Can we get a 6 or 5 seed in the Big Dance?

If we get to the semis and don't get blown out by Wisky, I think we can get the 6. There's too much separation from the 5 seeds to break through I think.
I think beating Purdue probably gives them a better than 50% chance of a 6. Two reasons. Beating Purdue will help, and just playing Wisconsin will probably bump the RPI.

I could be wrong?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by cg8284:
6 - win two games
5 - win tournament
This would be my guess, although I'd say simply getting to the title game probably gets them the 5. Given that the championship game is so late and close to the time of the bracket release, I don't think the title game really has any impact on seeding (unless obviously it means a team on the outside like Penn State winning or losing).
If we were to beat Wisky and Maryland to win it all, 4 seed
Beat Wisky but lose final 5 seed
lose to Wisky 6 seed
lose to purdue 7 seed
lose to ps/nebby 8 seed
Don't think there is any way Iowa gets to a 4. Winning BTT doesn't push the RPI high enough (current RPI of teams with 4 seed for Lundardi is between 10 and 16).

If Iowa loses to PS/nebraska, likely a 9 or a 10 seed.

I am less optimistic than Lunardi/Palm about Iowa's seed, mostly because of the prominence that the committee places on the pure RPI number. I could easily see a win over PSU/neb, loss to Purdue and squarely in the 8/9 game.
Originally posted by Clifford C. Clavin:
Originally posted by cg8284:
6 - win two games
5 - win tournament
This would be my guess, although I'd say simply getting to the title game probably gets them the 5. Given that the championship game is so late and close to the time of the bracket release, I don't think the title game really has any impact on seeding (unless obviously it means a team on the outside like Penn State winning or losing).
how cool is Selection Sunday going to be if we win at least 2 games in the BTT? If we get a 6, we face a beatable 11; if we win, we probably face a 3, which is a top 10 (or so) ranked team in the country (an ISU or UNI)
Originally posted by Clifford C. Clavin:

Originally posted by cg8284:
6 - win two games
5 - win tournament
Given that the championship game is so late and close to the time of the bracket release, I don't think the title game really has any impact on seeding (unless obviously it means a team on the outside like Penn State winning or losing).
Been saying this for years on here, to much derision. Glad someone finally recognizes this. It may be more fun to think that Sunday game has seeding implications, but it means squat for dance seeding.
Right around 10% of online brackets have us as a 6 as is. I agree we drop to an 8 with an opening loss, maintain a 7 with a loss to purdue. Get the 6 with a close loss to Wisconsin, get a 5 for losing in the final, and a four for beating Wisconsin and then Maryland/MSU for the title. We are the highest rated 7 seed if you compiled all the known online bracket predictions.

This post was edited on 3/11 4:06 PM by bigfische
Originally posted by markfromj:

Originally posted by Clifford C. Clavin:

Originally posted by cg8284:
6 - win two games
5 - win tournament
Given that the championship game is so late and close to the time of the bracket release, I don't think the title game really has any impact on seeding (unless obviously it means a team on the outside like Penn State winning or losing).
Been saying this for years on here, to much derision. Glad someone finally recognizes this. It may be more fun to think that Sunday game has seeding implications, but it means squat for dance seeding.
That's an interesting thought, and maybe you're right. But if it were me in the room, there is no doubt I'd have the TV on all weekend to, including the Big Ten Tournament championship game. And if that were the case, it would be hard to forget it in the short span between the game and the tournament seedings being released.

I would also refuse to make my bracket final until all the tournament games were over, but that may not be what happens in reality.
Originally posted by bigfische:
Right around 10% of online brackets have us as a 6 as is. I agree we drop to an 8 with an opening loss, maintain a 7 with a loss to purdue. Get the 6 with a close loss to Wisconsin, get a 5 for losing in the final, and a four for beating Wisconsin and then Maryland/MSU for the title. We are the highest rated 7 seed if you compiled all the known online bracket predictions.

This post was edited on 3/11 4:06 PM by bigfische
A lot of this is going to depend on the Big East tourny. 3/4 six seeds are Big East teams. Same for Big Ten and 7 seeds (according to Lunardi). If those 6 seeds cannibalize we have a better chance to move up.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
by the time the BT Championship game is played most if not all the seeds will be determined, and why is the seed at a 7 in the East region a bad seed, I can stand playing Kansas in the East region for them to reach the sweet 16. just why is it that so many want that 5th or 6th seed so bad. in the dance it is all about avoiding the #1 seed after that it is up to the teams to beat who they play. so get Kansas out of the way early.
Haven't committee chairs in the past explained that they create a contingency bracket that adjusts for either result in a late championship game? That means there is an impact...
Originally posted by markfromj:
Originally posted by Clifford C. Clavin:

Originally posted by cg8284:
6 - win two games
5 - win tournament
Given that the championship game is so late and close to the time of the bracket release, I don't think the title game really has any impact on seeding (unless obviously it means a team on the outside like Penn State winning or losing).
Been saying this for years on here, to much derision. Glad someone finally recognizes this. It may be more fun to think that Sunday game has seeding implications, but it means squat for dance seeding.
I think you're both wrong. We earned a #3 seed in 2006 mostly on the strength beating Ohio State in the final of the Big Ten Tournament.

