Anyone ever bruise/crack a rib?

My doctor friend would tell me to stop breathing deeply ;)

Pretty sure I did 10 days ago loading my boat when the winch slipped and it lurched forward smashing me into my trailer.

Anyway, it had been getting slowly less painful until I had a big sneeze this morning - immediately felt like a hot knife was slipped between the ribs on my upper back. Now it’s in spasm and I can hardly go up and down stairs.

But it’s pointless to go to Urgent Care, right? All they’ll tell me is to ice it, take ibuprofen and rest, no?

Any of the real and/or wantofbee physicians around here want to weigh in?
I had a badly bruised rib in HS. I was an idiot - we were playing basketball (2 on 2, I think) in a friend’s driveway and I went to save a ball from hitting the house and going out of bounds. I jumped to save it, but neglected to note the ladder hanging horizontally on the side of the house. Smacked the middle of my ribs hard on the top side of the ladder. Hurt like a MFer for quite a while.
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I do his on average once or twice a year due my decreasing athletic ability. Dr. wants to do bone density test

The worst part of these injuries is getting out of bed and deep breaths. Pain goes all the way to my back.

Worst time was when I fell on the ice in my driveway at 11:00. Air knocked out of me. I that I was a gonner
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Pretty sure I did 10 days ago loading my boat when the winch slipped and it lurched forward smashing me into my trailer.

Anyway, it had been getting slowly less painful until I had a big sneeze this morning - immediately felt like a hot knife was slipped between the ribs on my upper back. Now it’s in spasm and I can hardly go up and down stairs.

But it’s pointless to go to Urgent Care, right? All they’ll tell me is to ice it, take ibuprofen and rest, no?

Any of the real and/or wantofbee physicians around here want to weigh in?
I was two days into a five day hike on the AT with a youth group. We stopped for lunch and play in a wide open pasture/field.
We were playing ultimate frisbee and I stretched/dove for an amazing catch… made the catch but a kid slid under me and I landed on him. Heard a cracking noise and thought he was hurt. Oh, hell. I barely got back up.
Toting a 35# pack for the next three days was a challenge. Got home and finally realized that it was the ribs. Doc told me to tough it out as they could do nothing. Dayum.
Standing, sitting, laying in bed and even hiking on steep, uneven ground aided by hiking poles were all tolerable. Change of position, however, was a mutha scratcha. Unbearable. Hurt like I imagine child bearing to be. I would nearly black out for several days.
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is this the reason why your very successful ron01 handle announced its retirement today?
jk, bro hope you make a swift recovery and continue inventing new ways to make asses out of the rest of us.
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Yes, a few years ago I tripped on the lakefront deck here at Tradition Manor and my rib cage landed on the armrest of a wooden adirondack chair. I was in serious pain for weeks. Ts&Ps, OP.
In my early 30s I separated ribs and then developed pleurisy.

Took forever to heal and the Dr said I may have been better off breaking them.
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I was two days into a five day hike on the AT with a youth group. We stopped for lunch and play in a wide open pasture/field.
We were playing ultimate frisbee and I stretched/dove for an amazing catch… made the catch but a kid slid under me and I landed on him. Heard a cracking noise and thought he was hurt. Oh, hell. I barely got back up.
Toting a 35# pack for the next three days was a challenge. Got home and finally realized that it was the ribs. Doc told me to tough it out as they could do nothing. Dayum.
Standing, sitting, laying in bed and even hiking on steep, uneven ground aided by hiking poles were all tolerable. Change of position, however, was a mutha scratcha. Unbearable. Hurt like I imagine child bearing to be. I would nearly black out for several days.
I only liked this as an acknowledgment that it sucks ass.
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Bruised ribs bad a couple times. Recovery seemed to be more “it feels better this week” vs “day to day improvements.
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You should have your little bitch Flick rub your ribs. After you get done playing pitcher and catcher.
Pretty sure I did 10 days ago loading my boat when the winch slipped and it lurched forward smashing me into my trailer.

Anyway, it had been getting slowly less painful until I had a big sneeze this morning - immediately felt like a hot knife was slipped between the ribs on my upper back. Now it’s in spasm and I can hardly go up and down stairs.

But it’s pointless to go to Urgent Care, right? All they’ll tell me is to ice it, take ibuprofen and rest, no?

Any of the real and/or wantofbee physicians around here want to weigh in?
I'm sure one of our HORT ID docs has already diagnosed but I think you caught the AIDS from your boat.
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I did once, hurts like hell. Good luck. I have allergies also, coughing would hurt so bad. Nothing you can do but drink and smoke it away!
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