

HB Heisman
Dec 16, 2005
Lots of talk on here about the development of players, game prep, switching to and fro among defensive schemes, better recruiting....mostly ref to Fran.

We don't say much about the assistants that Fran has in place. Although I don't know who they all are, well done guys, keep up the good work. These guys are the heart of any program that can develop talent and be ready for every game. Assuming they are all guys...

Well done! Many thanks for the sacrifices you make, away from family and friends!

Without you, we couldn't escape into our little world of escapism...winning Iowa BB...
We've been pretty lucky to have those guys stick around when a couple could probably find head coaching jobs at lower level schools. (Speraw, Dillard especially)
Don't tell me Iowa City isn't a GREAT place to live. Coaches stick in IC. We are a lucky fan base. (A bitchy whiny fan base, but a lucky fan base.)