Anyone make their own maple syrup?

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Several friends make syrup which I have helped some years ago.
Now they have their taps hooked with plastic lines feeding right into a large stainless holding tank.
One has a huge cast pot 4' in dia that he has hanging over the fire of wood he cuts on his property.
His wife sits days reading books and feeding the pot and cooking the syrup. He as the pot hooked on a frame with an electric winch
so she can raise and lower the pot to get the right temp going to boil as she adds wood to the fire.
He doesn't sell the syrup but uses as a natural sweetener. Quite the setup and all the materials came from his place
used for other projects.
Do they have any issues with deer taking the tubing out?
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My wife and the neighbor lady made maple syrup for a few years as we had many large maple trees on our lane. .Her husband, Bud and myself kept the wood supply where they could hande it easily. This is about the time of the year we got started.
You need a ton of sap to produce a small bottle of syrup. And it’s pretty time consuming. Our giant sugar maple produced about a large to-go container of syrup after a week’s worth of sap. 43 ounces of sap makes 1 ounce of syrup.
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You need a ton of sap to produce a small bottle of syrup. And it’s pretty time consuming. Our giant sugar maple produced about a large to-go container of syrup after a week’s worth of sap. 43 ounces of sap makes 1 ounce of syrup.
I’ll probably get three gallons of syrup, but it’s not about the time. The only real time consuming part is boiling the water out. I think it will be worth it. It’s not for everyone obviously, but I want to do it.
We have a family friend from VT who comes to hunt deer every year. He always brings several quarts of the really good syrup and it has been several years since I've had anything else.

Tapping maple trees was on my wishlist of projects before I was captured and relocated into town.
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Real maple syrup is so much better than that shitty table syrup I was brought up on. I’m glad my wife made me switch.
Okay, so my curiosity is piqued. If I were to order one bottle shipped here to blow my mind on how good maple syrup can be, what should I get?
Do they have any issues with deer taking the tubing out?
Not specifically that I know of. He does replace the lines occasionally due to nature aspects.
Deer, coon, squirrels, weather and whatnot. All part of it.
Better than going to the trees and pouring the sap from the catch bucket into a 5-gallon jug and then pouring it into the holding tank.
Lots of lifting and time spent in the woods left out with the lines.
Is it weird that after I started this thread, one of the first previews for shows on Amazon video was Sticky, a show about The Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist?

So I watched it and really like it.

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