Biden's "approval" numbers are spiraling down the drain with all demographic groups.....

Your last line is hysterically funny, coming from you.
And election law reform is a pushback against the leftists who know they can’t win without cheating. America can’t wait to vote in November and remind you that the far left crap you’re trying to force on us is not what the majority wants.
It's weird watching you contradict yourself in this thread concerning fair elections. So now the Dems cheated? Proof? Trump certainly could provide none in any of the some 60 court challenges he lost.
Chis, Biden cannot win again. Kamala is totally up unelectable. Petey has 0 chance. You see this don’t you? Maybe Biden would beat Trump again (hopefully he can’t run) but that is about the only candidate he would have a chance against. Very few Dems want Biden to run again.

who do you think would be a better Dem candidate than Biden?
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Democrats have become the party of white costal elitists and the very poor.

Democrat policies and ridiculous progressive nonsense have pushed the white working class and religious African Americans and Latinos running towards the Republican party.

Democrats also need to worry about white suburban housewives looking at their shrinking bank accounts, a Tahoe that needs gas and deciding how to tell the kids they are pulling them out of dance and soccer because they now suddenly can afford it.

We all have to come to the reality that we elected a 103 year old corrupt pedo lifelong useless person and all of our lives are going to suck a little more because of it.
That’s the problem! He will be what 82? And there are no better Dem candidates! It’s unbelievable really. He’s going downhill so fast and he’s the best. Sad state of affairs.
My biggest beef with Biden is that he isn't willing to declare war with the Rs. The Rs have certainly declared war with him. Beyond that, there isn't much anybody could do with a "52"-48 Republican Senate.
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Abortion is the 4th most important issue according to polling. It crushes CRT and transphobia.

They could make abortion illegal if it has been 5 minutes after sex and nobody is going to give shit if the economy stinks.

has all the value of s sharing your 4th favorite NFL team.
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My biggest beef with Biden is that he isn't willing to declare war with the Rs. The Rs have certainly declared war with him. Beyond that, there isn't much anybody could do with a "52"-48 Republican Senate.
Funny you say that because Biden promised the progressives a great new deal, most of it went nowhere. He promised independents and moderates he was going to unite the country, that’s been a laugh. And conservatives and Republicans weren’t going to like him no matter what. That my friends is the trifecta of incompetency.
I think maybe Biden has become more popular with Republicans from whatever minuscule approval rating he started out with them, because he’s been so shockingly incompetent. It’s been a gift for the GOP. Got to find the silver lining somewhere. I think his numbers will improve once November is over.
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It's interesting they lumped Hispanics into "people of color" but gave us the numbers for African Americans. I'd seen a week or so ago where Hispanics had gone from something like 80-20 dem to about 50-50 now based on some poll.

Noticed the AA numbers here were much better than the "people of color" numbers.

Those are demographics where dems can afford almost NO slippage.
It's interesting they lumped Hispanics into "people of color" but gave us the numbers for African Americans. I'd seen a week or so ago where Hispanics had gone from something like 80-20 dem to about 50-50 now based on some poll.

Noticed the AA numbers here were much better than the "people of color" numbers.

Those are demographics where dems can afford almost NO slippage.
I remember seeing somewhere Biden’s approval rating among Hispanics had dropped from the mid 50’s to the mid 20’s. That’s literally amazing. But I’m sure Biden has been told those polls don’t matter.
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It's made up? Those issues don't exist?

Also, a bit of advice for you. The majority of Americans wont tell you this straight up, but most Americans don't give two shits about restrictions being placed on abortion. It doesn't affect them.
Say whatever you want about Americans not caring about abortion. You're delusional. Nobody cared until you took away their freedom. Most of us accepted the roe v wade as the rule of law which has been the case for the last 50 years.

There are people that would have sat on the sidelines but this has woke a lot of them up. I haven't seen a more aggressive and angered set of individuals when it comes to an upcoming election. They are trying to overturn a pro-choice protection guaranteed in the Kansas constitution by passing an constitutional amendment to allow the legislation of abortion laws. The Christian Fascists wrote the bill in very vague language, called it the value them both act, and then put it on a primary election ballot. They can't print campaign signs fast enough against it. People are resorting to Etsy to make signs. I had someone knock at my door and ask where I got one.
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Say whatever you want about Americans not caring about abortion. You're delusional. Nobody cared until you took away their freedom. Most of us accepted the roe v wade as the rule of law which has been the case for the last 50 years.

