What I hate is trying to check out at Hy-Vee and the person in front me has a god damn Iowa welfare benefit card or whatever it is. It looks like a farm on the card. Anyways every time I go, I swear I get stuck behind these people. They are only allowed to buy certain brands and what not. Today some lady tried buying all of this name brand crap and the cashier told her that she couldn't. She had to buy certain brands and she flipped out. They told her that she would not be able to pay for all the top brand crap, she had to go back and buy the stuff that her car covered. So a normal 10 minute check out process took almost 20 minutes.
I am sorry I will help the poor and people struggling. The issue to me was that both she and her kids (3 of them) all had iPhones. WTF?
A shady single Mother? I don't believe it