Biden-Harris Administration accidentally sent $239 Million to the Taliban since 2021

In a report titled “Taliban Gets $239 Million in U.S. Afghanistan Aid after State Department Fails to Vet Awardees,” Judicial Watch investigators found that the State Department did not comply with its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements in Afghanistan before awarding at least 29 grants to various local entities.

“Less than a year after Judicial Watch reported that the Taliban established fake nonprofits to steal millions of dollars in U.S. aid to Afghanistan, a new investigation reveals that the terrorist group has also received hundreds of millions in development assistance from Uncle Sam because the State Department fails to properly vet award recipients,” the report stated.

The report highlighted that the State Department has a system to identify whether prospective awardees have a record of ethical business practices and is supposed to conduct a risk assessment to determine if programming funds may benefit terrorists or terrorist-affiliates before distributing American taxpayer dollars. However, in more than two dozen cases examined, the agency “did not bother and failed to keep proper records.”

In addition to benefits through fraudulent NGOs, the Taliban also profited from taxes, permit fees, and import duties on the $3 billion provided by the U.S. for humanitarian purposes in Afghanistan after the withdrawal.


“Nothing is easier than spending the public money. It does not appear to belong to anybody. The temptation is overwhelming to bestow it on somebody.” - Calvin Coolidge
Is that bad? That seems bad.....

We have a vegetable being guided by assholes using a retard for communications. It isn't going to get better before November.
Unemployment is on the rise, recession indicators all over, inflation remains a massive concern and the democrats are funding terrorists during escalating global tensions. This is, without a doubt, the worst administration in US history. It's not even close.
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I think I’ll wait for a more credible source on this…
Didn't you excuse biden leaving billions in military weapons and equipment to the taliban in in failed Afghanistan draw down? I'd be surprised if you cared about this period with that in mind, regardless of how much evidence is laid out in front of you.
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Judicial Watch is hardly a beacon of truth…

Oh, lookie here:

April 19, 2023, 3:30 PM EDT
By Courtney Kube

The head of the U.S. government watchdog for the war in Afghanistan said Wednesday that the U.S. may have provided billions in taxpayer dollars to the Taliban and Afghan terror groups since the withdrawal of American troops, but even he doesn’t know the full extent of the problem.

"Unfortunately, as I sit here today, I cannot assure you we are not now funding the Taliban," special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction, John Sopko, said at a House Oversight Committee hearing. “Nor can I assure you the Taliban are not diverting it from the intended recipients, which are the Afghan people.”

The special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction, known as SIGAR, was formed in 2008 to monitor the billions of dollars the U.S. was spending in the war against the Taliban.

Sopko told the lawmakers that the State Department’s and the U.S. Agency for International Development’s refusal to provide information to SIGAR — despite what he says is their legal obligation to do so — is making it difficult for the agency to carry out its congressionally mandated oversight role over the aid money still going to Afghanistan.

Sopko said the U.S. has provided or made available to the Afghan people more than $8 billion since the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops in August 2021. He asked the lawmakers to help SIGAR get information from the State Department and USAID, which administers civilian foreign aid and receives guidance from the secretary of state.

“We need your support to end their obfuscation and delay," Sopko said. "And I’m sure my fellow inspectors general would agree we cannot abide by a situation in which agencies are allowed to pick and choose what information an IG may receive, who an IG may interview, or what an IG may report on.”

A spokesperson said the State Department "stopped providing assistance for the purpose of the reconstruction of Afghanistan" after the Taliban takeover in 2021.

"We have raised questions related to SIGAR’s jurisdiction with respect to activities after August 2021. Those questions remain unresolved," the spokesperson said.
I think I’ll wait for a more credible source on this…
And then what?
Suppose any or all of it is true. Some here would have you believe Biden wrote the checks himself but of course that's not true. For me the question would be whether heads would roll in the offices that were to blame. It's all about accountability. If those in charge don't handle such serious mistakes with appropriate discipline, then they should be held accountable themselves.
And then what?
Suppose any or all of it is true. Some here would have you believe Biden wrote the checks himself but of course that's not true. For me the question would be whether heads would roll in the offices that were to blame. It's all about accountability. If those in charge don't handle such serious mistakes with appropriate discipline, then they should be held accountable themselves.
There is very little, if any, accountability in our government unfortunately.
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It would hardly be surprising. The Taliban is the govt in Afghanistan so they're going to have a finger in every's the cost of "doing business" even if that business is humanitarian aid. You can accept that or cut off all aid to every group working there.

