Attorney General Bird sues to block rules requiring more nursing staff in nursing homes

One study by the University of Pennsylvania suggested fully implementing the rule could save nearly 13,000 lives per year,

The rule requires facilities to have a registered nurse on site 24 hours a day and hit minimum standards for registered nurse and nursing assistant staffing hours per resident.
I get it but I'm betting it is impossible to enforce this because there simply isn't enough nurses to do that. So that means that you have to pay nurses more, but then that makes the cost of staying at these facilities even more expensive than they already are and most people just can't afford to stay in them. Social security doesn't pay enough to pay for the shit show that exists right now.

So, in order to enforce this rule it would require changes in the way these places are funded. I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that there won't be too many Republicans on board with doing something like this.