Big Trouble in Little USA

The bad part is it doesn't even matter who you vote for at this point - neither side is emphasizing a return to balanced budgets, and they'd NEVER admit that the amount of money coming in doesn't match the money going out, and the ONLY fix is to lower spending or raising more money: neither of which will get them any votes. So they'll continue running up more debt, and kicking that can farther down the road so it's someone else's problem.
The bad part is it doesn't even matter who you vote for at this point - neither side is emphasizing a return to balanced budgets, and they'd NEVER admit that the amount of money coming in doesn't match the money going out, and the ONLY fix is to lower spending or raising more money: neither of which will get them any votes. So they'll continue running up more debt, and kicking that can farther down the road so it's someone else's problem.
This is what I gained from most of it. We have been living in a kick the can down the road model for quite a while and we are eventually going to get the end where someone has to pay up. This is not a political thread in a sense as both parties are to blame, more of just a reality that is coming. In the end though, we will have allowed it to happen as we as citizens have been asleep at the wheel for too long.
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If only there were a ready source of young, willing workers who could help kick more money into the supply for these programs.
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Correct. Pathways to legal immigration should be encouraged. Problem is illegal immigrants are a huge net drag on resources.
Not really, at least not once they get established somewhere. Of course, the best way to deal with those illegal immigrants is to provide a coherent path to be a legal immigrant but every time we get close to getting something a Republican steps in and f**ks it up.
The bad part is it doesn't even matter who you vote for at this point - neither side is emphasizing a return to balanced budgets, and they'd NEVER admit that the amount of money coming in doesn't match the money going out, and the ONLY fix is to lower spending or raising more money: neither of which will get them any votes. So they'll continue running up more debt, and kicking that can farther down the road so it's someone else's problem.
Weed... tax the shit out of it... it's the only revenue builder left that would actually fly.
On the bright side....

When you give poor people handouts, they will almost certainly spend all of it and inject it back into the economy.

When you give tax cuts to the top 1%, they will almost certainly hoard/invest the money and not spend a dime of it on actual goods and services.
How do you feel about the money earned here that gets shipped back to other countries?

To be fair:

How do you about about that when it inevitably leads to those families moving here.
On the bright side....

When you give poor people handouts, they will almost certainly spend all of it and inject it back into the economy.

When you give tax cuts to the top 1%, they will almost certainly hoard/invest the money and not spend a dime of it on actual goods and services.
Invest it? Isn’t that a good thing?
Out of curiosity, what side of "pay any meaningful income tax" do you think those people are part of? The 47 or the 53?

Remember "meaningful".
If they get a paycheck they are paying into social security and that doesn't get paid back in a refund at tax time. I'm not sure what your point is.

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