Biden *Not in Hospice.

Dr. Jill dgaf, still going to Paris

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I could come up with a lot of conspiracies about dems if Biden dies without ever making an appearance after dropping out of the race. Did the dems Epstein him?
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The morons that rag on the "liberal" MSM constantly are also the same morons that post total junk "news" like this all the time.
It's not wrong until Biden makes a public appearance in the same condition he was in a week ago. Until then, this news is just as reliable as anything that comes from dem leadership.

It is not out of the realm of possibility that Biden could die at any point. He has looked like crap lately and I'm sure stress has been through the roof.

I'll take a wait and see approach
I hope he lives, I hope this claim is wrong. Time will tell.
For the sake of our country I hope that guy shows up doing jumping Jack's tmrw.

*That's not a republican thing that's a dem thing. Meaning I think the dems are going to start going looney if we get late in the game and he is nowhere to be found. You saw how they ate him. Wtf happens when they legit have to reconcile he posted a tweet and left a voicemail as his parting message.


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Put your dick down dude the guy is asleep by 7. If he doesn't show up in the next couple of days then you can start digging.
Give a couple days POTUS just needs 10
Or so days of absolutely zero people
Seeing him. His Dr. said he was doing great, that weird AI phone call call with Kamala where he sounded great but he cannot show his face?

Shit I can send you a video of the biggest one you’ll ever see right now with technology but POTUS has gone ghost over Covid?

Bruh he’s boosted 5/6x if anyone is safe it’s him as it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated and the shots safe and effective.

So if all that’s true why can’t he show his face sick or not?