typing a post on my phone, but then the page refreshed and what I was typing is gone.
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