Can it really be that much better?

The Tradition

HB King
Apr 23, 2002
So now that fall is in the air, every year I hear how you MUST try a fresh turkey for Thanksgiving, and every year I forget to reserve one.

Just looked around and holy hell! Williams Sonoma wants $180! That's like $12-$15 a pound! A Butterball will be on sale at my local grocery store for $0.88 a pound or something stupid like that.

Can it really be that much better?
So now that fall is in the air, every year I hear how you MUST try a fresh turkey for Thanksgiving, and every year I forget to reserve one.

Just looked around and holy hell! Williams Sonoma wants $180! That's like $12-$15 a pound! A Butterball will be on sale at my local grocery store for $0.88 a pound or something stupid like that.

Can it really be that much better?
That's ass backwards. Fresh turkeys are plentiful around here.

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