Bolton-Trump Turkey Policy Based On Personal Interest


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 29, 2002
"Former National Security Adviser John Bolton criticized President Trump’s handling of Turkey during a private speech in Miami last Wednesday, suggesting that his position has been influenced by “a personal or business relationship,” NBC News reports. Bolton blasted Trump’s reluctance to impose economic sanctions on Turkey after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan bought a Russian missile-defense system, especially given the bipartisan support in Congress for the measure."
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“When asked what he thinks will happen in January 2021 if Trump is re-elected, Bolton reportedly took a swipe at Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, along with Senator Rand Paul (R-KY).

Bolton said Trump could go full isolationist — with the faction of the Republican Party that aligns with Paul’s foreign policy views taking over the GOP — and could withdraw the U.S. from NATO and other international alliances, three people present for his remarks said.”

If Bolton wasn’t wrong about everything there would be something to look forward to.
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Weird that Bolton gave this private speech to all these people he didn't know and some of the comments leaked out. Bolton must be furious. The sales of his new book will suffer.
If he had any integrity, he would have marched his ass up to the hill and gave a deposition.

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