Banks Fight $4 Billion Debt Relief Plan for Black Farmers

Lol obviously you don’t know much about the bill, because you absolutely do not have to “directly affected” to benefit. Literally just have to be a minority. White fragility really just means people that don’t want race tied into every single situation because you guys aren’t capable of actual proof or facts.
You're posting nonsense. You don't have to "just be a minority" to receive relief.
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Is it stated what the definition of ‘minority’ is to receive this benifit?

I would assume it needs to be scientific or every farmer will just apply.
Explain how your usage of the word fits the definition.

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  1. prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
    "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse"

It's prejudiced against all non-minority farmers. Per your definition, that's racist.
Explain how your usage of the word fits the definition.

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  1. prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
    "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse"

Key word is typically
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You can't read or comprehend but I am the one that's 'not very smart'? You disproved your entire argument with your definition of 'racism'.
You can't define who the policy is racist against. I've asked you several times. Saying "everyone" undermines the definition of racism.
Which race are they? To be racist it has to be directed at a race. Which race?
How so? I employ ditch diggers fairly often. I'd be willing to give him a try too. There's no shame in doing a job well. I'm just offering career advice.

A) I am comfortable where I am at and I have a feeling I wouldn't want to work for you anyway (as a ditch digger or otherwise).
B) White, I would guess. But it would depend on how they define 'minority'.
Honestly curious at what point does the US government just shut down the whole concept of the USA and give every square mile of land back to native Americans. And then just like that 300+million illegal immigrants are running around. 🤔
A) I am comfortable where I am at and I have a feeling I wouldn't want to work for you anyway (as a ditch digger or otherwise).
B) White, I would guess. But it would depend on how they define 'minority'.
Again, you seem to have trouble with basic definitions of words. Righting a past wrong to one group is not antagonistic against whites - the group who perpetrated the original wrong. To believe that requires some serious persecution complex. Seek help.
It’s 2021. You guys will continue to play this card until the end of time. The “history” is a joke at this point. 200 years from now you’ll be crying about slavery and institutional racism. Funny these things don’t affect any minorities I know. Most people like you have zero black friends and just feel guilty about your own self appointed “privilege”.
Dude, how long ago do you think the Civil rights era was?
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No. And that's not what's happening here. Any other stupid questions I can help you with before you get back to digging that ditch?

Now that you've referenced 'digging that ditch' several times and are being a complete asshole (not in a traditional HROT semi-funny way) I will assume this is you. So no, there are no further questions. I rest my case on you being dense.

Two racist wrongs don't make a right,... at some point we simply have to be done with thi

Two racist wrongs don't make a right,... at some point we simply have to be done with this.
Correct, it doesn't make it right, but this makes it a little better. And you do realize that impacts of historical racism didn't end with the generation who experienced direct racism, right? Or did you learn how to connect the present day situations with historical events?

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