Bernie Sanders, the socialist, is a 1%er.

It doesn't. Bernie falls about $4 million short. He is in the upper middle class though.

Bernie is considered a millionaire. He's a hypocrite and that's all there is to it. All of his rhetoric about the privileged class is a bunch of crap since that is what he is. He's no better than Billary when she says that she left the WH poor and now owns four mansions and earns millions of dollars.
His net worth is $2 million. He's a lying blowhard and is now an official liar.

If he hates money so much, why doesn't he give away most of it like a good socialist should?
I assumed you meant the other '1 percenter'

Quick google search and his salary currently is $174,000.

Here is my thing, he has been in congress since 2007 making roughly $150,000 and his net worth is only $330,000? What the heck is he spending his money on?
I am surprised no one has given the standard answer....... Hookers and blow
What else did you expect from him? He was a failure in his short experience in the private sector, so he decided to become a lifetime politician where he wouldn't have to do anything. Plus, he's from Vermont. They are some strange birds those Vermonters.

LOL...and our last president was a business guru before buying his political office?
Don't senators make a quarter million a year? Hasn't Bernie held that job for a decade? Sounds like a saver. Fiscal cons should breath easy, the man is frugal.
He doesn't sound like a saver at all. WTF are you talking about?
Nope. Socialism means to share the wealth.
Are you really this stupid? So Europe is full of socialist countries, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, etc. So none of those socialist countries have any rich people?

Do you try to be ignorant?
Bernie is considered a millionaire. He's a hypocrite and that's all there is to it. All of his rhetoric about the privileged class is a bunch of crap since that is what he is. He's no better than Billary when she says that she left the WH poor and now owns four mansions and earns millions of dollars.
IMCC....YOU said Bernie was a "1%er", not that he was a millionaire. A millionaire is much more common in today's inflated economy than you might think. A "1%er" is, as indicated, a pretty rare breed. As usual IMCC, you fired from the hip and missed by a mile. Nice job, IMCC......there's a job for you at FOX, I bet.
IMCC, please try harder to get your facts in order and to say want you want to say more accurately.
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IMCC....YOU said Bernie was a "1%er", not that he was a millionaire. A millionaire is much more common in today's inflated economy than you might think. A "1%er" is, as indicated, a pretty rare breed. As usual IMCC, you fired from the hip and missed by a mile. Nice job, IMCC......there's a job for you at FOX, I bet.
IMCC, please try harder to get your facts in order and to say want you want to say more accurately.

joelbc1...a millionaire is a person that has a lot of money. joelbc1, Bernie Sanders claims that he's a man of the average people. joelbc1, the average person is NOT a millionaire, and joelbc1, a Socialist shouldn't even be flirting with having more than a million dollars. Joelbc1, I did not fire from the hip. Joelbc1, the ideology of a socialist dictates that everyone should have and own the same amount of stuff provided be the state. Joelbc1, my facts are straight about the lying, conniving ways of socialists. Joelbc1, Bernie Sanders is a lying, conniving socialist that is speaking from his butt.

Joelbc1.........I hope this answers your concerns and questions.
joelbc1...a millionaire is a person that has a lot of money. joelbc1, Bernie Sanders claims that he's a man of the average people. joelbc1, the average person is NOT a millionaire, and joelbc1, a Socialist shouldn't even be flirting with having more than a million dollars. Joelbc1, I did not fire from the hip. Joelbc1, the ideology of a socialist dictates that everyone should have and own the same amount of stuff provided be the state. Joelbc1, my facts are straight about the lying, conniving ways of socialists. Joelbc1, Bernie Sanders is a lying, conniving socialist that is speaking from his butt.

Joelbc1.........I hope this answers your concerns and questions.

You should have a look through the links below. Your site is the only one claiming he has 2 million that I can find.

Here is another
And another
And another
And another

Sanders had an estimated net worth of $330,000 in 2013, according to financial disclosures filed with the U.S. Senate and analyzed by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, a watchdog group that tracks money in politics. But that's a relative pittance on Capitol Hill, where the median net worth for a member of Congress topped $1 million in 2013, according to the Center's analysis. In the Senate, Sanders is downright poor: the median there was about $2.8 million.
Sanders reported a net worth of $330,507 in 2013. In October of 2014, Hillary earned $335,000 to speak at a Qualcomm event in San Diego.

Sanders, a self-proclaimed socialist and a staunch critic of Wall Street, has an estimated net worth of $330,507, making him the poorest candidate currently in the race.

Rep. Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist who trounced millionaire Rich Tarrant in Vermont’s Senate race, seems to live a spartan life, in accordance with his political beliefs. Aside from a Burlington condominium valued at $100,000 to $250,000, he had just $31,000 to $115,000 stashed in a credit union and a retirement account.

Looks like 300k to 500k.
I don't mind being taxed at a higher rate so that our country can take care of the less fortunate.

And you are an idiot.
The "less fortunate" are taking people like you to the worked for yours...they do nothing and receive who is the idiot Torg? Now I prefer giving to my church. They do a great job of feeding the hungry and make certain the funds they donate are for essentials only. I may be an "idiot" in your eyes but I don't want my tax dollars going to fund such things as satellite dishes and drugs...
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joelbc1...a millionaire is a person that has a lot of money. joelbc1, Bernie Sanders claims that he's a man of the average people. joelbc1, the average person is NOT a millionaire, and joelbc1, a Socialist shouldn't even be flirting with having more than a million dollars. Joelbc1, I did not fire from the hip. Joelbc1, the ideology of a socialist dictates that everyone should have and own the same amount of stuff provided be the state. Joelbc1, my facts are straight about the lying, conniving ways of socialists. Joelbc1, Bernie Sanders is a lying, conniving socialist that is speaking from his butt.

Joelbc1.........I hope this answers your concerns and questions.
I don't believe you have correctly identified a "socialist" appropriate when discussing one's wealth. Bernie does live in a capitalistic based society, where private and individual wealth are part of the system. You describe what a socialist believes fairly accurately but then you use a capitalistic measuring stick to rate the man. You are comparing apples to oranges, it seems to me. My point is that a "millionaire" may have a lot of assets at his disposal but these assets have been greatly degraded over the decades by inflation. I certainly do not think being a "millionaire" has the clout today it had back in the days of Rockefeller, Morgan and Carnegie. Tickets for an Iowa game back in 1958 were about $5/seat. That Iowa team won the national championship. The same seat today, with the same view costs a lot more than that. And I'm betting there isn't going to be a national championship in Iowa City this Fall.
I don't believe you have correctly identified a "socialist" appropriate when discussing one's wealth. Bernie does live in a capitalistic based society, where private and individual wealth are part of the system. You describe what a socialist believes fairly accurately but then you use a capitalistic measuring stick to rate the man. You are comparing apples to oranges, it seems to me. My point is that a "millionaire" may have a lot of assets at his disposal but these assets have been greatly degraded over the decades by inflation. I certainly do not think being a "millionaire" has the clout today it had back in the days of Rockefeller, Morgan and Carnegie. Tickets for an Iowa game back in 1958 were about $5/seat. That Iowa team won the national championship. The same seat today, with the same view costs a lot more than that. And I'm betting there isn't going to be a national championship in Iowa City this Fall.

IMO that's pretty easy to say when you're NOT a millionaire. I wish I had that problem.

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