Biden’s farewell address


Diapers Joe is leaving this country in flames.
Trump shit his pants at Versaille. 😳
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It’s quite interesting to see the stark difference between how the “leaders” of the respective parties and the respective electorates acted after the last two elections (in case you’re counting at home, Biden won 2020 by 7 million votes and had 306 EC votes, and this election Trump won by 2 million votes and had 312 EC votes), and that will be something I’ll never forget as long as I live.

Approval rating? Half the country are brainwashed MAGA morons. No shit he will have a low approval rating.

Only 22% of voters believe Biden kept his promises in office, poll shows​

What do you expect from the voters who dont know what causes inflation, who confuse a very bullish and growing economy with a recession because they believe inflation is recession (how else can 60% of voters think our economy is so bad the last two years), and the these voters who dont know what tariffs are and they believe trump when he says the country exporting goods to the US pay the tariffs. the 80% of voters who are really dumb
What do you expect from the voters who dont know what causes inflation, who confuse a very bullish and growing economy with a recession because they believe inflation is recession (how else can 60% of voters think our economy is so bad the last two years), and the these voters who dont know what tariffs are and they believe trump when he says the country exporting goods to the US pay the tariffs. the 80% of voters who are really dumb
Now you know why Trump loves the poorly educated.
What do you expect from the voters who dont know what causes inflation, who confuse a very bullish and growing economy with a recession because they believe inflation is recession (how else can 60% of voters think our economy is so bad the last two years), and the these voters who dont know what tariffs are and they believe trump when he says the country exporting goods to the US pay the tariffs. the 80% of voters who are really dumb
That has to be the longest sentence I have seen that says nothing. You are likely still talking into your phone, but it got tired of your ramblings and cut you off and posted your nonsense.
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95-5 Republican fault.
I get the sentiment, but I also think Biden saw all this (SCOTUS, criminal Trump, free and fair election challenges) and ultimately did jack squat to actually stop it.

That will be his legacy to me. He enabled Trump V2 and all the disaster that’s coming with it.

But I’m glad he got his Ike moment and warned us about the train just as it’s about to run us over.
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Inflation caused by supply chain shortages and price gouging resulting from Covid during Trump administration.

Yep...blame the guy that had to clean up.
You know Covid has been over with for years now right? Yet his approval rating has gotten worse since then.

I think everyone is blaming him for doing nothing or making things worse.
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I get the sentiment, but I also think Biden saw all this (SCOTUS, criminal Trump, free and fair election challenges) and ultimately did jack squat to actually stop it.

That will be his legacy to me. He enabled Trump V2 and all the disaster that’s coming with it.

But I’m glad he got his Ike moment and warned us about the train just as it’s about to run us over.
What could he have done to stop it? Other than not saying he would be a one term POTUS ahead of time? Stupid MAGAs already use terms like "lawfare", and believe Biden was behind all the legal issues Trump has had, though we all know that's nonsense.
What could he have done to stop it? Other than not saying he would be a one term POTUS ahead of time? Stupid MAGAs already use terms like "lawfare", and believe Biden was behind all the legal issues Trump has had, though we all know that's nonsense.
Another day with no classes, Hero?
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From what I have heard it was pretty good, mostly boiler plate, stuff.

You do have to question why the guy who was in politics for decades thinks people shouldn't be making money in the market at his retirement party......or more accurately, waited until then to say so.

There is a Uniparty that wants a totalitarian rule he was right about that, he just doesn't realize it is who kicked him out, or maybe he does.

It is what it is, enjoy the sunset Joe.
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Approval rating? Half the country are brainwashed MAGA morons. No shit he will have a low approval rating.
Which half? The half who think it's perfectly fine having a rapist felon as President? Or the half who think it's totally normal for drag queens to read to 5 year olds at public libraries and for 18 year old boys to shower in locker rooms with freshmen girls?
No he didn’t. Biden was the beneficiary of the Covid recovery. Let me guess, you blame covid for the inflation? Actually, you liked the post right above yours, so don’t bother. You guys are funny.
Not to mention job “creation” isn’t the issue with the economy.
What do you expect from the voters who dont know what causes inflation, who confuse a very bullish and growing economy with a recession because they believe inflation is recession (how else can 60% of voters think our economy is so bad the last two years), and the these voters who dont know what tariffs are and they believe trump when he says the country exporting goods to the US pay the tariffs. the 80% of voters who are really dumb
What do you expect from the voters who dont know what causes inflation, who confuse a very bullish and growing economy with a recession because they believe inflation is recession (how else can 60% of voters think our economy is so bad the last two years), and the these voters who dont know what tariffs are and they believe trump when he says the country exporting goods to the US pay the tariffs. the 80% of voters who are really dumb

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