Biden Administration and Their Super Sciency Medical Equity

I’m just confused by the thread title. If this is something being done at the state level, why is this being blamed on Biden?
Bevause it is being set as a policy at the federal level and those guidelines are being implemented at the state level
The FDA guidelines are not in question.

The question is to policies certain states have implemented based off this “fact sheet.” I am looking for evidence that contradicts reporting from multiple sources that Utah, New York, and Minnesota are implementing triage policies in which certain racial minorities will be given priority to receive this antiviral drug. Linking FDA and CDC guidelines does not repudiate the claims being made. Those claims (the three aforementioned states adopting racially discriminatory policies for distribution of treatment) may in fact be false, but nothing you or Huey Clueless and the News have provided to this point satisfactorily contradict the OP.

Do you have any link or source that does?
Here’s New York’s prioritization schedule:

It references the CDC guidelines. There are a myriad of factors listed that doctors should consider when rationing medical supplies of which race may be one. It’s up to the OP to prove priorities are given solely due to race.

By the way, NY prioritizes unvaccinated over vaccinated for treatment when all other things are equal.
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Bevause it is being set as a policy at the federal level and those guidelines are being implemented at the state level
Well, 1) that appears to be in some dispute and 2) how is this on Biden? I kinda doubt he was in any way involved in the process of a federal agency.
Looking at NY’s policy, it sounds like they’ll account for an individual’s risk factors in determining eligibility for therapy, if prioritization is necessary. CDC considers race and ethnicity as a risk factor for serious illness or death due to the larger percentage of individuals with co-morbidities.

I suppose some would interpret that as race and ethnicity must be considered in allocating treatment for COVID patients, but I would assume providers will disregard race and ethnicity when prioritizing and look at each patient’s individual health condition. In other words, I can’t imagine providers prioritizing a COVID patient based solely on race or ethnicity.
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