Can Twitter Ban Trump? And How awesome would it be if that happened?


HR King
Aug 14, 2002
Please let this happen. I'm not sure what the result would be, but I'm pretty sure it would be the greatest thing that would ever happen in the history of the Universe.

What would Trump do to get his message out immediately? Facebook? Snapchat? Just have a reporter follow him around? This MUST happen.
Trump gives twitter a lot of views. He can say the dumbest things and get 75k likes and retweets. That's a lot of ad revenue. Twitter would be crazy to extinguish that.
If they ever implement a fake news filter they'll have to include a patch to exempt his account, otherwise it would have the same effect as banning him.
Don't ban him. It's one more reason for him to play victim. Like a defendant testifying on his own behalf, the best bet is to let him speak freely and uninterrupted.

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