backup QB transfer to another BIG10 school??

JR would make a great addition along with the RB Higdon. Who knew Harbaugh would come to Ann Arbor and pick off Hawkeyes to rebuild Big Blue? Or maybe the Wolverines need a new team doctor.
I don't think he can transfer to a D1 without sitting out and he would be done at that point.
Originally posted by MVPFAN:
I don't think he can transfer to a D1 without sitting out and he would be done at that point.
Yes he can. He can graduate and transfer without sitting out. Not sure what grad program UM would have that Iowa doesn't but I suppose they can figure out something.
didn't you know Harbaugh used MI superior medical school to take Higdon away from IA,

MI is superior to IA in everything including their Medical school.
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

didn't you know Harbaugh used MI superior medical school to take Higdon away from IA,

MI is superior to IA in everything including their Medical school.
The rule doesn't say superior. It says their current school can't have the graduate program they want.
I'd be fine with this. Iowa and Michigan are not slated to play next year so he would probably never face the Hawkeyes if he played.
It would be pointless for JR to transfer there if he's looking to continue with football. scUM already has Houston Sr. transfer John O'Korn coming in.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I like Jake but it would make me happy if he would transfer somewhere. It would take away the atmosphere that I think he will bring to the team if he doesn't play and would give the young QB a chance to get some playing time. Even worse I don't think he could add anything to the team if he played.
If he graduates in May, I don't know why he'd return to play football anywhere. It's not like he has any shot at playing professionally. Maybe getting a year of med school for free, but in that case he should really be angling on returning here while 'allowing' CJB to beat him out so he can use his time as a backup on the bench for studying.
That would be a first! I don't believe I've ever seen a player sitting on the bench studying before.
Thank you for your input Mel 'slappy pappy' Kiper Jr.
Although I like Jake, I'd actually like to see him transfer. We certainly don't need another QB controversy.
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by MVPFAN:

I don't think he can transfer to a D1 without sitting out and he would be done at that point.
Yes he can. He can graduate and transfer without sitting out. Not sure what grad program UM would have that Iowa doesn't but I suppose they can figure out something.

This is correct.


Russell Wilson
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I would prefer they both stay because all it takes is one play to end a season for a guy and then they would have a RS Freshman playing QB.
Jake Rudock would actually be a perfect fit for Harbaugh in his 1st year establishing his Offense. If it happens than good for him. I hope he lights up some teams and gets picked off 5 times against us. Great kid, hard worker....I will root for him wherever he plays except on the other sideline in IC.
Originally posted by thecarls:
Jake Rudock would actually be a perfect fit for Harbaugh in his 1st year establishing his Offense. If it happens than good for him. I hope he lights up some teams and gets picked off 5 times against us. Great kid, hard worker....I will root for him wherever he plays except on the other sideline in IC.
Jake only has one year left to play. Iowa and Michigan are not scheduled to meet next year. The only way would be if they met in the B1G championship and they would both face long odds to do that.
Getting into medical school is a challenge even when you are smart and driven. Jake can probably maximize his chances of getting in his school of choice in two years if he graduates and transfers to prepare for his MCATS and interviews.

Some pretty good schools, like Harvard, offer courses prepping students for their medical entrance exams. In addition to classes, his resume may need a lot of volunteer health care work and shadowing of physicians, which takes time.

Getting a free ride at a graduate science program (like Michigan), volunteering and taking med-prep courses sounds like a no-brainer.
SWIowahawks posted on 2/13/2015...

Good for Jake. As much as I dislike Harbaugh I'd be rooting for Jake.

Posted from Rivals Mobile

You know Harbaugh??? Where did you meet him at? What did he say or do that made you dislike him?
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

didn't you know Harbaugh used MI superior medical school to take Higdon away from IA,

MI is superior to IA in everything including their Medical school.
Really? Not many schools are considered to be to superior to Iowa's medical school. Where did you get your info ?
With our without JR a QB controversy is likely.

CJ isn't the long term answer. He plays a whole lot less than smart. Tyle Wiegers is either the top or close to the top recruit on the team. Again, that doesn't say everything about playing time you'd have to think Wiegers is saying to himself that he's better than either of the guys ahead of him this year.
Originally posted by The Sleeping Dog:
With our without JR a QB controversy is likely.

CJ isn't the long term answer. He plays a whole lot less than smart. Tyle Wiegers is either the top or close to the top recruit on the team. Again, that doesn't say everything about playing time you'd have to think Wiegers is saying to himself that he's better than either of the guys ahead of him this year.

Can't say I agree. I was firmly in the camp of keeping rudock as starter until toward the end of the season when his lack of playmaking ability really stood out.