If that's the choice, do you choose to borrow money on the backs of the American taxpayers so that the Taliban can reap millions?
Or not?
Depends on the good that's being done otherwise. If the groups there are making lives better, that's well worth less than a dollar of my money over the years where this occurred.


How do you argue billions shoveled to Afghanistan since we fled in 2021 aren't making somebody's 'life better'?

Are there any aid agencies that you're personally putting on your credit card, and then only paying the finance charges for the rest of your life?

That's the equivalent move here by Uncle Sam.
Oh, lookie here:

April 19, 2023, 3:30 PM EDT
By Courtney Kube

The head of the U.S. government watchdog for the war in Afghanistan said Wednesday that the U.S. may have provided billions in taxpayer dollars to the Taliban and Afghan terror groups since the withdrawal of American troops, but even he doesn’t know the full extent of the problem.

"Unfortunately, as I sit here today, I cannot assure you we are not now funding the Taliban," special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction, John Sopko, said at a House Oversight Committee hearing. “Nor can I assure you the Taliban are not diverting it from the intended recipients, which are the Afghan people.”

The special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction, known as SIGAR, was formed in 2008 to monitor the billions of dollars the U.S. was spending in the war against the Taliban.

Sopko told the lawmakers that the State Department’s and the U.S. Agency for International Development’s refusal to provide information to SIGAR — despite what he says is their legal obligation to do so — is making it difficult for the agency to carry out its congressionally mandated oversight role over the aid money still going to Afghanistan.

Sopko said the U.S. has provided or made available to the Afghan people more than $8 billion since the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops in August 2021. He asked the lawmakers to help SIGAR get information from the State Department and USAID, which administers civilian foreign aid and receives guidance from the secretary of state.

“We need your support to end their obfuscation and delay," Sopko said. "And I’m sure my fellow inspectors general would agree we cannot abide by a situation in which agencies are allowed to pick and choose what information an IG may receive, who an IG may interview, or what an IG may report on.”

A spokesperson said the State Department "stopped providing assistance for the purpose of the reconstruction of Afghanistan" after the Taliban takeover in 2021.

"We have raised questions related to SIGAR’s jurisdiction with respect to activities after August 2021. Those questions remain unresolved," the spokesperson said.

Article is dated April 2023, so this has been known. Suspect its just being brought up to try to generate the fake outrage the GOP loves because Harris has them scared. But this oversight was put in place in 2008. I am sure its 100000% coincidence the article only goes back to 2021, the year Biden took office, but doesn't say how much was given during previous administrations. I imagine that fact might be a little uncomfortable for the GOP to see what was given between 2017-2021.

Guessing this will be the GOP talking point the board MAGAts will be spewing until they can dig up more misleading dirt. Ole Scruddy will have this one loaded in the barrel ready to fire in future Harris blamestorming threads.
Article is dated April 2023, so this has been known.

Does that make it better or worse in your view, if we've had an Inspector General telling Congress that the State Department is shovelling billions of tax dollars into Afghanistan since we fled, and refusing to submit to any oversight.

Is that a problem in your view? Or is somehow better to find out its been going on for years?

Suspect its just being brought up to try to generate the fake outrage the GOP loves because Harris has them scared. But this oversight was put in place in 2008.

Did you not read what the IG said:

“We need your support to end their obfuscation and delay," Sopko said. "And I’m sure my fellow inspectors general would agree we cannot abide by a situation in which agencies are allowed to pick and choose what information an IG may receive, who an IG may interview, or what an IG may report on.”

Even the administration acknowledges they're refusing to comply:

A spokesperson said the State Department "stopped providing assistance for the purpose of the reconstruction of Afghanistan" after the Taliban takeover in 2021.

I am sure its 100000% coincidence the article only goes back to 2021, the year Biden took office,

That's the year we fled. That's the significance of 2021 to Afghanistan funding.

