Best Star Trek movie ever?

I loved the reboots and am still disappointed that they were shelved. Star Trek Beyond was my favorite.
Partly is that they didn’t meet expectations financially. Also because the guy that played Chekhov died.

I believe they’re still working on one, but they also chose to focus their energies on the streaming shows.
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I loved the reboots and am still disappointed that they were shelved. Star Trek Beyond was my favorite.

It had a good cast and fun visuals but they essentially killed the Franchise with all of their enormous mistakes in Into Darkness. Obviously the OP loved it but he was the target audience ie people who are vaguely aware of Star Trek is a thing but don’t know any of the canon. They stupidly took a character (Khan) with a well established canon and proceeded to $#!+ all over it.

If they had done the exact same story and just made Khan some random new dude it would have been a mostly serviceable story about Kirk learning responsibility and I would have been fine. But to take one of Star Trek’s most iconic individual villains and give him “magic blood” and some asinine story about Starfleet trying to manipulate him by putting his friends in long distance photon torpedoes to launch at Klingons is just mindless nonsense spewed over an iconic character.
First Contact and Wrath of Khan are the best. Into Darkness and the reboot ones are just ok for me. Karl Urban doing bones McCoy bothers me a lot