3 million teachers isn't enough to get a group discount? Just get them specialized in head shot training, etc. Quite honestly, you could have these teachers practice on these video games. Heck, have them play call of duty during breaks. Look how good these kids can shoot, it must be good practice.
Look at just a few crazy programs we waste money on. You can find plenty of spending money with this garbage. Protecting our rights and our children should come way before these things below.
#6 The Department of Health and Human Services plans to spend $500 million on a program that will, among other things, seek to solve the problem of 5-year-old children that “can’t sit still” in a kindergarten classroom.
#7 Fannie Mae is about to ask the federal government for another $4.6 billion bailout, and it will almost certainly get it.
#1 The U.S. government is spending $750,000 on a new soccer field for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.
#2 The Obama administration plans to spend between 16 and 20 million dollars helping students from Indonesia get master’s degrees.
#3 If you can believe it, the U.S. government has spent $175,587 “to determine if cocaine makes Japanese quail engage in sexually risky behavior”.
#5 The federal government has shelled out $3 million to researchers at the University of California at Irvine to fund their research on video games such as World of Warcraft. Wouldn’t we all love to have a “research job” like that?