Cj can elevate a less talented team. Rudock can't. Both are good QBs but Iowa's offense needs someone to help, not just manage.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by normgranger:

Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

didn't you know Harbaugh used MI superior medical school to take Higdon away from IA,

MI is superior to IA in everything including their Medical school.
Really? Not many schools are considered to be to superior to Iowa's medical school. Where did you get your info ?
Michigan has been rated higher then Iowa for a little while. Wisconsin is actually rated higher then Iowa now as well in most rankings. Michigan is one of the top 15 medical schools in the US and has been for awhile. They have a great program.
Oh Boy someone now thinks the freshmen is the best QB. He hasn't played a play or no one has seen him practice. Look CJ will be the QB and I hope does great. I also hope the back up gets playing time as the back ups on most teams does. That way when he's needed he'll have some experience.
He can transfer and play right away just not at a fellow Big school.

The B1G Beat: Intraconference Transfer Rule

In this edition, we will address the Big Ten's intraconference transfer rule. For starters, the Big Ten breaks down its intraconference transfer rule into two separate categories for student-athletes: "Pre-Matriculation" and "Post-Matriculation". As defined by the Big Ten, "pre-matriculation" refers to student-athletes who have signed a tender (financial aid agreement) with another Big Ten Institution but have not triggered transfer status per NCAA Bylaw 14.5.2. On the other hand, "post-matriculation" refers to student-athletes who have signed a tender and have triggered transfer status pursuant to NCAA rules. Today, we will focus on post-matriculation rules.

As a quick reminder, transfer status per NCAA Bylaw 14.5.2 is triggered under any of the following conditions (not an exhaustive list): prospect enrolls full-time and attends classes on opening day, reports for regular squad practice, receives financial aid during summer term prior to initial enrollment, etc.

What is the Big Ten intraconference transfer rule for a student-athlete who has signed a financial aid tender at another Big Ten Institution, and has triggered transfer status?

He or she may not represent an alternate Big Ten institution in intercollegiate athletics competition until the individual has completed one (1) full academic year of residence at the second Big Ten school. Furthermore, he or she will be charged with the loss of one (1) season of eligibility in all sports (B1G 15.01.5.A).

Please note that this is more restrictive than the NCAA rule, insofar as a student-athlete transferring from another Big Ten institution will be charged with the loss of a season of eligibility. In situations where a student-athlete who signed a Big Ten financial aid tender transfers to another institution outside of the Big Ten, and later subsequently transfers to another Big Ten school, the intraconference transfer rule would still be applicable to the student-athlete (sit a year and lose a year). In situations where a student-athlete has never signed a Big Ten financial aid tender (walk-on) and transfers to another Big Ten institution, the intraconference transfer rule would not apply.
Originally posted by Bill_Callahan2.0:
Jake Rudock is transferring, per a friend on the team.
Per some boosters I work with here in Lincoln, Tommy Armstrong may be exploring his options as well.
Originally posted by illhawkdvv:

I like Jake but it would make me happy if he would transfer somewhere. It would take away the atmosphere that I think he will bring to the team if he doesn't play and would give the young QB a chance to get some playing time. Even worse I don't think he could add anything to the team if he played.
Give the young qb a chance to get some playing time?
That made me lol. No disrespect but you know Ferentz better than this by now don't you?
Originally posted by Sett1997:

Originally posted by illhawkdvv:

I like Jake but it would make me happy if he would transfer somewhere. It would take away the atmosphere that I think he will bring to the team if he doesn't play and would give the young QB a chance to get some playing time. Even worse I don't think he could add anything to the team if he played.
Give the young qb a chance to get some playing time?
That made me lol. No disrespect but you know Ferentz better than this by now don't you?
ah, but the new starter won't be the teacher's pet anymore... it might actually happen.
Answering bigazzturkeyleg post above:

The U of Houston transfer John O'Korn will be a junior next season, and will need to sit out a year due to his transfer. So that guy shouldn't be an issue.

Interesting fact, John O'Korn and Jake Rudock played high school football for the same private school in Florida.
This post was edited on 2/17 10:16 PM by FireCoog451
Originally posted by normgranger:

Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

didn't you know Harbaugh used MI superior medical school to take Higdon away from IA,

MI is superior to IA in everything including their Medical school.
Really? Not many schools are considered to be to superior to Iowa's medical school. Where did you get your info ?
Don't confuse the med school with overall U of I hospitals and clinics. Not entirely the same thing.
Uhh, not to point out the OBVIOUS fatal flaw with this thread, but how on earth would the Big 10's 12th rated QB...a guy who was probably the 3rd best QB on Iowa's roster a year ago and wouldn't make the top 4 on OSU's roster, just walk over to the University of fricken Michigan and become the starter? lol Why don't we have threads wondering whether Bo Bower is going to transfer to PSU and start next year as well while we are at it? Maybe Weismann can get an extra year of eligibility and start at Wisconsin?

