Apparently Kellyanne Conway just fleeted (tweeted) out a picture of her daughter topless, according to Claudia herself (who is 16 years old).

Jfc goldie triples down on the dumb

yes everybody should be agreeing that 16 yos shouldnt be putting their breasts on their phone. some of us that arent naieve knows it happens.

regardless of how the images got there, you are somehow defending a parent who allegedly put the image on social media. Whether it actually happened or not, you defending the concept of an adult doing that because the kid shouldn’t have taken the pic to begin with is disgusting.

i’ve never put someone on ignore, but unless goldie wakes up from whatever state she is in right now and admits how wrong she is instead of quadrupling down, she will be the first one
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It appears Kellyanne took a photo of the original and then tweeted it as a story. Looks like production and possession. The only iffy part is whether it was knowingly distributed.
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The analogies as well as the focus are IMO entirely wrong in this thread.
We could and perhaps should be asking what it is in our current culture ha developed to the degree that
A. We’re not distressed that 16 year old minors are taking topless explicit photos of themselves
B. We are ready to draw and quarter a Parent who is beside themselves over this underage child who is obviously rebellious and behaviorally challenged.
We’ve seen it ALLEGED that the Mother - who had to know that if indeed she released the photo - would be in trouble bigly. And she should if true.
This has not been a headline on the news that I’ve seen today. I’m not going to get my self in a frenzy over this any more until the facts come out.
However the fact remains that this kid has no business putting her boobs on her phone, whether it’s her private phone or for the freakin Green Bay Packers. One of the giant intellectuals on this board says that’s just what kids do now. Really?
I think - or hope - most adults on this board would agree that minor children should not be doing this. Changing mores or not, this can open this child up to blackmail or having an investigation begun by a state agency who thinks it could be evidence of parental neglect, and yet the parents may not even know the kids (both sexes) are engaging in this behavior.
Parents have to strenuously push the point that this is really thoughtless, reckless, and dangerous behavior .
Now I really am done.
Thanks goldmom, I knew you could stoop lower and you did. Somehow I still think you can go lower still, go ahead and prove me right, I'm looking forward to it.
Um, shouldn’t we be asking the question why an advisor to the former President of the United States thought it would be a good idea to allegedly put a photograph of her partially naked minor daughter on the Internet?

I would have anticipated that HROT could unanimously agree child porn is be a bad thing, but I guess there is a parental exception if you really want to teach the kid a lesson.

Um, shouldn’t we be asking the question why an advisor to the former President of the United States thought it would be a good idea to allegedly put a photograph of her partially naked minor daughter on the Internet?

I would have anticipated that HROT could unanimously agree child porn is be a bad thing, but I guess there is a parental exception if you really want to teach the kid a lesson.

Child porn is only bad when it's used to whip up your followers into a frenzy about democrats drinking their blood in satanic pizza basements.
The analogies as well as the focus are IMO entirely wrong in this thread.
We could and perhaps should be asking what it is in our current culture ha developed to the degree that
A. We’re not distressed that 16 year old minors are taking topless explicit photos of themselves
B. We are ready to draw and quarter a Parent who is beside themselves over this underage child who is obviously rebellious and behaviorally challenged.
We’ve seen it ALLEGED that the Mother - who had to know that if indeed she released the photo - would be in trouble bigly. And she should if true.
This has not been a headline on the news that I’ve seen today. I’m not going to get my self in a frenzy over this any more until the facts come out.
However the fact remains that this kid has no business putting her boobs on her phone, whether it’s her private phone or for the freakin Green Bay Packers. One of the giant intellectuals on this board says that’s just what kids do now. Really?
I think - or hope - most adults on this board would agree that minor children should not be doing this. Changing mores or not, this can open this child up to blackmail or having an investigation begun by a state agency who thinks it could be evidence of parental neglect, and yet the parents may not even know the kids (both sexes) are engaging in this behavior.
Parents have to strenuously push the point that this is really thoughtless, reckless, and dangerous behavior .
Now I really am done.
I agree with a lot of this, but I put the blame on Kellyanne. Teenager driving her nuts or not, she’s the adult here.

My guess is she was taking this pic of her daughter’s phone as proof for a conversation (where the daughter would likely deny it existed), and somehow it got out or she posted it inadvertently.

I just can’t imagine Kellyanne Conway knowingly posted this.

EDIT...just saw the post above and it appears this was not accidental. Wtf? She’s completely in the wrong here. Hard to understand what she was thinking.
Decent right to be pissy? Not sure if serious...
See this is how effing stupid some 16 year old girls are. SHE took the pics of her boobs and posted them. SHE posted them. They wouldn't be out there PERIOD if this little bitch didn't take them to begin with. Actions have mf' G consequences. You don't do stupid things because you just might win stupid prizes. She's lucky I'm not her mother...or maybe not. She'd be a lot more attractive for one thing...but I digress.

Her Dad is a fat ass f'n tree stump who is part of the "Lincoln Project", which is an elaborate money making scam started by four never Trumper nobodies. Their biggest success was in proving you can steal a lot of people's money and line your own pockets.
I'm on Team Kellyanne here. Irish Catholic Moms United. 😡
Holy shit!
Kellyanne should be arrested for distributing child pornography if this is true similar to a boyfriend of the child had the pic and sent it out.

i am sure you will have some nutbag GOPers that “dIdNt VoTe FoR oR sUpPoRt TrUmP” in here to tell us how this is no big deal for Kellyanne and she shouldnt be held responsible

Gotta give you credit, you called it on the first page.

