Army Veteran Paralyzed Searching for Bergdahl


HB Legend
May 13, 2009
Lewis Township
After the swap of Bowe Bergdahl for five, dangerous Taliban commanders at Gitmo, the Daily Beast reported:
Following President Obama's Rose Garden ceremony Saturday with Bergdahl's parents, senior administration officials have repeatedly praised Bergdahl as a hero and applauded his conduct, pushing back against reports he intentionally deserted his post in Afghanistan. National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Sunday that Bergdahl served with "honor and distinction." Rice and other top officials also began calling Bergdahl a "prisoner of war."



The six soldiers who perished while searching for Bowe Berghdahl: 2nd Lt. Darryn Andrews, Staff Sgt. Clayton Bowen, Staff Sgt. Kurt Curtiss, Pfc. Matthew Michael Martinek, Staff Sgt. Michael Murphrey and Pfc. Morris Walker." (Photo: WXIA)
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Has there been an official release from the military detailing the loss of life and injuries when looking for Bergdahl? I am not doubting this story, I am not up to speed on all the ins and outs of this issue.
Yes, there has. But if you don't want to look it up for yourself, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe you can visit a few graveyards and ask the guys that died looking for that POS.
Originally posted by strummingram:
Hey, it's part of the sacrifice we have to make for the War On Terror.
Really? That's your answer for six guys that died for a POS that walked away from his post? If he never walked away, they wouldn't have died looking for him.

Even for you, this is pretty low and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying it.
Originally posted by Habah:
BergdI al is a true liberal hero..
That's what troubles me. I'm probably in the minority from the "right" leaning folks on the board in that I don't necessarily need to see Bergdal do serious time....I'd settle for a couple years, dishonorable discharge, heavy fine ect.

I just don't want to see him benefit from the GI bill ect....the trouble with that is "peace" groups will probably make him a hero, pay for appearances ect. Really don't want to see this guy benefit down the road so I'm a bit conflicted. Just want this guy anonymously flipping burgers 5 years from now....not getting appearance fee's and a book deal. Too much to hope for I guess....
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Has there been an official release from the military detailing the loss of life and injuries when looking for Bergdahl? I am not doubting this story, I am not up to speed on all the ins and outs of this issue.
Yes, there has. But if you don't want to look it up for yourself, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe you can visit a few graveyards and ask the guys that died looking for that POS.
You know what. Never mind. You are not worth it.
This post was edited on 3/28 7:54 PM by THE_DEVIL
From what I've read the evidence about Bergdahl being a deserter is pretty strong. And people did die trying to look for him, find him, rescue him..

He's a f-ing scumbag and should spend a long stretch in Leavenworth breaking big rocks into little rocks, or whatever they do there.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:

Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Has there been an official release from the military detailing the loss of life and injuries when looking for Bergdahl? I am not doubting this story, I am not up to speed on all the ins and outs of this issue.
Yes, there has. But if you don't want to look it up for yourself, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe you can visit a few graveyards and ask the guys that died looking for that POS.
You know what. Never mind. You are not worth it.
This post was edited on 3/28 7:54 PM by THE_DEVIL
You've got nothing to say because I'm right on this. Bergdahl is a POS and should spend the rest of his life behind bars if not more for the guys that died and ended up paralyzed because of him.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Hey, it's part of the sacrifice we have to make for the War On Terror.
Really? That's your answer for six guys that died for a POS that walked away from his post? If he never walked away, they wouldn't have died looking for him.

Even for you, this is pretty low and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying it.
Where is your outrage for the thousands that have died in vain fighting a bogeyman tactic known as terror? Blame the politicians who put our men in harms way.
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Hey, it's part of the sacrifice we have to make for the War On Terror.
Really? That's your answer for six guys that died for a POS that walked away from his post? If he never walked away, they wouldn't have died looking for him.

Even for you, this is pretty low and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying it.
Where is your outrage for the thousands that have died in vain fighting a bogeyman tactic known as terror? Blame the politicians who put our men in harms way.
He worships the ones with R's by their name. It's impossible for him to see them as culprits.

If our pimp politicians would stop whoring-out our military, then Bergdahl and the others are all still at home.
Originally posted by binsfeldcyhawk2:

Originally posted by Habah:
BergdI al is a true liberal hero..
That's what troubles me. I'm probably in the minority from the "right" leaning folks on the board in that I don't necessarily need to see Bergdal do serious time....I'd settle for a couple years, dishonorable discharge, heavy fine ect.

