Are prosthetic arms necessary?

A pirate walks into a bar in a port, and talk turns to their adventures on the sea. The bartender notes that the pirate has a peg leg, a hook, and an eye patch. The bartender asks, "So, how did you end up with the peg leg?"

The pirate replies, "Aye, matey, we was in a storm at sea, and I was swept overboard into a school of sharks. Just as me men were pulling me out, a shark bit me leg off."

"Wow!" said the bartender. "What about your hook?"

"Well," replied the pirate, "We were boarding an enemy ship and were battling the other sailors with swords. One of the enemy cut my hand off."

"Incredible!" remarked the bartender. "How did you get the eye patch?"

"A sea-gull dropping fell into me eye," replied the pirate.

"You lost your eye to a sea-gull dropping?" the bartender asked incredulously.

"Not exactly," said the pirate. "It was me first day with the hook."
Not sure what point you think you are trying to make here. No shit Mark.
You said “pay unless it hurts bottom line”. Well, they (claims) all hurt the bottom line.

So, there must be some other rationale for paying some and not others.
Maybe some college presidents need to eat lead to lower the cost of college tuition...

Plug and play your favorite villain/victim, banker, gov't official, referee that does know what a fair catch is...
That would be valid if they set the cost of tuition.

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