Army Veteran Paralyzed Searching for Bergdahl

Originally posted by BABiscuit:

The reporting I have read on these soldiers states their deaths were after the immediate search for Bergdahl. They may have happened on assignments that had a secondary objective, but the primary objective was not to find Bergdahl. Here is a link from the National Review regarding this. If you want to claim people dies as a result of shifting resources, that is more difficult to dispute, but IMCC is clearly using the deaths of these six for political reasons and deserves to be called out for claiming their was an official release backing up his claims.
It might not be legally binding. But...

If Bergdahl's actions changed the course of normal events and people were impacted as a result, then his actions have at least a secondary impact on those results. In this case the course of events was altered and people died.

Weather it ever impacts the court martial case, or not.

Are you saying that his AWOL didn't have an impact on the course of events after his departure?
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
The reporting I have read on these soldiers states their deaths were after the immediate search for Bergdahl. They may have happened on assignments that had a secondary objective, but the primary objective was not to find Bergdahl. Here is a link from the National Review regarding this. If you want to claim people dies as a result of shifting resources, that is more difficult to dispute, but IMCC is clearly using the deaths of these six for political reasons and deserves to be called out for claiming their was an official release backing up his claims.
You linked some anti-Christian, anti-Jew stuff.
What are you talking about? National Review is a conservative site. Regarding your other post, it is impossible to say at this point whether his desertion played a role in soldiers being killed doing recon work for an election. Do you really think IMCC and others are being honest when they take that and turn it into soldiers died searching for Bergdahl?
Originally posted by BABiscuit:

Originally posted by 22*43*51:

The reporting I have read on these soldiers states their deaths were after the immediate search for Bergdahl. They may have happened on assignments that had a secondary objective, but the primary objective was not to find Bergdahl. Here is a link from the National Review regarding this. If you want to claim people dies as a result of shifting resources, that is more difficult to dispute, but IMCC is clearly using the deaths of these six for political reasons and deserves to be called out for claiming their was an official release backing up his claims.
You linked some anti-Christian, anti-Jew stuff.
What are you talking about? National Review is a conservative site. Regarding your other post, it is impossible to say at this point whether his desertion played a role in soldiers being killed doing recon work for an election. Do you really think IMCC and others are being honest when they take that and turn it into soldiers died searching for Bergdahl?
This first time I tried to follow it I went to a different article.

I don't care what IMCC says. You don't find me defending his comments ever.

Are you saying the army made no attempt to find Bergdahl?

How can you discount the beliefs of the soldiers in his unit so easily?
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by BABiscuit:
What are you talking about? National Review is a conservative site. Regarding your other post, it is impossible to say at this point whether his desertion played a role in soldiers being killed doing recon work for an election. Do you really think IMCC and others are being honest when they take that and turn it into soldiers died searching for Bergdahl?
This first time I tried to follow it I went to a different article.

I don't care what IMCC says. You don't find me defending his comments ever.

Are you saying the army made no attempt to find Bergdahl?

How can you discount the beliefs of the soldiers in his unit so easily?
Of course I am not saying the army made no attempt to find Bergdahl. I am saying it isn't as simple as saying anybody that died from his unit in the next three months should automatically be attributed to Bergdahl's search.

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