I just don't want to see him benefit from the GI bill ect....the trouble with that is "peace" groups will probably make him a hero, pay for appearances ect. Really don't want to see this guy benefit down the road so I'm a bit conflicted. Just want this guy anonymously flipping burgers 5 years from now....not getting appearance fee's and a book deal. Too much to hope for I guess....
I would pay to see him hang.

This post was edited on 3/30 9:14 AM by Arbitr8
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Hey, it's part of the sacrifice we have to make for the War On Terror.
Really? That's your answer for six guys that died for a POS that walked away from his post? If he never walked away, they wouldn't have died looking for him.

Even for you, this is pretty low and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying it.
If the people in Washington would stop doing what the war contractors and others who need the US Military to continue invading and occupying that whole area for it's natural resources, and protect this nation then none those kids would have ever been over there to start with. When you get right down to it, the only thing we- the average citizens of this nation- need protection from is the people IN Washington! They create enemies abroad and then try to make you and I believe that those enemies started it, when they are the ones who started it.
Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Hey, it's part of the sacrifice we have to make for the War On Terror.
Really? That's your answer for six guys that died for a POS that walked away from his post? If he never walked away, they wouldn't have died looking for him.

Even for you, this is pretty low and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying it.
If the people in Washington would stop doing what the war contractors and others who need the US Military to continue invading and occupying that whole area for it's natural resources, and protect this nation then none those kids would have ever been over there to start with. When you get right down to it, the only thing we- the average citizens of this nation- need protection from is the people IN Washington! They create enemies abroad and then try to make you and I believe that those enemies started it, when they are the ones who started it.The US Army does not have the power to prosecute politicians in Washington for their decisions. Nor should they. The army can and should court-martial its own soldiers. The Bergdahl fuss did not start with the army.
Originally posted by rchawk:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Hey, it's part of the sacrifice we have to make for the War On Terror.
Really? That's your answer for six guys that died for a POS that walked away from his post? If he never walked away, they wouldn't have died looking for him.

Even for you, this is pretty low and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying it.
If the people in Washington would stop doing what the war contractors and others who need the US Military to continue invading and occupying that whole area for it's natural resources, and protect this nation then none those kids would have ever been over there to start with. When you get right down to it, the only thing we- the average citizens of this nation- need protection from is the people IN Washington! They create enemies abroad and then try to make you and I believe that those enemies started it, when they are the ones who started it.The US Army does not have the power to prosecute politicians in Washington for their decisions. Nor should they. The army can and should court-martial its own soldiers. The Bergdahl fuss did not start with the army.
The army had NO BUSINESS over there in the first place, is my point. Stop voting for politicians that will fold to go to war so easily. That usually means stop voting for anyone with an R or D by their name.
Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by rchawk:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Hey, it's part of the sacrifice we have to make for the War On Terror.
Really? That's your answer for six guys that died for a POS that walked away from his post? If he never walked away, they wouldn't have died looking for him.

Even for you, this is pretty low and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying it.
If the people in Washington would stop doing what the war contractors and others who need the US Military to continue invading and occupying that whole area for it's natural resources, and protect this nation then none those kids would have ever been over there to start with. When you get right down to it, the only thing we- the average citizens of this nation- need protection from is the people IN Washington! They create enemies abroad and then try to make you and I believe that those enemies started it, when they are the ones who started it.The US Army does not have the power to prosecute politicians in Washington for their decisions. Nor should they. The army can and should court-martial its own soldiers. The Bergdahl fuss did not start with the army.
The army had NO BUSINESS over there in the first place, is my point. Stop voting for politicians that will fold to go to war so easily. That usually means stop voting for anyone with an R or D by their name.
Being over there was not the army's decision. They go where their orders tell them to go. Bergdahl went there and is accused of offenses that were detrimental to his fellow soldiers. The army will decide his fate, as it should. Hopefully the politicians in Washington won't interfere too much.
You will have to forgive the libertarians here who have hijacked this thread. If you kids would like to start a thread about the overreach of our politicians regarding military policy, have at it.

This particular thread is about a military deserter. Please keep up.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
For the record, I'm not condoning Bergdahl's actions at all.

But, when your "leaders" keep your country in perpetual wars, this kind of thing will happen. It's amazing it doesn't happen more.
Originally posted by strummingram:
For the record, I'm not condoning Bergdahl's actions at all.

