Are Republicans serious with this upside down flag stuff?

I do not support people flying the flag upside down because dear leader broke the law and now has to pay for it. I would tell anyone I saw as a veteran how offensive it is. The nation is NOT under duress because Donald Trump is a criminal.

Convicted felon Trump also thinks you're a sucker and loser. He's a POS of the highest order.
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Then stop voting Republican. Cuz convicted felon Trump also thinks you're a sucker and loser.
I'm going to vote for who I think has the best policy and vision for the city, county, state, and nation, regardless of party. I am happy with our democrat mayor here in Jacksonville, and would vote for her for reelection.
I'm going to vote for who I think has the best policy and vision for the city, county, state, and nation, regardless of party. I am happy with our democrat mayor here in Jacksonville, and would vote for her for reelection.
That sure isn't Iowa anymore. Every last one of our elected officials rallied behind Convicted Felon Trump after his trial.
Aardvark, one would think a lawyer might be a bit smarter than the bullshit answer you give here. There’s a lot of shit I’d like to do at times, but my common sense and understanding of things prevents me from doing so. Too bad a phuquing SC justice isn’t as snart as an old retired liberal like me.
So it’s ok in your mind that one group can make fun of someone for using a flag upside down but it’s not ok for the other group to fun of someone using a rainbow?

BTW let’s not forget about burning flags during blm riots. Frankly I think it’s all stupid. The trumpers need to grow up along with the gays and blacks. They all seem to be screaming for attention.
That sure isn't Iowa anymore. Every last one of our elected officials rallied behind Convicted Felon Trump after his trial.
Well, if it's true only the good die young... there's a reason Joe and Donald are alive and kicking.
Are democrats serious with their endlessly evolving rainbow vomit flag?
So it’s ok in your mind that one group can make fun of someone for using a flag upside down but it’s not ok for the other group to fun of someone using a rainbow?

BTW let’s not forget about burning flags during blm riots. Frankly I think it’s all stupid. The trumpers need to grow up along with the gays and blacks. They all seem to be screaming for attention.
Is “the rainbow” a patriotic symbol revered by all Americans?
Flying the American flag upside down has a meaning.
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Is “the rainbow” a patriotic symbol revered by all Americans?
Flying the American flag upside down has a meaning.
I always thought the rainbow flag had a meaning and the group that uses it makes sure all Americans know about it. Also I mentioned blm rioters burning the American flag. You forgot to comment on that part. Or did you omit it because it doesn’t fit your narrative of bashing on one group only.
I always thought the rainbow flag had a meaning. Also I mentioned blm rioters burning the American flag. You forgot to comment on that part. Or did you omit it because it doesn’t fit your narrative of bashing on one group only.
I don’t condone burning the American flag , but that issue has been settled a long time ago by the Courts. But that has nothing to do with using the American flag to send a false message.
I don’t condone burning the American flag , but that issue has been settled a long time ago by the Courts. But that has nothing to do with using the American flag to send a false message.
Well some might think it’s a dumb message they are sending including myself but they are doing it for a reason. As tradition mentioned earlier.
This will go through more court cases because anytime someone loses a court ruling they instantly want a retrial. Trump isn’t the only one to do so. Thus it could end up the same as the flag burning that you have stored away in the back of your mind.

Title 4, United States Code, Chapter 1 § 8.(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
I always thought the rainbow flag had a meaning and the group that uses it makes sure all Americans know about it. Also I mentioned blm rioters burning the American flag. You forgot to comment on that part. Or did you omit it because it doesn’t fit your narrative of bashing on one group only.
It has meaning just like all flags do. That's the purpose of a flag. But that's not the point - it's about a specific flag, the American flag and the hypocrisy of right wingers complaining about kneeling for the flag or even burning and then supporting flying the flag upside down.

Unsurprised this eludes you.
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You spent literal years bitching about people like Kap kneeling. Claiming it was sickeningly disrespectful to the flag. Then you turn right around and flip the flag upside down because you don't want to admit that Trump is a garbage felon? Damn, Rs, I mean damn.
Upside down flag actually means something doof
I was going to say that is what an upside down flag means. Should call 911 and have emergency services sent to every home with a flag upside down. Along with a bill for having emergency services sent to their home because they falsely declared an emergency.

Ehh I would say the use of an upside down flag as a signal of distress is long past it's necessity. It's pretty much obsolete now. Name me an instance in the last 30 years where someone used a upside down flag to indicate actual distress.

Doing that IMO would just be putting a chill on political speech.

Now don't get me wrong I think it's dumb. Everyone who does this shit claims the country is in distress and that's why they are doing it. But if you a really referring to that it talks about immediate dangers to life. . . not "things are going badly politically or economically"

But there is no reason to chill political speech no matter how dumb it is.
That sure isn't Iowa anymore. Every last one of our elected officials rallied behind Convicted Felon Trump after his trial.
Sounds like the Iowa representatives side with the people given trump's 300 million new dollars and surging polls post trial. The American people at large aren't buying the shit the liberla court system is selling. Good to see state reps backing the will of the people tbh
The Australians.
A couple very underrated posts. Kudos to you both.
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Ehh I would say the use of an upside down flag as a signal of distress is long past it's necessity. It's pretty much obsolete now. Name me an instance in the last 30 years where someone used a upside down flag to indicate actual distress.

Doing that IMO would just be putting a chill on political speech.

Now don't get me wrong I think it's dumb. Everyone who does this shit claims the country is in distress and that's why they are doing it. But if you a really referring to that it talks about immediate dangers to life. . . not "things are going badly politically or economically"

But there is no reason to chill political speech no matter how dumb it is.
Be this as it is, Then no one should ever complain again about someone burning the flag at a political rally/protest ever again. Such as display reveals more about the ignorance of the protestor (Alito included) than it does the message the act is attempting to relay.
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You spent literal years bitching about people like Kap kneeling. Claiming it was sickeningly disrespectful to the flag. Then you turn right around and flip the flag upside down because you don't want to admit that Trump is a garbage felon? Damn, Rs, I mean damn.

You could have stopped with "Are republicans serious..."

The answer is no.
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