There are people that would have sat on the sidelines but this has woke a lot of them up. I haven't seen a more aggressive and angered set of individuals when it comes to an upcoming election. They are trying to overturn a pro-choice protection guaranteed in the Kansas constitution by passing an constitutional amendment to allow the legislation of abortion laws. The Christian Fascists wrote the bill in very vague language, called it the value them both act, and then put it on a primary election ballot. They can't print campaign signs fast enough against it. People are resorting to Etsy to make signs. I had someone knock at my door and ask where I got one.
Agree, I wonder what they were thinking with the timing. It was looking like a historic swing but this has definitely made it more interesting. Both sides can’t get out of their own way.
Agree, I wonder what they were thinking with the timing. It was looking like a historic swing but this has definitely made it more interesting. Both sides can’t get out of their own way.

The Supremes can only rule on cases that come before them. And it takes years (usually) for cases to get through the lower courts.
The Supremes can only rule on cases that come before them. And it takes years (usually) for the Republican's to stall a vote on a Democratic Supreme nominee, wait for RBG to die, stack the court with president's nominees that can't win popular elections, have multiple Supreme nominees perjure themselves in front of Congress, and then overturn 50 years of case precedent.
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A lot will change between now and when the 2024 general election rolls around.

I am too lazy to research it, but was anyone seriously thinking Donald Trump was going to be the nominee in 2014?

The Dem field or potential list of candidates isn't set in stone.
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It seems the vast majority of the nation is saying no thanks to this admin’s bizarre insistence on putting weird social issues at the forefront. He has lost all demographics now, all races, all ages, the independents, many democrats. Lower approval rating than Trump ever had, who would have thought. Hopefully better days ahead!
This is completely insane. It's Republicans pushing the "weird social issues". One of the biggest issues for the Biden administration is that they aren't engaging on social/cultural issues. One of the main reasons they have disastrously low approval ratings with young people.

I know it's really really really hard for types like you to think for yourself, but where are you seeing all this stuff about "weird social issues at the forefront"? As with CRT, it's not the liberals pushing this nonsense, it's rightwing media. But you're a lemming, and lemmings lemming.
Doing the math…
Trump’s term average approval was 41%
Biden is currently at 38%

Safe to say there is ZERO overlap among these two groups. If you approve of one you definitely don’t approve of the other.

And since approving of either of them is completely insane, that makes AT LEAST a certified 79% of the country who have completely lost their marbles.
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This is completely insane. It's Republicans pushing the "weird social issues". One of the biggest issues for the Biden administration is that they aren't engaging on social/cultural issues. One of the main reasons they have disastrously low approval ratings with young people.

I know it's really really really hard for types like you to think for yourself, but where are you seeing all this stuff about "weird social issues at the forefront"? As with CRT, it's not the liberals pushing this nonsense, it's rightwing media. But you're a lemming, and lemmings lemming.
Holy Hell. It’s all the loony left cares about. Sole focus of the left is nonsense ant the country says no thanks! Joe and his cast of misfit toys have been a disaster. I’m not sure our country can recover from what they have done to it.
That’s the problem! He will be what 82? And there are no better Dem candidates! It’s unbelievable really. He’s going downhill so fast and he’s the best. Sad state of affairs.
It. Doesn’t. Matter. Who. It. Would. Be. Mitch McConnell won’t work with them. MTG, Boebert, and the other radicals will cry about stolen elections and the other wackadoodle stuff they do now. There are better democrats than Biden who will also be blocked at every turn. I really don’t know why this is so hard to understand. If you could have picked any of the other dems to be President in 2020, who? Then I’m telling you there would be basically no difference in what’s going on in the US. Republicans want us to fail. They want power. They won’t work with any Dem.
who do you think would be a better Dem candidate than Biden?
Tulsi Gabbard…she’s center-left traditional democrat, military veteran, checks the virtue signaling boxes, and could actually draw some Republican support. She’s not my favorite big booty Latina but she’s also easy on the eyes
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It. Doesn’t. Matter. Who. It. Would. Be. Mitch McConnell won’t work with them. MTG, Boebert, and the other radicals will cry about stolen elections and the other wackadoodle stuff they do now. There are better democrats than Biden who will also be blocked at every turn. I really don’t know why this is so hard to understand. If you could have picked any of the other dems to be President in 2020, who? Then I’m telling you there would be basically no difference in what’s going on in the US. Republicans want us to fail. They want power. They won’t work with any Dem.
Better Dems than Biden? Who would that be? That’s part of the issue, he is the only one that had a shot to beat Trump. Harris, AOC and Pete are completely unelectable (thankfully). The list of 10 candidates posted in another thread is shockingly bad.
Better Dems than Biden? Who would that be? That’s part of the issue, he is the only one that had a shot to beat Trump. Harris, AOC and Pete are completely unelectable (thankfully). The list of 10 candidates posted in another thread is shockingly bad.
I’m still trying to figure out
thank you RBG we couldn’t have done this without your dedication! She was the pivotal swing we needed!!!
Holy Hell. It’s all the loony left cares about. Sole focus of the left is nonsense ant the country says no thanks! Joe and his cast of misfit toys have been a disaster. I’m not sure our country can recover from what they have done to it.
You can see it on this board. On this board that many cons claim is liberal slanted, who are the people who want to talk about the "woke" stuff and the "weird social issues" all the time?
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My biggest beef with Biden is that he isn't willing to declare war with the Rs. The Rs have certainly declared war with him. Beyond that, there isn't much anybody could do with a "52"-48 Republican Senate.
Seriously? Not sure what you want.....he seems to be going after the R's every chance he gets. Jim Crow 2.0, Bull Connor...abortion...can't get anything done because of R obstruction.

