Barta: No more #'s jerseys to be retired

Originally posted by TampaHawkfan:
Why wouldn't you retire any more jerseys? I get that it should be kept very exclusive, but why would you just come out and say "we aren't going to do this anymore"?

Just because you haven't done it in the last 20 years? Well, tell me - How many players in the players 20 years (mainly under Alford and Lick) have been good enough to deserve that honor? In case you hadn't noticed, Gary, the on-floor product has been generally pretty mediocre.

I'm not opposed to the "Wall of Honor" thing they are doing.. It could be kinda cool. But I don't see the sense in saying we aren't going to retire any more jerseys.
This post was edited on 3/9 3:50 PM by TampaHawkfan
as you can see from the article, the decision to retire numbers or jerseys rests in the hands of a committee that includes coaches, the athletic director, the media relations director and the Varsity Club.

So shouldn't it be the entire committee taking heat on this and not just Barta? Why didn't Fran jump in and push for the jersey retirement, since it appears he is on the committee?

Regarding Roy and what it takes to have your jersey retired, it appears he has 3 things going against him:

* you need to have been 1st team All Big 10, which of course he never was.

* I forget the troubles he got into; I am sure that had something to do with it as well.

* And finally, I have never heard anyone come out and say that Roy graduated from Iowa, which I am sure is one of the requirements.

This post was edited on 3/9 4:32 PM by OnceAhawk
Retiring numbers should be a very rare occurrence, but jerseys are different. Yes, there needs to be a high set of standards, but it is foolish to say it won't be done anymore. Barta can't speak for the future, anyway.

Should Roy's jersey be retired? Probably, but I can see both sides.

Did the marketing department drop the ball on this? Absolutely. The marketing dept is terrible. Seems they don't do a very good job promoting Iowa....and when they attempt something they usually screw it up (red pom poms, the concession vouchers, etc). They also do a terrible job honoring former players. I remember a past team or players being honored at a basketball game a few years ago (I don't recall specifically who)...they were not even introduced individually. I had no idea who was who.

To not even have video highlights of Roy is beyond stupid. Just about any student could have put one together in a matter of hours.

This is just another example of why we need an energetic A.D. who loves the University of Iowa and wants everyone else to love it, too. Jamie Pollard is a tool, but he sure is a cheerleader for ISU. Wish we had someone with that passion at Iowa.
in case you havent been paying attention, the AD is cleaning house right now. change takes time. gene Taylor seems like a good addition as NDSU really developed an engaged fanbase in a short time period.
Not to dis Roy but sometimes the choices that you make in life come back to haunt you. He's had a well documented drug problem. At Iowa in his summer of his senior year there was a cocaine issue. Just a few years ago he got fired from the
Big 10 network for getting stopped in Mich. for marijana posession. Not to mention his drug problem in the NBA. He was an awesome player no doubt but a role model not so much. I think they did the right thing. Take out all the past baggage and there is justification. I suppose this isn't what the masses want to hear but the way young people think now days thats to be expected.
Originally posted by mick82:
Not to dis Roy but sometimes the choices that you make in life come back to haunt you. He's had a well documented drug problem. At Iowa in his summer of his senior year there was a cocaine issue. Just a few years ago he got fired from the
Big 10 network for getting stopped in Mich. for marijana posession. Not to mention his drug problem in the NBA. He was an awesome player no doubt but a role model not so much. I think they did the right thing. Take out all the past baggage and there is justification. I suppose this isn't what the masses want to hear but the way young people think now days thats to be expected.
I'm far from young, and as far away from a "bleeding heart" as you can get, but I do remember Roy Marble the Iowa Basketball player. And he was damn good at being a Basketball Player. I'm sure Mr. Barta is a fine fellow, but he sucks as an Athletic Director. So I suppose when he "retires", they'll have a parade down Melrose and a 2 second clip of him holding all the trophies his teams won in the Big Ten under his watch.......

There were probably many people at the game who have never seen as much as a highlight of Roy Marble playing Basketball, and as Iowa's All-Time leading scorer, and a guy who played above the rim, you couldn't put together a couple of minutes of Roy Marble highlights? If you can't do that little, why the hell bother.

And lastly, as far as Roy Marbles past, if he ever had an inkling to run for Congress, looks to me like he'd be a perfect candidate...............................
Originally posted by sloehawk:
And lastly, as far as Roy Marbles past, if he ever had an inkling to run for Congress, looks to me like he'd be a perfect candidate...............................
Considering the unfortunate likelihood that he won't be alive by the next election cycle, I think his chances would be slim.
Whether you are on the side for Roy having # retired or not due to his past personal history. One thing I think we can all agree on the ceremony for him was crap. I hope the next athlete they do a ceremony for at Carver or Kinnick is better than that lame half assed thing they put on Saturday. Literally they did the same thing at our local HS by reading off the players past accomplishments and have a framed jersey given to him.

Least Roy now has a Doug Thomas jersey to hang up in his house...