Are the AI algorithms getting it wrong?


HR Heisman
Sep 30, 2001
So I have become more and more leery of AI simply because it's not correct on what I want. It's probably a good thing because if it was more accurate it would draw more of my attention. I use consumer directed adds/news stories as a few examples:

1. I read some stories about Caitlin Clark's snub for the Olympic team. Now every 3rd article on my facebook post is about it and/or her. They are all repetitively the same just from different click bait sources. It actually makes me hate Facebook even more.

2. I was riding in an uber and my driver was from Tanzania. We were discussing living there, him moving to the US, etc. Our conversation turned to the fighting in the Congo. Then boom, an article on the war the Congo appears.

The problem with these algorithms is they aren't accurate. I'm interested in Caitlin Clark but there is no additional news so they don't get their clicks. I have no real interest in fighting in the Congo. It just came up in conversation. I would think they would have AI dialed in more accurately. If I was wanting to purchase a treadmill, then it would generate ads for treadmills I hadn't seen, direct me to a store with a sale on the treadmill I searched, etc.
I don’t have Facebook or Twitter, so I’m not getting AI content pushes in that direction.
I do browse bikini sales so that my banner ads across most of the web are easier on the eyes.
If they start to pivot to something else I just browse bikini sales until the universe is right again.
These AI targeted ads get a premium from the advertiser. People are willing to pay Google/META/Twitter for these types of targeted ads instead of the local TV or Newspapers. I don't think it matters to these tech companies whether they work or not, but they are making a ton of money off them.