Caitlin is the Magic Johnson of women's basketball


HB Legend
Sep 6, 2012
Magic invented showtime with his otherworldly ability to run a rapid fire offense with unparalleled vision and pinpoint passing during fast break possessions. His teammates learned how to play with him after getting tired of getting hit in the face with an unexpected pass.

It isn't her logo 3's that make her great. Caitlin's court vision and anticipation along with the skill to deliver dimes through seemingly nonexistent windows are what make her the best point guard and player in the country. Iowa is the best team in the country when Caitlin is setting the pace and getting everyone else in rhythm, whether she's hitting her own shots or not.
I've always thought she's magic + steph curry
Season 9 Premiere GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm
Magic invented showtime with his otherworldly ability to run a rapid fire offense with unparalleled vision and pinpoint passing during fast break possessions. His teammates learned how to play with him after getting tired of getting hit in the face with an unexpected pass.

It isn't her logo 3's that make her great. Caitlin's court vision and anticipation along with the skill to deliver dimes through seemingly nonexistent windows are what make her the best point guard and player in the country. Iowa is the best team in the country when Caitlin is setting the pace and getting everyone else in rhythm, whether she's hitting her own shots or not.

She's on the same level of court vision with Magic but far beyond him in overall talent, considering the female vs male context. Caitlin is the equivalent of Curry, male or female in 3 pt shooting. She leads Iowa in rebounds, ranking 6th on the Big Ten. And I don't think people have noticed she is playing very solid defense.

Can Caitlin or any woman compete on a men's court with men averaging 4(?) inches taller and psychically stronger? Of course not. But comparative talent levels can be drawn.

In my opinion there are two basketball players worthy of permanent legendary status:

Michael Jordan
Caitlin Clark

Arguments and discussions bedamned.
Got some Luka Doncic in her. Always a step ahead of their teammates. And of course always having a dialogue with the refs.
Horrible take. Caitlin is much more athletic than JuJu. It’s not even close.
But Ju Ju is much better at landing right jabs to an opponent's jaw, not to mention Ju Ju's outstanding open hand slap to the face as she drives. Don't take my word for it. Check out these rare skills on YouTube.

BTW: All these people on the Ju Ju train should get back to us when she's finishing her college career and see where she stands compared to CC then. I can't wait.
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We don’t yet know what she will do at the next level, but at the collegiate level, she is utterly without parallel. She is going to finish #1 all time in scoring and #3 all time in assists. Had she not lost games to COVID her freshman year, she would have easily finished #1 and #2 in those categories. That’s absolutely insane.

For some context, we know that nobody has done anything close to that at the collegiate level in the women’s game. On the men’s collegiate side, only 10 players have finished in the top 250 in both scoring and assists. The “best” in that group was Jon Elmore from Marshall, who finished 35th in career scoring and 53rd in career assists!

We can look at the professional level as well, but now you start to include the variable of career longevity (whereas in college, everyone for the most part has four years, making it more apples to apples, IMO). If you look at the NBA, six players are in the top 25 in both career scoring and assists, with LeBron nearly a CC match numbers-wise at #1/4. But his are numbers over 21 seasons. Give Magic, Oscar or some of the others behind him five to eight more seasons and is LeBron still #4? The WNBA is just under 30 years old. Hard to gauge there. Taurasi is #1/5 there, but she’s also played almost 60% of the entire history of that league.

Long story short, NOBODY has done what CC has done. Nobody.
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Not according to Gilbert Arenas.....

Gilbert Arenas proves a very important point; just because you have the talent to play a game, doesn't mean you know the game.

USC doesn't play full court man-to-man D, they haven't all year. Their coach isn't putting his best offensive weapon on the greatest pg in the country full court, especially when you haven't asked her to do that all season. Why are you going to wear down your best weapon on D when you need her to run your offense? That would be beyond idiotic and a definite recipe for a loss.

No one is knocking on GA's door to be a coach.
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