Anyone see the new "Vacation" movie?


HB King
Aug 14, 2002
Was it painfully obvious to you too that they did everything they could to not show Beverly D'Angelo's horrible mangled face?

And I'm not complaining...


Beverly D'Angelo was 32 years old in the 1st Vacation
Film and 63 years old in the latest one. Cut her some
slack on the aging process..
Fellas...I'm referring to her plastic surgery mishaps. Not her poor aging. The directors went out of their way to not show her face or give her lines. It's quite obvious.
Haven't seen it. The promos looked pretty awful so I specifically avoided it out of fear that it might ruin my celebrity crush on Christina Applegate. Did I make the right choice?
Haven't seen it. The promos looked pretty awful so I specifically avoided it out of fear that it might ruin my celebrity crush on Christina Applegate. Did I make the right choice?

I think so. I caught it with about 30 minutes left. Funny she was in it because it reminded me of a Bundys spoof more than a Vaxation spoof.
Fellas...I'm referring to her plastic surgery mishaps. Not her poor aging. The directors went out of their way to not show her face or give her lines. It's quite obvious.
I don't know if her appearance is why she had no lines, but you could say it was obvious because there was no point in bringing her back for the role she played.

I was going to say the same thing. All these years and I had no idea Menace Sockeyes was a female. It sure does explain the emotionally erratic behavior in some of his posts.

Only losers who have faced a lifetime of being rejected by women would think I would be offended by such a comment.
Who said anything about being offended? Why would you be offended by being a woman?

You know you were hoping. Why elsr dig up this post from the bottom of the page? it's also clear that Yellow, you, and those of your ilk do not have very high opinions of women. It's not exactly a secret on here.
You know you were hoping. Why elsr dig up this post from the bottom of the page? it's also clear that Yellow, you, and those of your ilk do not have very high opinions of women. It's not exactly a secret on here.

I have a great wife and daughters. You couldn't be more wrong. They are confident and strong women that don't possess the worldview that everyone is out to hold them back.
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I'm guilty of liking the new movie. I loved the original and Christmas Vacation is a must watch every holiday season.

Beverly obviously has work done (which I personally never understand because I think it draw more attention to you when you get the "joker" face).

Chevy Chase is one of my fav actors from back in the day. Loved the Fletch movies... Aging sucks and some of us age better than others. I think it's too bad when Hollywood women undergo the knife ... Especially ones that aren't even that old (i.e Meg Ryan and Renee Zelwigher -spelling?)... I think it's especially tough on the women who pretty much were more known for their looks than anything else... And so when aging sets in they try to reverse the process. Sadly it usually doesn't go too well.
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You know you were hoping. Why elsr dig up this post from the bottom of the page? it's also clear that Yellow, you, and those of your ilk do not have very high opinions of women. It's not exactly a secret on here.

I love how you have to make shit up and take shots at posters just to get some attention around here. Sensational posting is really edgy stuff. It's also no secret here that you're obviously the product of "daddy issues", and put it on full display (unlike the directors did to Beverly's face) for us to see here often.

Keep on hacking away. If taking idiotic shots at me can help you garner some much needed attention, I'm your huckleberry.
I love how you have to make shit up and take shots at posters just to get some attention around here. [BLAH, BLAH, BLAH]

Keep on hacking away. If taking idiotic shots at me can help you garner some much needed attention, I'm your huckleberry.

Ironic, as I held my tongue for a long, long time while you have demean woman after woman (usually on looks). I am sick of it, as are the people that voted it one of the most annoying habits on HROT.'re full of shit. And with each post you add another turd nugget. I know because everyone voted you as the most full of shit on this board.
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Ironic, as I held my tongue for a long, long time while you have demean woman after woman (usually on looks). I am sick of it, as are the people that voted it one of the most annoying habits on HROT.


There are plenty of dating sites now for angry and aggrieved women. Just be honest about who you are and I'm confident you can find a man that is easily stepped on, weak, and otherwise prepared to endure your feminist bullsh!t.