I think his poll numbers would be better if he left those attacks to his surrogates and just played the roll of elder statesman....he's everybody's President, act like it. That's one of the reasons he was was elected...good old Joe after the craziness of orange man.

Unfortunately he seems to listen to people like you :)
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Seriously? Not sure what you want.....he seems to be going after the R's every chance he gets. Jim Crow 2.0, Bull Connor...abortion...can't get anything done because of R obstruction.

I think his poll numbers would be better if he left those attacks to his surrogates and just played the roll of elder statesman....he's everybody's President, act like it. That's one of the reasons he was was elected...good old Joe after the craziness of orange man.

Unfortunately he seems to listen to people like you :)
For a guy who said he was going to unite the country I can’t imagine what he would do differently if he was trying to piss off republicans… every time he opens his mouth he takes a dig at trump even refuses to say his name… 74 million people still voted for the guy, it’s not exactly endearing to them to basically speak around them.

its probably too late now but if he had come out in January with some form of an olive branch, and said it’s been an interesting 4 years under Donald Trump, I know he got 74 million votes and I want to be your president too, my administration is committed to hearing all sides and pushing for bipartisan solutions to growing problems like gun violence, climate change, the border, and COVID -19… we’re committed to finding the best and most qualified people to serve in my administration and bridging the divide of partisan politics… that’s what a leader sounds like, and he would probably have the highest approval rating of any president.
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Seriously? Not sure what you want.....he seems to be going after the R's every chance he gets. Jim Crow 2.0, Bull Connor...abortion...can't get anything done because of R obstruction.

I think his poll numbers would be better if he left those attacks to his surrogates and just played the roll of elder statesman....he's everybody's President, act like it. That's one of the reasons he was was elected...good old Joe after the craziness of orange man.

Unfortunately he seems to listen to people like you :)
Geesh. His low numbers are the result of not delivering for his base on his agenda, particularly for young people. Young people were his best demographic in the 20 election, now they are his worst. That's it, pretty much end of story.

The people that hated Biden and disapproved of him all along aren't making his numbers worse by hating/disapproving of him "harder", I see this over and over.
For a guy who said he was going to unite the country I can’t imagine what he would do differently if he was trying to piss off republicans… every time he opens his mouth he takes a dig at trump even refuses to say his name… 74 million people still voted for the guy, it’s not exactly endearing to them to basically speak around them.

its probably too late now but if he had come out in January with some form of an olive branch, and said it’s been an interesting 4 years under Donald Trump, I know he got 74 million votes and I want to be your president too, my administration is committed to hearing all sides and pushing for bipartisan solutions to growing problems like gun violence, climate change, the border, and COVID -19… we’re committed to finding the best and most qualified people to serve in my administration and bridging the divide of partisan politics… that’s what a leader sounds like, and he would probably have the highest approval rating of any president.
Agree....even though it most likely doesn't work...put the onus on the R's. Stay above the fray...

You have congressional democrats to do the partisan politics....advocates in the media.

The 35-40%? MAGA folks can't be reached....his target is the middle. The "swing" vote. I just think he's totally lost sight of that.