Jake Rudock was a below avg QB at best. That is just a fact. There is a reason our team was as bad as it was...and a reason 80% of the fan base wanted CJ Bethard to start even though CJ has one of the lowest completion percentages of any hawk in the Ferentz era. Meanwhile, Michigan landed two 4 star STUD QBs this year, one last year, and a 4 star stud two years ago. I'm pretty sure Harbaugh isn't drooling over film of Rudock's check downs on 3rd and 10 and his 3 yards per pass average.
I wouldn't base anything I said off what 80% of Hawk fans want. Have you seen or heard the idiotic things the Iowa fan base says? I take it you don't read these boards much.
It will be interesting to see how fast the amazing Iowa fanbase turns on CJ if he starts slow and the Hawks lose at Ames. Wiegers is going to be the fan favorite for sure this year.
Originally posted by Hawkeye_311:
He can transfer and play right away just not at a fellow Big school.

The B1G Beat: Intraconference Transfer Rule

In this edition, we will address the Big Ten's intraconference transfer rule. For starters, the Big Ten breaks down its intraconference transfer rule into two separate categories for student-athletes: "Pre-Matriculation" and "Post-Matriculation". As defined by the Big Ten, "pre-matriculation" refers to student-athletes who have signed a tender (financial aid agreement) with another Big Ten Institution but have not triggered transfer status per NCAA Bylaw 14.5.2. On the other hand, "post-matriculation" refers to student-athletes who have signed a tender and have triggered transfer status pursuant to NCAA rules. Today, we will focus on post-matriculation rules.

As a quick reminder, transfer status per NCAA Bylaw 14.5.2 is triggered under any of the following conditions (not an exhaustive list): prospect enrolls full-time and attends classes on opening day, reports for regular squad practice, receives financial aid during summer term prior to initial enrollment, etc.

What is the Big Ten intraconference transfer rule for a student-athlete who has signed a financial aid tender at another Big Ten Institution, and has triggered transfer status?

He or she may not represent an alternate Big Ten institution in intercollegiate athletics competition until the individual has completed one (1) full academic year of residence at the second Big Ten school. Furthermore, he or she will be charged with the loss of one (1) season of eligibility in all sports (B1G 15.01.5.A).

Please note that this is more restrictive than the NCAA rule, insofar as a student-athlete transferring from another Big Ten institution will be charged with the loss of a season of eligibility. In situations where a student-athlete who signed a Big Ten financial aid tender transfers to another institution outside of the Big Ten, and later subsequently transfers to another Big Ten school, the intraconference transfer rule would still be applicable to the student-athlete (sit a year and lose a year). In situations where a student-athlete has never signed a Big Ten financial aid tender (walk-on) and transfers to another Big Ten institution, the intraconference transfer rule would not apply.
This is interesting. thanks for posting. I have been quasi- following the 4 page thread in the lounge on the possible Jake transfer. A lot of questions seem to be out there. First, is Jake looking to transfer to Michigan because he has been in contact with Harbaugh? I would love to know about this. Did Jim reach out to Jake or maybe Jake reached out to Jim? For some reason, I find it odd that Harbaugh would be focused on getting Jake to be a transfer QB. Does Jake just want out of Iowa City becuase he will have graduated and wants to get situated in Ann Arbor to pursue Medical School later on? Maybe he has had his sights on UM Medical School for a long time? I dont care about quality of Med Schools, I care about what Jakes plans are. Assuming Jake is considering transfering to UM and start at QB doesnt seem to be realistic. Its possible, but not what i would consider Jim H's fist move to get a QB. A 1 year QB that he cant spend much time molding? Again it is possible but seems unlikely.

If Jake graduates and decides to go to Mich and pay his own way, is he eligible right away? What i read above suggests that if he goes on scholarship, he is not eligible at Mich. If Jake is still holding on hope to being named the starter in Iowa City in the spring, is this the type of chance that Michigan and Harbaugh would really want to be taking at this point? Does not add up.

Could Jake go to Mich and start and do well? I think he could. JH is a great coach and can get results quickly. However, Jim Harbaugh watches tape and will see the same thing that everyone else sees. I dont know enough about what is on Mich's roster so I cant really comment on what he sees as the very best option for the upcoming season.