Bear vs. Man in the Woods

Women are at a decreased risk for incidence of violent crime vs men. Women, vs men, are at an increased risk of attack by bears due to menstruation. Bears are at an increased risk of habitat loss and extinction due to men and women. Hope this helps.
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Women are at a decreased risk for incidence of violent crime vs men. Women, vs men, are at an increased risk of attack by bears due to menstruation. Bears are at an increased risk of habitat loss and extinction due to men and women. Hope this helps.
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Do we know what kind of bear this is?
Brown / grizzly

Scared to death of meeting a brown bear or polar bear in the wild.

Black bear, not too bad if you’re not by momma’s kids. Drop your food and give it room.

Panda and Koala, who cares?
Do we know what kind of bear this is?
Brown / grizzly

Scared to death of meeting a brown bear or polar bear in the wild.

Black bear, not too bad if you’re not by momma’s kids. Drop your food and give it room.

Panda and Koala, who cares?
This. Would really depend on type of bear.

And then what's the scenario... seeing a bear at a distance? Coming face to face on the trail?
Girl What GIF by MOODMAN

She wasn’t describing a proposed experiment, you know. She was describing a reality many women have faced.
I guess I’m not as dialed into this hypothetical choice as you are. I thought the premise of the question posed to women was if they were in the forest, are they more scared to encounter a man or a bear. It’s a no brainer to me, regardless of the reality women have suffered sexual violence. Putting myself in their situation, I’d choose 100 times out of 100 getting raped rather than getting mauled or eaten by a bear.
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I guess I’m not as dialed into this hypothetical choice as you are. I thought the premise of the question posed to women was if they were in the forest, are they more scared to encounter a man or a bear. Its a no brainer to me, regardless of the reality women have suffered sexual violence. Putting myself in their situation, I’d choose 100 times out of 100 getting raped rather than getting mauled or eaten by a bear.
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I guess I’m not as dialed into this hypothetical choice as you are. I thought the premise of the question posed to women was if they were in the forest, are they more scared to encounter a man or a bear. Its a no brainer to me, regardless of the reality women have suffered sexual violence. Putting myself in their situation, I’d choose 100 times out of 100 getting raped rather than getting mauled or eaten by a bear.
Yeah, I approach this like you; purely from a logical standpoint. The average man/woman could ride the elevator every day alone with a woman/man, and never have their lives in danger. Sure, there’s a chance that a genuinely evil person gets in that elevator and commits murder. But, the average person in that scenario is dying of old age before they die at the hands of a man.

But how many elevator rides is a person lasting with a bear?
My wife was assaulted by her piece of shit ex boss before we met. Like backed up in his office and trying to take her pants off. That’s not the only incident for her either. A women is a target, sadly.
“I know a thing or two about having your pants taken off.”

— Hugh Glass
Yeah, I approach this like you; purely from a logical standpoint. The average man/woman could ride the elevator every day alone with a woman/man, and never have their lives in danger. Sure, there’s a chance that a genuinely evil person gets in that elevator and commits murder. But, the average person in that scenario is dying of old age before they die at the hands of a man.

But how many elevator rides is a person lasting with a bear?
So I went back and read the article, where “an interviewer asks eight women on the street whether they’d rather be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear.” Stuck implies one is far away from safety without escape, but it doesn’t mean that the woman is being actively hunted by the man or bear, or that the man is evil. So assuming those facts, if that’s me, I’m playing the odds with a dude, as the vast majority of men are not rapists or serial killers.
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Do we know what kind of bear this is?
Brown / grizzly

Scared to death of meeting a brown bear or polar bear in the wild.

Black bear, not too bad if you’re not by momma’s kids. Drop your food and give it room.

Panda and Koala, who cares?

Red Panda!

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My wife and I talked about this and the thing is it depends on what kind of bear and what kind of man for her.

Realistically though only a small percentage of men are violent. I'm not sure the same thing can be said about bears.

There is a very important excerpt I think a lot of you are overlooking. “It’s not about the bear”. There’s a lot of creeps and sexual abusers out there. Every woman you know, has been in a situation where she feared for her life because of a man. EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. My wife was assaulted by her piece of shit ex boss before we met. Like backed up in his office and trying to take her pants off. That’s not the only incident for her either. A women is a target, sadly.

Feared for their life how. Because in college I think I once made a woman fear for her life because we happened to be walking to the same destination from the same building and she probably felt as though I was following her.

Do we know what kind of bear this is?
Brown / grizzly

Scared to death of meeting a brown bear or polar bear in the wild.

Black bear, not too bad if you’re not by momma’s kids. Drop your food and give it room.

Panda and Koala, who cares?

