Bernie Sanders: Mandatory AR-15 Buybacks Unconstitutional

Link to Democrats’ AR-15 mandatory buyback plan?

It was a last gasp Beto "Not even in the race anymore" O'Rourke idea he threw out there to get attention from the far left. I'm guessing it's not much different from his "Tax churches if they don't support gay marriage" plan.
It was a last gasp Beto "Not even in the race anymore" O'Rourke idea he threw out there to get attention from the far left. I'm guessing it's not much different from his "Tax churches if they don't support gay marriage" plan.
I know. That’s the point. OP posits it the Democrats’ plan, despite that it’s not the Democrats’ plan. OP is a dipshit.
I would happily support expanding voluntary buyback programs. I know they already exist, but I'd like to see them on a larger scale.
Booker, Harris, and O'Rourke support mandatory buybacks.
Link please. Regardless, still not part of the Democrats’ platform nor has an actual policy proposal been crafted (not that I’ve heard, anyway).

The way OP frames this is wrong.
Link please. Regardless, still not part of the Democrats’ platform nor has an actual policy proposal been crafted (not that I’ve heard, anyway).

The way OP frames this is wrong.

Link requested.

A Harris poll from a few months ago shows 82% of Democrats support a mandatory assault weapon buyback law. That would seem to suggest the Dems have spoken on this issue.

Democrats voiced the strongest support for a mandatory buyback program at 82 percent, while 51 percent of independents said the same. Just 39 percent of Republicans agreed.
It was a last gasp Beto "Not even in the race anymore" O'Rourke idea he threw out there to get attention from the far left. I'm guessing it's not much different from his "Tax churches if they don't support gay marriage" plan.

This ^
Link requested.

A Harris poll from a few months ago shows 82% of Democrats support a mandatory assault weapon buyback law. That would seem to suggest the Dems have spoken on this issue.

Democrats voiced the strongest support for a mandatory buyback program at 82 percent, while 51 percent of independents said the same. Just 39 percent of Republicans agreed.

It's the plan and platform if the winning candidate supports it.

If Dems are smart, they won't announce their support for a buyback until they have power.
Link requested.

A Harris poll from a few months ago shows 82% of Democrats support a mandatory assault weapon buyback law. That would seem to suggest the Dems have spoken on this issue.

Democrats voiced the strongest support for a mandatory buyback program at 82 percent, while 51 percent of independents said the same. Just 39 percent of Republicans agreed.
So… a poll. I'll continue to play along. Have the Democrats, as in the Democratic Party, released a policy proposal?

And, I'll remind you, the Constitution is an amendable document. So there's that.
So… a poll. I'll continue to play along. Have the Democrats, as in the Democratic Party, released a policy proposal?

And, I'll remind you, the Constitution is an amendable document. So there's that.

Yes - the Democratic party has official platitudes on its website. After reviewing them, I can report that the Democratic party is favor of "preventing gun violence." Happy to play along.
Yes - the Democratic party has official platitudes on its website. After reviewing them, I can report that the Democratic party is favor of "preventing gun violence." Happy to play along.
Anything about mandatory buy-backs?
Biden has also said the same thing. There's no legal path to do this.
Remember when President Obama said he didn’t have the Constitutional authority to act unilaterally on immigration then he did it anyway? Remember when President Clinton said he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinski? Remember when President Bush said “no new taxes?”
Politicians lie.
I find it amusing that anyone takes any stump speech on policy seriously at this point of the primary process. Candidates will spend the next couple of months doing their best to simultaneously be the loudest voice in the room to gain more voter recognition while committing as few gaffes as possible.

I didn't care at the time that Beto made that statement about mandatory buybacks, although I understood where he was coming from, following the shooting in El Paso. No one with any brains did or should have expected anything to come from it, as it would have been a hard-sell in the general, extremely difficult to pass in Congress, and would have faced a strong, protracted legal battle even if passed.

I'll pay more attention in 6 months regarding specific proposals as the field narrows and we have a clearer idea of who the nominee will be. For now, all we're doing is listening to who has the best ideas.
Remember when President Obama said he didn’t have the Constitutional authority to act unilaterally on immigration then he did it anyway? Remember when President Clinton said he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinski? Remember when President Bush said “no new taxes?”
Politicians lie.
It's not about being truthful, it's about having it tossed in the SCOTUS. It will never fly and he knows it.