Its more then just her shooting %. Its the flair she plays with. She has created a fan base, not to mention all the little girls who show up at ALL the areana's to see her play. How many guys here followed the womens team before Clark? I know I didn't, but haven't missed a game thats been on the last 2 years. She is an incredible facilitator passing the ball. Her 28pt, 10 rebound 15 ASSIST triple double game last night on the road vs a #2 ranked team, has only been done one other time, by ANYONE in college basketball man or woman, (D Wade of Marquette), against a top 2 ranked team since 1998 at least. What she is doing is historic, so Yea, I think we should forgive her missing some bombs, or a layup now and then.......
My post was replying to a poster about Gabby, not Caitlin.