But, when your "leaders" keep your country in perpetual wars, this kind of thing will happen. It's amazing it doesn't happen more.
Unfortunately Strum, it's worse than that. The other downside is suicide. They are through the roof and they are swept under the rug. Once involved in war, their moral conscience tells them it is not right to kill. That's why they have chaplains on suppress their sub conscience. The citizens must glorify war. You see it all over professional sporting events. Idolatry is everywhere.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Has there been an official release from the military detailing the loss of life and injuries when looking for Bergdahl? I am not doubting this story, I am not up to speed on all the ins and outs of this issue.
Yes, there has. But if you don't want to look it up for yourself, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe you can visit a few graveyards and ask the guys that died looking for that POS.
I looked and didnt find it. Go ahead and link it if you could. The most I could find was claims that all missions had a secondary objective of looking for him. Nobody died in the actual search.
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by strummingram:
For the record, I'm not condoning Bergdahl's actions at all.

But, when your "leaders" keep your country in perpetual wars, this kind of thing will happen. It's amazing it doesn't happen more.
Unfortunately Strum, it's worse than that. The other downside is suicide. They are through the roof and they are swept under the rug. Once involved in war, their moral conscience tells them it is not right to kill. That's why they have chaplains on suppress their sub conscience. The citizens must glorify war. You see it all over professional sporting events. Idolatry is everywhere.
I know that too well, on a personal level. I personally know of 3 guys who have left a wife and kids and hung themselves. I went to the funeral of one of them. All were under 30 years old. Really sad.
Originally posted by BABiscuit:

Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Has there been an official release from the military detailing the loss of life and injuries when looking for Bergdahl? I am not doubting this story, I am not up to speed on all the ins and outs of this issue.
Yes, there has. But if you don't want to look it up for yourself, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe you can visit a few graveyards and ask the guys that died looking for that POS.
I looked and didnt find it. Go ahead and link it if you could. The most I could find was claims that all missions had a secondary objective of looking for him. Nobody died in the actual search.
That's what I found back when I looked when we traded for him.............he wasn't the primary mission for anyone that died, now there were some injuries for those on a primary mission (but those missions were in the first week afterward). And I posted all of that here.............kind of funny people are still using the 6 dead angle.
Originally posted by fsu1jreed:

Originally posted by BABiscuit:

Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Has there been an official release from the military detailing the loss of life and injuries when looking for Bergdahl? I am not doubting this story, I am not up to speed on all the ins and outs of this issue.
Yes, there has. But if you don't want to look it up for yourself, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe you can visit a few graveyards and ask the guys that died looking for that POS.
I looked and didnt find it. Go ahead and link it if you could. The most I could find was claims that all missions had a secondary objective of looking for him. Nobody died in the actual search.
That's what I found back when I looked when we traded for him.............he wasn't the primary mission for anyone that died, now there were some injuries for those on a primary mission (but those missions were in the first week afterward). And I posted all of that here.............kind of funny people are still using the 6 dead angle.
Not really funny at all. More like disgusting that those who are using the loss of life of these heroes to advance their hatred for the president and not trying to get the facts straight. Which the soldiers and their families rightly deserve
Devil - Could I at least one time see you come off the fence and make a statement about where you really stand on the topic of Bowe the Deserter.

Your tacit support is clearly all around the perimeter, but if you want to go all in and support a deserter and desertion as an acceptable practice, then please do.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Devil - Could I at least one time see you come off the fence and make a statement about where you really stand on the topic of Bowe the Deserter.

Your tacit support is clearly all around the perimeter, but if you want to go all in and support a deserter and desertion as an acceptable practice, then please do.
He deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of military justice.
This whole story puzzles me from a political standpoint. The white house really pushed this guy as an American Hero. The parents in the rose garden, Rice going on TV and saying he served honorably. There was instant pushback from the military circles and you hear lots of stories very quickly.

Why did the White house do this? It makes no sense politically or logically. ZERO sense. They had to have had the facts when they pimped Bergdahl so hard as a hero. They also had to know that the truth would come out.

This story would have been unreal if it happened under Bush. The media would have had an orgasm. Abu Grab pictures graced the cover of the NYT for something like 170 straight days. This might have beat it
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:

Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Devil - Could I at least one time see you come off the fence and make a statement about where you really stand on the topic of Bowe the Deserter.

