So this is now Iowa vs Ohio State for the most part, which most expected.
125 Gillman vs Tomasello
133 Clark vs Richards, DiJulius vs Gulibon
141 Dwieza vs Stieber
149 Sorensen vs Tsirtsis, Stieber probably defaults out
157 Kelly can't get points, Demas vs Welch
165 Moore can't get points, Jordan vs Jordan
174 Evans vs Brunson, Martin vs Storley
184 Brooks vs Robertson, Courts vs Reyes
197 Burak vs Huntley, Snyder vs McIntosh
Hwt Telford vs McMullan, Tavanello out
If Hunter Stieber defaults out then each team can score with 8 guys.
125 Gillman vs Tomasello
133 Clark vs Richards, DiJulius vs Gulibon
141 Dwieza vs Stieber
149 Sorensen vs Tsirtsis, Stieber probably defaults out
157 Kelly can't get points, Demas vs Welch
165 Moore can't get points, Jordan vs Jordan
174 Evans vs Brunson, Martin vs Storley
184 Brooks vs Robertson, Courts vs Reyes
197 Burak vs Huntley, Snyder vs McIntosh
Hwt Telford vs McMullan, Tavanello out
If Hunter Stieber defaults out then each team can score with 8 guys.