You're bad at spin.
Oh, lookie here:

April 19, 2023, 3:30 PM EDT
By Courtney Kube

The head of the U.S. government watchdog for the war in Afghanistan said Wednesday that the U.S. may have provided billions in taxpayer dollars to the Taliban and Afghan terror groups since the withdrawal of American troops, but even he doesn’t know the full extent of the problem.

"Unfortunately, as I sit here today, I cannot assure you we are not now funding the Taliban," special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction, John Sopko, said at a House Oversight Committee hearing. “Nor can I assure you the Taliban are not diverting it from the intended recipients, which are the Afghan people.”

The special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction, known as SIGAR, was formed in 2008 to monitor the billions of dollars the U.S. was spending in the war against the Taliban.

Sopko told the lawmakers that the State Department’s and the U.S. Agency for International Development’s refusal to provide information to SIGAR — despite what he says is their legal obligation to do so — is making it difficult for the agency to carry out its congressionally mandated oversight role over the aid money still going to Afghanistan.

Sopko said the U.S. has provided or made available to the Afghan people more than $8 billion since the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops in August 2021. He asked the lawmakers to help SIGAR get information from the State Department and USAID, which administers civilian foreign aid and receives guidance from the secretary of state.

“We need your support to end their obfuscation and delay," Sopko said. "And I’m sure my fellow inspectors general would agree we cannot abide by a situation in which agencies are allowed to pick and choose what information an IG may receive, who an IG may interview, or what an IG may report on.”

A spokesperson said the State Department "stopped providing assistance for the purpose of the reconstruction of Afghanistan" after the Taliban takeover in 2021.

"We have raised questions related to SIGAR’s jurisdiction with respect to activities after August 2021. Those questions remain unresolved," the spokesperson said.

And then what?
Suppose any or all of it is true. Some here would have you believe Biden wrote the checks himself but of course that's not true. For me the question would be whether heads would roll in the offices that were to blame. It's all about accountability. If those in charge don't handle such serious mistakes with appropriate discipline, then they should be held accountable themselves.
While I agree that Biden most likely didn’t write the checks and someone else should be held more responsible. He still shares some of the blame. He is the guy that is responsible for putting people in place to hire certain people.
If I were to totally fvck something up at work, my boss would also be in trouble and a good chance her boss would be in trouble and so forth.
Rs are getting desperate.
How do you figure it’s desperation to point out the incompetence of handing the Taliban money for years after we’ve left Afghanistan, and the acting like oversight of the billions spent (while we just eclipsed 2 trillion on this year’s debt) can just be ignored?

If you think it’s such a good idea, put it on your credit card.
How do you figure it’s desperation to point out the incompetence of handing the Taliban money for years after we’ve left Afghanistan, and the acting like oversight of the billions spent (while we just eclipsed 2 trillion on this year’s debt) can just be ignored?

If you think it’s such a good idea, put it on your credit card.
You're posting articles from over a year ago. That's absolutely desperate.
You're posting articles from over a year ago. That's absolutely desperate.
It’s hasn’t stopped!

It’s been going on since we left.

The State department is shoveling billions of tax dollars into Afghanistan, and refuses to submit to any oversight of the spending to the Inspector General appointed for that purpose.

Spin has moved from trying to pretend it wasn’t happening, to pointing the admin has been doing it for years.

You’re terrible at spin.

Why can’t you acknowledge giving the Taliban billions while refusing oversight is bad?

You’re so wrapped up in Team politics you can’t acknowledge this is bad.

Man, I'd be absolutely pissed if I gave away a portion of my youth to go fight in the sandbox only to have our withdrawal plans involve leaving roughly half a billion dollars in supplies and 350 million to operational with.

Can't imagine there are to many OIF/OEF guys that are happy with the Biden administration right now.
The tweet and accompanying article are flawed, and the headline is inaccurate, but it is good that people are seeing the issues with how aid money is being disbursed in Afghanistan.
It is probably a good idea to cut that aid way back or stop altogether since it is probably close to impossible to ensure the funds do not end up in the hands of the Taliban.
Man, I'd be absolutely pissed if I gave away a portion of my youth to go fight in the sandbox only to have our withdrawal plans involve leaving roughly half a billion dollars in supplies and 350 million to operational with.

Can't imagine there are to many OIF/OEF guys that are happy with the Biden administration right now.
I'm not particularly happy no.