Your tacit support is clearly all around the perimeter, but if you want to go all in and support a deserter and desertion as an acceptable practice, then please do.
He deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of military justice.
Thank you. I was confused for a second. It sounded as though you and a few others in this thread we working hard to paint him as the victim.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:

Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Devil - Could I at least one time see you come off the fence and make a statement about where you really stand on the topic of Bowe the Deserter.

Your tacit support is clearly all around the perimeter, but if you want to go all in and support a deserter and desertion as an acceptable practice, then please do.
He deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of military justice.
Thank you. I was confused for a second. It sounded as though you and a few others in this thread we working hard to paint him as the victim.
Could you make a statement where you stand on people using the deaths of six soldiers to score political points?
Originally posted by BABiscuit:

Could you make a statement where you stand on people using the deaths of six soldiers to score political points?
I don't like it.

However, six soldiers dying and another being paralyzed is very factual. Yes, facts can be used for political gain. But, that is a fact first.

I also don't like repeatedly reading posts that show more empathy for a deserter than the six soldiers that died searching for him. I also don't like reading people rescue Bergdahl from his actions by using the blanket excuse of "Gubmint".

There seems to be a lot of confusion about who the victims are.

Bergdahl isn't one of them. He has created many.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by BABiscuit:

Could you make a statement where you stand on people using the deaths of six soldiers to score political points?
I don't like it.

However, six soldiers dying and another being paralyzed is very factual. Yes, facts can be used for political gain. But, that is a fact first.

I also don't like repeatedly reading posts that show more empathy for a deserter than the six soldiers that died searching for him. I also don't like reading people rescue Bergdahl from his actions by using the blanket excuse of "Gubmint".

There seems to be a lot of confusion about who the victims are.

Bergdahl isn't one of them. He has created many.
You are missing the point. Six soldiers died, but it being a result of Bergdahl has not been established as fact. So it isnt just that they are using deaths for politics, but they are doing so with little to no evidence to support their claims.

Perhaps IMCC can post his official release now.
Originally posted by BABiscuit:

You are missing the point. Six soldiers died, but it being a result of Bergdahl has not been established as fact. So it isnt just that they are using deaths for politics, but they are doing so with little to no evidence to support their claims.

Perhaps IMCC can post his official release now.

What about the eye-witness claims that the soldiers died while searching for Bergdahl to you not believe?
Can you link? Are they specific claims the soldiers died searching for Bergdahl or claims that Bergdahl is to blame?
Originally posted by BABiscuit:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by BABiscuit:

Could you make a statement where you stand on people using the deaths of six soldiers to score political points?
I don't like it.

However, six soldiers dying and another being paralyzed is very factual. Yes, facts can be used for political gain. But, that is a fact first.

I also don't like repeatedly reading posts that show more empathy for a deserter than the six soldiers that died searching for him. I also don't like reading people rescue Bergdahl from his actions by using the blanket excuse of "Gubmint".

There seems to be a lot of confusion about who the victims are.

Bergdahl isn't one of them. He has created many.
You are missing the point. Six soldiers died, but it being a result of Bergdahl has not been established as fact. So it isnt just that they are using deaths for politics, but they are doing so with little to no evidence to support their claims.
I guess the trial will answer that question.
Originally posted by BABiscuit:

Are they specific claims the soldiers died searching for Bergdahl or claims that Bergdahl is to blame?
Here's a video of a guy from his unit.

This stuff is not really that hard to find.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by BABiscuit:

Are they specific claims the soldiers died searching for Bergdahl or claims that Bergdahl is to blame?
Here's a video of a guy from his unit.

This stuff is not really that hard to find.
The reporting I have read on these soldiers states their deaths were after the immediate search for Bergdahl. They may have happened on assignments that had a secondary objective, but the primary objective was not to find Bergdahl. Here is a link from the National Review regarding this. If you want to claim people dies as a result of shifting resources, that is more difficult to dispute, but IMCC is clearly using the deaths of these six for political reasons and deserves to be called out for claiming their was an official release backing up his claims.

National Review
The reporting I have read on these soldiers states their deaths were after the immediate search for Bergdahl. They may have happened on assignments that had a secondary objective, but the primary objective was not to find Bergdahl. Here is a link from the National Review regarding this. If you want to claim people dies as a result of shifting resources, that is more difficult to dispute, but IMCC is clearly using the deaths of these six for political reasons and deserves to be called out for claiming their was an official release backing up his claims.
You linked some anti-Christian, anti-Jew stuff.

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