Apparel for Nationals


HB Legend
Feb 2, 2013
As some may remember, in 2010, this board came up with the ideas that became Ironside Apparel's Top 10 Reasons to Like Iowa Wrestling Short Sleeve Shirt (mostly because Ironside checked with the University of Iowa people and they would not approve of a "It's okay, we hate you too" T-shirt) and so with a little down time, I started working on my T-shirts for 2015 Nationals.

KWOOD, this one is for you. I forget how this concept came about, I kind of remember a discussion about who would score more at Nationals and the loser was going to purchase the lemonade for the winner on Saturday Night in STL.
And the suddenly, the linked T-Shirt idea came about. Now, I don't know if I agree with the content, but it amuses me to have my login on a T-shirt with yours.

The attached link takes you to the customink website. To find the design, use "".

Email address to search:
OH MY!.................How Pretty!

But we can't print them up with what's on the back.

Gotta change that. My Bad. I apologize.

How bout...... Vallholl does PBP.
Originally posted by Kwoodhawk:

OH MY!.................How Pretty!

But we can't print them up with what's on the back.

Gotta change that. My Bad. I apologize.

How bout...... Vallholl does PBP.
"Vallholl never met a lineup too crazy to suggest."
Bruce- that's too much for the back of a T-shirt.

Anyway, I've got my 4 designs ready for STL (but apparently, I had so much fun with the Kwood design I did it twice, so there are 5 total). If I could figure out (or if someone wants to do it for me) I would post images directly in this thread but alas, I haven't mastered uploading images.

Kwood, I did change the back, although, I did enjoy the original idea of "Kwood is right and Vallholl is wrong" as it reflects the banter of this board. Plus, when you originally posted it, you added in an emoji and that gets me every time. AZ- I think I will wait until after B1G's as I wouldn't want to jinx Mike Kelly.

Anyway, Kwood and Azchief (XL?)- can you send me your T-shirt sizes and maybe some idea of how I am going to get this to you ( we are staying at the Renaissance Airport Hotel if that helps and are available for breakfast.

Email address to search:
Originally posted by brucefan:

Originally posted by Kwoodhawk:

OH MY!.................How Pretty!

But we can't print them up with what's on the back.

Gotta change that. My Bad. I apologize.

How bout...... Vallholl does PBP.
"Vallholl never met a lineup too crazy to suggest."
Well about....Vallholl-Crazy Lineup Guy.

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