Ben Carson's legacy is fading in black community with every dumb statement he makes


HR King
Aug 14, 2002
Carson was a hero to many African Americans in the medical field but his latest round of stupidity is taking a toll on his reputation

For many young African Americans who grew up seeing Carson as the embodiment of black achievement — a poor inner-city boy who became one of the world’s most accomplished neurosurgeons — his emergence as a conservative hero and unabashed critic of the United States’ first black president has been jarring.....

Carson’s personal accomplishments — and the work he has done to help black communities — still garner respect and pride among African Americans. Yet, while he has been a conservative for as long as he has been famous, many worry that he risks eroding his legacy in their community and transforming himself into a fringe political figure.

Some black pastors who were Carson’s biggest promoters have stopped recommending his book. Members of minority medical organizations that long boasted of their affiliations with him say he is called an “embarrassment” on private online discussion groups.

“Has he lost his sense of who he is?” said the Rev. Jamal Bryant, a prominent black pastor in Baltimore, where Carson lived for decades when he was director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. “He does not see he is the next Herman Cain.”

Mark Terrelonge, 26, who is in his final year at Stanford University School of Medicine, said he feels his heart sink every time another clip of Carson shows up on his Facebook feed.

Reading “Gifted Hands” as a teenager, Terrelonge said he saw Carson’s story as an affirmation of his own ambitions to become a doctor. Never before had he heard of a black man in the upper echelons of medicine. But Terrelonge, who is gay, was stung when he heard Carson say that homosexuality was a choice.

“I don’t know how to say it exactly,” Terrelonge said. “I don’t want to attack him because he’s done great things in medicine, but the role-model aspect of him has kind of diminished in my life.”
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Brilliant surgeon and great humanitarian but so blinded by his faith that he seriously thinks it's possible the universe is only 6,000 years old.
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There is a reason why 99 out of every 100 people on his Iowa tour were over the age of 72 and white. Non-player when 75% of your votes will be dead come election time.
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Brilliant surgeon and great humanitarian but so blinded by his faith that he seriously thinks it's possible the universe is only 6,000 years old.

Being a surgeon is like being a mechanic. It doesn't matter if you believe God created cars in His own image or if you think they evolved - as long as you have the skill to work on them.

But the level of stupidity he has shown - in fields he presumably studied to become a surgeon, no less - is shockingly unacceptable in someone who wants to be president.
He is all about personal liberty and returning government to the people. The Clinton's and Bush's are all about keeping power with the politicians .
Sorry I do not agree with you . I do not agree with his views on some subjects however, he does not believe that many issues raised by the 2 crony parties have anything to do with the presidency. He wants to return government to the people . $20 trillion of debt , bloated government spending with inflation escalation pensions. Neither party has a plan. People who do not work make more than those who do. We keep stealing money from our grandkids. We keep rolling out these same cronies Hillary and Jeb. We are becoming India with the Ghandi family in charge for decades . We need to return to the original idea that only the national defense and treasury are managed by central goverment. The popular press wants to make elections about the wrong issues. No axe to grind with you just tired of our elections and the poor candidates we roll out.
Carson was a hero to many African Americans in the medical field but his latest round of stupidity is taking a toll on his reputation

For many young African Americans who grew up seeing Carson as the embodiment of black achievement — a poor inner-city boy who became one of the world’s most accomplished neurosurgeons — his emergence as a conservative hero and unabashed critic of the United States’ first black president has been jarring.....

Carson’s personal accomplishments — and the work he has done to help black communities — still garner respect and pride among African Americans. Yet, while he has been a conservative for as long as he has been famous, many worry that he risks eroding his legacy in their community and transforming himself into a fringe political figure.

Some black pastors who were Carson’s biggest promoters have stopped recommending his book. Members of minority medical organizations that long boasted of their affiliations with him say he is called an “embarrassment” on private online discussion groups.

“Has he lost his sense of who he is?” said the Rev. Jamal Bryant, a prominent black pastor in Baltimore, where Carson lived for decades when he was director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. “He does not see he is the next Herman Cain.”

Mark Terrelonge, 26, who is in his final year at Stanford University School of Medicine, said he feels his heart sink every time another clip of Carson shows up on his Facebook feed.

Reading “Gifted Hands” as a teenager, Terrelonge said he saw Carson’s story as an affirmation of his own ambitions to become a doctor. Never before had he heard of a black man in the upper echelons of medicine. But Terrelonge, who is gay, was stung when he heard Carson say that homosexuality was a choice.

“I don’t know how to say it exactly,” Terrelonge said. “I don’t want to attack him because he’s done great things in medicine, but the role-model aspect of him has kind of diminished in my life.”

Most blacks don't vote on a regular basis so he can still win without that additional 40 or 50 votes.
Most blacks don't vote on a regular basis so he can still win without that additional 40 or 50 votes.

With the unemployment rate over 12% , high rate of crime......the last 4 decades of poverty.....unemployment.... for the blacks of Baltimore under Democrat ruling pols......$billions spent/wasted by the federal government on that libs don't want anyone spoiling that situation for you. Modern day plantation......dependency. Investigate the police's their fault. Libs are so FOS.
Dr. Ben Carson is the voice of common sense. He wants
the Black community to stop being dependent on government
handouts and start getting a high school and college diploma.
He understands from personal experience that education is
the key to leaving the Black inner city ghetto.

Bottom Line: Some Blacks do not want to hear his message.
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Dr. Ben Carson is the voice of common sense. He wants
the Black community to stop being dependent on government
handouts and start getting a high school and college diploma.
He understands from personal experience that education is
the key to leaving the Black inner city ghetto.

Bottom Line: Some Blacks do not want to hear his message.

He made the mistake of telling them the truth.........they're owned/slaves/under the control of the Democratic party/politics. "But I like living crime.......with no daddy.......with no job.....
leave me alone!"
He made the mistake of telling them the truth.........they're owned/slaves/under the control of the Democratic party/politics. "But I like living crime.......with no daddy.......with no job.....
leave me alone!"
Being gay is not a choice. He may be a competent surgeon, but that doesn't mean he understands genetics.
I think he said gay is a choice and his evidence is some guys choose to be gay in prison.

Thanks. If he really said that then I agree that's not an intelligent argument. The fact that a few people under extreme circumstances "choose" to do this doesn't in any way prove that everyone who is gay is choosing to have an attraction to others of the same sex.
We need to return to the original idea that only the national defense and treasury are managed by central goverment.
Who ever told you this sold you a bill of goods. Heck one of the first congresses passed an employer mandate healthcare plan. The entire point of the constitution was to strengthen, not weaken the federal government because weak limited federal government proved unworkable under the articles of confederation.
With the unemployment rate over 12% , high rate of crime......the last 4 decades of poverty.....unemployment.... for the blacks of Baltimore under Democrat ruling pols......$billions spent/wasted by the federal government on that libs don't want anyone spoiling that situation for you. Modern day plantation......dependency. Investigate the police's their fault. Libs are so FOS.
If you're right, you should have no problem turning them into Rs. Just remind them you're the party of Lincoln. But don't be surprised if they ask why you don't act that way however.
If you're right, you should have no problem turning them into Rs. Just remind them you're the party of Lincoln. But don't be surprised if they ask why you don't act that way however.

R's haven't changed.....and the Dem's still like their dependents.....big city plantations. Republicans create more jobs, cut taxes....promote freedom.....Dems just the opposite.

Gallup........Republican governors created more jobs than the Dems 8/10 Read the article. Thank you Republicans!!!!
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