I didn't interpret Panda's or Koala's as being a possibility because I'm pretty sure they arn't in the same family as Brown bears, Polar Bears, and black bears.
My wife and I talked about this and the thing is it depends on what kind of bear and what kind of man for her.

Realistically though only a small percentage of men are violent. I'm not sure the same thing can be said about bears.

Feared for their life how. Because in college I think I once made a woman fear for her life because we happened to be walking to the same destination from the same building and she probably felt as though I was following her.

Have you ever been approached by someone who outweighed you by 50 plus pounds and had twice the strength as you that wanted to use that advantage to either force you or coerce you into a sexual act you wanted nothing to do with? Probably not. I'd be willing to bet a huge percentage of women have been in that situation. Plenty of wolves in sheep's clothing out there.
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Have you ever been approached by someone who outweighed you by 50 plus pounds and had twice the strength as you that wanted to use that advantage to either force you or coerce you into a sexual act you wanted nothing to do with? Probably not. I'd be willing to bet a huge percentage of women have been in that situation. Plenty of wolves in sheep's clothing out there.

Ehh I'm not sure if the percentages are as high as you would think in terms of violence or the direct threat of violence.

Now if we were talking about women being grabbed inappropriately or commented to inappropriately in public. I'm guessing most women have experienced that. But to me that's just the fact that even if a half of a percent of men are complete jerks, pretty much every woman is going to run into a few in their life.

Women who have experienced that naturally forget about the 995 men who have passed them by and left them alone or been kind of them and focus on the 5 who were not. That's not abnormal at all to think like that. But it does give them a bad estimation of just how many men are actually dangerous.
Have you ever been approached by someone who outweighed you by 50 plus pounds and had twice the strength as you that wanted to use that advantage to either force you or coerce you into a sexual act you wanted nothing to do with? Probably not. I'd be willing to bet a huge percentage of women have been in that situation. Plenty of wolves in sheep's clothing out there.
I guess the one thing I would point out is that there are probably a relatively few number of bad actors out there committing most of the bad acts. So I do not doubt all kinds of bad things have happened to let's say 25% of women, but I do not believe it is 25% of men doing them. Rather, I would guess it is like 1% to 5% of men who are repeat offenders. So your odds of meeting a bad actor in the woods is probably relatively low, even though a much larger percentage of women have experienced bad acts.
Have you ever been approached by someone who outweighed you by 50 plus pounds and had twice the strength as you that wanted to use that advantage to either force you or coerce you into a sexual act you wanted nothing to do with? Probably not. I'd be willing to bet a huge percentage of women have been in that situation. Plenty of wolves in sheep's clothing out there.
I do know multiple friends (women) that have discussed stuff like this happening to them. And I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there's more women I know that have had stuff similar to this happen to them that have never told anyone about it.

This stuff happens a lot more than most folks would like to think. Unfortunately.
I do know multiple friends (women) that have discussed stuff like this happening to them. And I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there's more women I know that have had stuff similar to this happen to them that have never told anyone about it.

This stuff happens a lot more than most folks would like to think. Unfortunately.
nah man, let the straight CIS white men argue that the probability is low and they should be happy they're still alive afterward.
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It’s easy to pick “bear” when you’ve never actually had a close encounter with one.

It’s just another dumb social media thing where one sex gets to insult/shame the other.
or maybe you haven't been a woman that has victimized by a male. I working at the union in college, you would be surprised by what men can do. The question is not literal.
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nah man, let the straight CIS white men argue that the probability is low and they should be happy they're still alive afterward.
These kind of comments have never made any sense.

White men generally have lower rates of violent crime than black or hispanic men.

And then it isn't as if there isn't sexual violence in the gay community. (in fact, some report higher rates of sexual violence in those communities, google it)

Men in general have issues with violence across the board. Homicide, rape, assault, carjacking, kidnapping, arson you name it -- men do a lot more of it.

Apparently something biological about men doing these things. And simple law and condemnation of these acts doesn't totally dissuade them. These are tough problems to solve.
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Have you ever been approached by someone who outweighed you by 50 plus pounds and had twice the strength as you that wanted to use that advantage to either force you or coerce you into a sexual act you wanted nothing to do with? Probably not. I'd be willing to bet a huge percentage of women have been in that situation. Plenty of wolves in sheep's clothing out there.
Yeah and that really sucks. A few years ago they had a thing going around Facebook asking women when they were first sexually harassed. It broke my heart to hear story after story of people I know talking about being harassed by teachers, brothers friends, uncles, and on and on when they were in 5th or 6th grade. They were forced to grow in to understanding much faster and much more harshly than I did.

It just sucks that what I believe to be a small percentage of men really **** with almost 100% of women.