Decent right to be pissy? Not sure if serious...
See this is how effing stupid some 16 year old girls are. SHE took the pics of her boobs and posted them. SHE posted them. They wouldn't be out there PERIOD if this little bitch didn't take them to begin with. Actions have mf' G consequences. You don't do stupid things because you just might win stupid prizes. She's lucky I'm not her mother...or maybe not. She'd be a lot more attractive for one thing...but I digress.

Her Dad is a fat ass f'n tree stump who is part of the "Lincoln Project", which is an elaborate money making scam started by four never Trumper nobodies. Their biggest success was in proving you can steal a lot of people's money and line your own pockets.
I'm on Team Kellyanne here. Irish Catholic Moms United. 😡

The only thing you have right in this is if the kid didn't take the images then yes, the images wouldn't be available for her mom to allegedly post them. But that is a very odd detail to get stuck on. Unfortunately, she is a kid and makes stupid decisions, esp when it comes to the public nature of her parents. And while it isn't an excuse, the modern youth doesn't see the permanence of sharing salacious images of themselves. They are young and they are raised in a digital imagery world.

Other than pure partisan hackiness on your part, her father seems to have nothing to do with this. Yet, you again show your willful ignorance about all things proTrump and the Lincoln Project. Have you given up the notion that you are moderate yet? You did indicate that before (and no, I am not going to scour your post history to find it, that is just a memory I have from a post and thought it was odd).

Clearly, it is "allegedly" she posted, but it doesn't look good. Even if it was an accident, most states don't have an accident clause. Possession of imagery sexual in nature of a child is pretty much illegal in most states. And distribution of it is also illegal. So even if she had the image on her phone and someone hacked her account, she COULD still be in violation of the law. Investigation pending. But you digging in so hard on this is very peculiar.

You could read up on it if you are so inclined. I link FL as its my go to even though it wasn't the state that this appears to have occurred in.
Lotta pissy mad going on in that house...she's 16. She HAS no right.
I can tell you have never had a 16 year old girl under your roof every day.
My daughter is about to turn 40 and I'm still in recovery. She was pure hell.
Pic of crazy hot soccer mom?
Decent right to be pissy? Not sure if serious...
See this is how effing stupid some 16 year old girls are. SHE took the pics of her boobs and posted them. SHE posted them. They wouldn't be out there PERIOD if this little bitch didn't take them to begin with. Actions have mf' G consequences. You don't do stupid things because you just might win stupid prizes. She's lucky I'm not her mother...or maybe not. She'd be a lot more attractive for one thing...but I digress.

Her Dad is a fat ass f'n tree stump who is part of the "Lincoln Project", which is an elaborate money making scam started by four never Trumper nobodies. Their biggest success was in proving you can steal a lot of people's money and line your own pockets.
I'm on Team Kellyanne here. Irish Catholic Moms United. 😡
You are deplorable.
WOW! You’re calling a 16 year old batshit crazy which doesn’t say much for your character.

You're right and I apologize. Age doesn't even have anything to do with it. The term shouldn't be used to describe anyone that may have mental health issues. She needs professional help.
I hope the widdle fuzzy bear is you...I don't booze.
16 year old showing her tits to "a private lover as is the fashion of youngsters."
That last word should say it all. She is still a child and a brainless one at that if she's showing her goods to "private lovers" at 16. If it's to another kid her age, don't be naive. He's sharing that with his buds.
As a Mother, sometimes you have to protect your brainless offspring from harming themselves until they hopefully develop the smarts to protect themselves.

I agree with most of this. Although, even the best parents can't control what their kids do all the time. Kids are dumb and do dumb things. Fortunately for most of us on these boards, social media and camera phones didn't exist when we were that age. Protecting kids today is hard. I'm terrified to get my kids a cell phone. Maybe a flip phone, but do they even make those anymore?
It would be interesting to learn what percentage of middle teen girls have nude or semi nude picture of themselves on their phone. It will probably be higher than what one thinks.
No you're not. You clearly are unhinged. You'll be back to this thread. You just took about 5 Vicodin and drank a box of wine. You'll be back once you sober up or get checked out of the hospital.
This post is clearly modeled on your own experience with women in your life, amirite? Gee, that's too bad.
I've never taken a Vicodin in my life.
And I can state with certainty that a box containing anything alcoholic has never taken up space in my refrigerator. EEWWWW.
If personal attacks are all you got, y'all need a refresher course.
The Alinsky model used by the usual suspects in this thread is just too obvious.
This post is clearly modeled on your own experience with women in your life, amirite? Gee, that's too bad.
I've never taken a Vicodin in my life.
And I can state with certainty that a box containing anything alcoholic has never taken up space in my refrigerator. EEWWWW.
If personal attacks are all you got, y'all need a refresher course.
The Alinsky model used by the usual suspects in this thread is just too obvious.

I knew you would be back :)
Lotta pissy mad going on in that house...she's 16. She HAS no right.
I can tell you have never had a 16 year old girl under your roof every day.
My daughter is about to turn 40 and I'm still in recovery. She was pure hell.
Gee, not surprised.
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We’ve seen it ALLEGED that the Mother - who had to know that if indeed she released the photo - would be in trouble bigly. And she should if true.

Just providing this again before everyone conveniently piles on GM anymore.

She's not defending the mother...
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