Bank of America Changing Gears on Energy and Climate Change?

Nov 28, 2010
Probably too soon to tell, but this is promising.

Bank of America Curbs Financing of Coal Industry after Years of Activist Pressure

The financial giant Bank of America has announced it’s cutting off financing to companies involved in coal mining.

Speaking at an annual shareholders meeting, Corporate Social Responsibility executive Andrew Plepler said the firm will "reduce our credit exposure, over time, to the coal mining sector globally." The move comes under a new policy that says: "As one of the world’s largest financial institutions, the bank has a responsibility to help mitigate climate change by leveraging our scale and resources to accelerate the transition from a high-carbon to a low-carbon society."

The change follows years of activism targeting Bank of America for its leading role in funding the coal industry, including the controversial practice of mountaintop removal coal mining. The Rainforest Action Network, which has led the activism campaign, said: "Today’s announcement from Bank of America truly represents a sea change: it acknowledges the responsibility that the financial sector bears for supporting and profiting from the fossil fuel industry and the climate chaos it has caused."
Why do you think the powers that be changed their position? Science or pressure?
Why do you think the powers that be changed their position? Science or pressure?
Neither - I think they are just getting out ahead of the curve of a declining industry - so profit. At one time their was a first bank that decided to stop lending to buggy whip makers because cars were coming and they did not need whips.

If they can score a few a PR points along the way that is a bonus.
Neither - I think they are just getting out ahead of the curve of a declining industry - so profit. At one time their was a first bank that decided to stop lending to buggy whip makers because cars were coming and they did not need whips.

If they can score a few a PR points along the way that is a bonus.
I like that movie too.


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