This post was edited on 3/12 8:36 AM by wondergrape
Originally posted by wondergrape:

Originally posted by markfromj:

Originally posted by Clifford C. Clavin:

Originally posted by cg8284:
6 - win two games
5 - win tournament
Given that the championship game is so late and close to the time of the bracket release, I don't think the title game really has any impact on seeding (unless obviously it means a team on the outside like Penn State winning or losing).
Been saying this for years on here, to much derision. Glad someone finally recognizes this. It may be more fun to think that Sunday game has seeding implications, but it means squat for dance seeding.
I think you're both wrong. We earned a #3 seed in 2006 mostly on the strength beating Ohio State in the final of the Big Ten Tournament.

This post was edited on 3/12 8:36 AM by wondergrape
Correct. As HerkyHopeful pointed out above, the committee may utilize a contingent bracket (for example, in 2006 if Iowa won on Sunday they would get a #3 seed, if they lost they would get a #4).

Depending on who we would hypothetically play Sunday, this may be the case again. It might so happen that we play OSU or another team that would likely not bolster our resume much nor hurt our resume, and therefore there'd be no need for a contingent bracket. But if we play Maryland they are a top 10 RPI team and perhaps beating them would bump us up a seed and the committee could use a contingent bracket option.
A 5 seed or better would require a win over Wisconsin. It would also represent the 9th win in a row. Even though the committee doesn't formally go by the "last 10 games" mantra anymore, I'm sure it's still a factor that reflects how good the team is right now. Adding a top 10 win to the resume will send the RPI up like a rocket as most of the teams slightly above us will have an additional loss by the end of the weekend. So on the off chance Iowa was able to win 4 straight, I think it gets us a solid 4 seed.
Originally posted by OnceAhawk:
Originally posted by Clifford C. Clavin:
Originally posted by cg8284:
6 - win two games
5 - win tournament
This would be my guess, although I'd say simply getting to the title game probably gets them the 5. Given that the championship game is so late and close to the time of the bracket release, I don't think the title game really has any impact on seeding (unless obviously it means a team on the outside like Penn State winning or losing).
how cool is Selection Sunday going to be if we win at least 2 games in the BTT? If we get a 6, we face a beatable 11; if we win, we probably face a 3, which is a top 10 (or so) ranked team in the country (an ISU or UNI)
I'm not sure we'd be able to face a team from the same state? I don't remember if that only goes for conferences or not.
I think a 4 seed is dreaming even if we win BTT, I don't think we are a top 16 team even with 10 game winning streak. Wins over PSU and Purdue will not help our RPI, however a win over Wiscy would be a nice boost except at this point in the season, how much will a third game against Wiscy help when we have already played them twice. Seems it might be diluted just a bit. Doesn't the 4-5 slot put us against a #1 in round of 16. Take the 6-7 window and avoid the #1 for one more round =)

I think the most important thing is to win today and on Friday and preserve the #7 and maybe sneak to a #6 since it seems like a number of teams currently in the 6-7 range could fall in their tourney games this weekend as others have noted.

Losing today puts doubt back on this team and we don't want that perception for the committee
Originally posted by DodgerHawki:
Don't think there is any way Iowa gets to a 4. Winning BTT doesn't push the RPI high enough (current RPI of teams with 4 seed for Lundardi is between 10 and 16).

If Iowa loses to PS/nebraska, likely a 9 or a 10 seed.

I am less optimistic than Lunardi/Palm about Iowa's seed, mostly because of the prominence that the committee places on the pure RPI number. I could easily see a win over PSU/neb, loss to Purdue and squarely in the 8/9 game.
I agree with your top statement about a 4. But I'm not sure losing in an upset today is going to drop us to a 9-10 (maybe a 9 at the worst). I think it would drop us to an 8.

I do think the RPI, while seemingly being important to the committee, isn't the only thing they look at it when they're looking for reasons to separate several close teams in the seeding. In fact this was backed up last year by someone (can't remember his name) on the selection show who said that road wins and strength of schedule were other factors.

I think any loss probably moves us to an 8, but it's possible losing to Purdue will leave us at 7 too. It just depends on what happens elsewhere. I say win two and you probably have a real shot at a six.
4 seed- no chance
5 seed- win the whole thing
6 seed- win 2 games
7 seed- win 1 game. may still stay on the 7 line with a loss
8 seed- may fall here with a loss today
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

this will put a stop to some that are/were getting greedy about the seeds.
Sorry for wanting to face worse teams in the tourney I guess.....?