BOLIVIA - An Excellent Recap for All 3 People Here Who Might Be Interested

I bet the guy on the left has some awesome ideas for how to run the country

Serious indictment of US policy and corporate media.

This last line is dead on...

“It may seem surprising that so much reporting on Bolivia still ignores facts that are critical to understanding the situation there, but US media have a long history of reporting on Latin America that does more to please the State Department than to inform readers.”
The SeeEyeAye has been involved in Latin America since, like, forever: drugs, money laundering, coups, etc.

Would be nice to see them and their dirty tactics removed from foreign meddling.
Throughout Latin America, we have overthrown the left and installed right wing dictators and not a peep from our 'supposed' left.
The SeeEyeAye has been involved in Latin America since, like, forever: drugs, money laundering, coups, etc.

Would be nice to see them and their dirty tactics removed from foreign meddling.
I wonder if it's even possible to get an honest accounting of their actions, or possible to rein them in if we had a desire to do so.

There's the real "deep state." Or maybe not. How would we know?
I prefer vacationing in Costa Rica or Lombok and Nusa Penida. Two of the best places on this earth.
Throughout Latin America, we have overthrown the left and installed right wing dictators and not a peep from our 'supposed' left.
Well, some of us have "peeped." But not enough. Most get their news from the corporate media - left and right - which reliably backs such ventures and which is happy to spread propaganda as truth.

And when a politician like Bernie says relatively mild things about lefty governments in Latin America - such as complimenting Cuba on its education programs 40 years ago - they get smeared by leading not-so-liberal media like NYT, Wapo, MSNBC, and CNN.

Sickening journalist malpractice.
Well, some of us have "peeped." But not enough. Most get their news from the corporate media - left and right - which reliably backs such ventures and which is happy to spread propaganda as truth.

And when a politician like Bernie says relatively mild things about lefty governments in Latin America - such as complimenting Cuba on its education programs 40 years ago - they get smeared by leading not-so-liberal media like NYT, Wapo, MSNBC, and CNN.

Sickening journalist malpractice.
Yes. Hence my emphasis on 'supposed'. The leadership of the DNC is center-right. The people on the ground make up 40% of the party and are true progressives which is why Hills lost in '16. Bernie followers felt betrayed just as libertarians and the GOP.
Coups are their national pastime. SIAP

"For Bolivians, it’s another coup attempt to add to the list of roughly 200 since the country’s foundation. According to data compiled by scholars, there have been more coups in Bolivia - both attempted and successful - since the 1950s than in any other country.

“Bolivia is high on the coup-risk indicator,” said political science professor Clayton Thyne, who helped compile the dataset that keeps track of coups around the globe. “The makings have been there for a while. It’s a poor country that sees protests, and a lot of them.”
Left wing media coverage of labor unions and citizens taking to the streets to stop the coup. Citizens literally chased members of the military as they fled

"This Is How You Defeat Fascism": Leftist President Confronts Coup General In Bolivia