Can HROT Cut the National Debt? Let's Find Out.

Check all that you would be willing to use to lower the national debt ($$ are over 10yrs)

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Just for fun, I went to the link and punched in HROT's majority choices (at this moment, 39 people had voted, so anything with 20 votes or more).

Here's how HROT did:

You cut $5.2T from the debt

Leaving a projected debt of $46.6T for 2033

Clearly we're better than Congress, but we still suck.
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The conversation about churches and religion is an interesting one and worth its own thread. But since taxing religion wasn't one of the options in the WaPo game - probably because it isn't realistic - I'd like to get back to what I think the game shows.

1. Even if you implement ALL the SAVINGS OPTIONS, you CANNOT BALANCE the BUDGET.

2. Even if you implement ALL the REVENUE INCREASES, you CANNOT BALANCE the BUDGET.

3. Even if you implement ALL the SAVINGS AND ALL the REVENUE RAISERS, you CANNOT BALANCE the BUDGET (although you get close).

So what should we take away from this exercise? A few points that seem obvious to me...

1. Our leaders aren't serious about tackling the debt problem. And let's be clear, we're only talking about halting the soaring debt - the idea of paying down on the debt NEVER comes up.

2. We need better solutions.

3. We need to elect serious people.

Agree on all of this. However, I don’t think the end game RIGHT now needs to be a perfectly balanced budget. They should be focused on progress and reducing deficit spending. And then continuing to make progress from that point on. Taxes have to go up and spending has to go down.
If I’m the feds, legalize pot and tax the states to get some of this taxable income from the states. Increase taxes for those making over $1 million a year, increase social security taxes on people to $500,000 with a step down tax as it gets closer to the $500,00 amount.

Incent US based companies to move their China based operations to Central America as we need our government to work with these countries to keep their citizens in their home countries while improving their standard of living, healthcare, education, and helping these corrupt governments move away from deals with the drug cartels operating within their borders.

We need real leadership in this country and bring everyone together to fix our problems. We need to allow people into this country legally but also work to help those people that want to go back to their home countries, make a living there. It’s not that hard but people have to work to make these things happen and realities.
There are needs and wants.

Wants = politicians within a district with a military base; more money on faith based education

Needs = infrastructure for highways, bridges, utilities.
The conversation about churches and religion is an interesting one and worth its own thread. But since taxing religion wasn't one of the options in the WaPo game - probably because it isn't realistic - I'd like to get back to what I think the game shows.

1. Even if you implement ALL the SAVINGS OPTIONS, you CANNOT BALANCE the BUDGET.

2. Even if you implement ALL the REVENUE INCREASES, you CANNOT BALANCE the BUDGET.

3. Even if you implement ALL the SAVINGS AND ALL the REVENUE RAISERS, you CANNOT BALANCE the BUDGET (although you get close).

So what should we take away from this exercise? A few points that seem obvious to me...

1. Our leaders aren't serious about tackling the debt problem. And let's be clear, we're only talking about halting the soaring debt - the idea of paying down on the debt NEVER comes up.

2. We need better solutions.

3. We need to elect serious people.
Or increase the size of the economy! It has been shown time and again that CUTTING taxes, will spur growth giving us a much bigger pie to tax.

But every time we enact a tax cut, the voters fall for a promise of lots of free stuff and vote in spenders and taxers. It never fails. People do not understand that Supply Side stimulus works every single time.

Cutting the price of oil and gasoline would act just like a tax cut as well .. so, In addition, a ramping up of domestic oil drilling would reduce the number of dollars being shipped overseas, and these dollars would cycle through the economy and create growth in both the economy and Federal Revenues.

And ... building a fleet of nuclear power plants would have a similar effect.

In short, we could stimulate the Supply Side by either cutting taxes or cutting the number of dollars spent (mostly overseas) on energy.

Summary of the Titus Andronicus approach to reducing the deficit and the debt:

-Slash all income taxes; Federal and State ... and corporate and personal.

-Drill and Frack until the end of time and into the future after that!

- Allow nuclear plants everywhere and anywhere, big ones and little ones, in every color of the rainbow to celebrate their gloriousness.

In twenty years or so, we would have reduced our debt by at least half ... maybe even more ... and we would have accumulated a portfolio of Chinese Government Bonds. People would want dollars again and life would be good.
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Everything in this country is bloated,.. just choose a percentage and cut everything the same amount, period.

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