*******ASG Thread*******

I miss when sports would start at 7. Now the guide shows the game starts at 7, but do the lineups, anthem, a few commercial breaks it becomes 7:20.
Goddammit I have an unnatural hatred for the matching unis. The best part as a kid was seeing the different uniforms. MLB tries not to succeed sometimes I swear.
Totally agree. Because of that (and many other reasons) I will not be watching. But that really was the classic example of creating a solution to no problem. I get it with other sports and confusion it may bring to players on the field not having a 'uniform', but it doesn't matter in baseball whatsoever.
Worst uniforms ever? It’s a disgrace in what they made game the modern day all star game look like. AL looks like a 90s sweater with khaki pants.
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These uni's remind me of bumper stickers I used to see at the ski resorts in the 90's - Just say no to day glow - because every other skier looked like this...


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