Carly Fiorina

Nov 28, 2010

She said the first phone call she would make as president would be to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a bid to shore up the U.S.-Israel relationship, and the second call would be to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to inform him of a hard-line approach on sanctions

Fiorina admits that in adulthood her faith had become "more abstract," saying she viewed God "as something of a super CEO of a massive enterprise" who "didn't attend to every detail." But after Lori's death, when her husband Frank turned away from religion, Fiorina turned towards it, realizing that "of course God knew every single one of us personally and kept track of us and heard our prayers. ... God knows everything that is happening in the universe - not in broad management strokes, but in minute, personal detail."
Well that's disapointing, another Hawk running to waste money blowing shit up in the desert. Are Paul and Bernie the only anti-war candidates?
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Well that's disapointing, another Hawk running to waste money blowing shit up in the desert. Are Paul and Bernie the only anti-war candidates?

Good question. Rand Paul has made some disturbing comments recently (about Iran) that seem to tarnish his anti-war credentials, but I still assume his libertarian views would be better than the neocon views of most of the GOP.
Hard to find Carly's positions on many things. Here are a few from the NY Times:


Ms. Fiorina in the past has said she would support a path to citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants if they graduate from college or serve in the armed forces.

Like others in the Republican field, she has recently emphasized the need for tightening border security before undertaking a broader overhaul of the immigration system.

Same-Sex Marriage

While she does not endorse same-sex marriages, Ms. Fiorina supports granting government benefits to same-sex couples. She defended the recent Indiana law, subsequently altered, that drew criticism for having the potential to allow discrimination against gay people.

"People of religious conviction know that marriage is a religious institution with a spiritual foundation because only a man and a woman can create life, which is a gift that comes from God," she said. "We must protect their rights as well."

Climate Change

Unlike other Republican candidates, Ms. Fiorina has not denied that human activity causes global warming. But she has argued against regulation in California to reduce climate-warming emissions, saying such actions by individual governments alone "won't make a bit of difference in climate change."

She has also been critical of efforts to reach international treaties to fight climate change, expressing skepticism that huge carbon emitters like China will change their behavior. And after previously supporting a cap-and-trade system for curtailing harmful emissions, she came out against the idea during her failed 2010 Senate run in California.

The Economy

Ms. Fiorina generally believes that reducing government regulations helps to spur the economy, and she opposed the 2009 federal stimulus program as a wasteful use of taxpayer money.

She opposes raising the federal minimum wage, saying doing so "will hurt those who are looking for entry-level jobs."

She feels the federal work force is too large and says she would cut the pay of federal workers and base their compensation on performance. In her 2010 Senate race, she called for eliminating the estate tax and capital gains taxes for investments in small businesses, and lowering marginal tax rates.
So far, pretty standard GOP themes. Slightly less dogmatically stupid on a few, but hardly daring.
I probably should be asking the NY Times this question, but I'm sure some of our resident experts can help me. Which Republican presidential candidates have denied human activity has a role in climate change?

Fiorina admits that in adulthood her faith had become "more abstract," saying she viewed God "as something of a super CEO of a massive enterprise" who "didn't attend to every detail." But after Lori's death, when her husband Frank turned away from religion, Fiorina turned towards it, realizing that "of course God knew every single one of us personally and kept track of us and heard our prayers. ... God knows everything that is happening in the universe - not in broad management strokes, but in minute, personal detail."

That's the kind of tidy convenient shift in attitude towards god that conservatives love to hear in the primary season. Sucking up ass kissers disgust me.

More of her positions on issues. Some from when she was running in liberal California. It will be interesting to see if any of those "evolve" to appeal to the crazies in GOP primaries.

While she's still wrong on a whole lot, she nevertheless seems either better or no worse than the other GOP candidates we hear about (announced or otherwise).
In order to be the CEO candidate, shouldn't you at least have a good record as CEO?
I know very little about Fiorina and I am not defending her here. But since the left wasted no time in trashing her tenure at Hewlett-Packard, I wonder how much of what happened was due to poor stewardship on her part and how much was beyond her control and simply an inevitable result of the dot-com bubble bursting.
I probably should be asking the NY Times this question, but I'm sure some of our resident experts can help me. Which Republican presidential candidates have denied human activity has a role in climate change?

Ted Cruz denies climate change completely.
Marco Rubio denies human involvement in climate change (although, he may have said he didn't believe humans have "caused" climate change, rather than playing a role in it).
I'm also pretty sure Jeb Bush has said he didn't think there was any role humans have played in climate change.

Those are just off the top of my head.
In order to be the CEO candidate, shouldn't you at least have a good record as CEO?
Although it is not without some controversy,there are many who feel she was an excellent CEO. I think she suffered from some bad timing but the moves she made were the right ones in my judgement. Our current occupant never ran so much as a lemonade stand. I love Carly's executive experience.
Well that's disapointing, another Hawk running to waste money blowing shit up in the desert. Are Paul and Bernie the only anti-war candidates?
I'm going to wager you still won't be voting for Sanders. Please, Dems, Sanders is The Man. Vote for him early and often. Fix the vote (you've had enough experience in your past elections), but get Bernie the Dem nomination for President. I'd love to see a Mondale sweep.
Ted Cruz denies climate change completely.
Marco Rubio denies human involvement in climate change (although, he may have said he didn't believe humans have "caused" climate change, rather than playing a role in it).
I'm also pretty sure Jeb Bush has said he didn't think there was any role humans have played in climate change.

Those are just off the top of my head.
I doubt that's Cruz position unless it's some type of shorthand that he doesn't believe in manmade global warming or that man is a significant contributor to the change. The climate is constantly changing, so I don't think he denies this.
I told ya'll she is like Brienne of Tarth. At first you think no way, but the more you get to know her, the more you wish she was on your team.
Although it is not without some controversy,there are many who feel she was an excellent CEO. I think she suffered from some bad timing but the moves she made were the right ones in my judgement. Our current occupant never ran so much as a lemonade stand. I love Carly's executive experience.

She was responsible for the worst merger that didn't involve aol. She was so bad she was fired by a board stacked full of her friends.
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In GOP circles, this is considered a terrific accomplishment.

Dont care about the politics of it. She fought with her shareholders and pushed through a merger that made no sense, just ask walter hewlett. Nothing like doubling down on a low margin business when everyone other than the Chinese manufacturers were getting out. She may very well be a great elected official but she was a really bad ceo.
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HP didn't think so when they fired her. If she gains enough traction for it to matter, I expect we'll get a good look at that.
Some of us already have taken a good look at it. Stop and think a second, Parser: Is the woman actually going to run for president if her chairmanship at HP was anything like the critics portray it to have been? Which is not to say the bad things that happened aren't going to hurt her, or shouldn't hurt her.
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But after Lori's death, when her husband Frank turned away from religion, Fiorina turned towards it, realizing that "of course God knew every single one of us personally and kept track of us and heard our prayers. ... God knows everything that is happening in the universe - not in broad management strokes, but in minute, personal detail."

If that's really true, then he's quite an asshole to let some of the things happen that he apparently let's happen.
Some of us already have taken a good look at it. Stop and think a second, Parser: Is the woman actually going to run for president if her chairmanship at HP was anything like the critics portray it to have been? Which is not to say the bad things that happened aren't going to hurt her, or shouldn't hurt her.

She did not have a successful run as CEO at HP, but to be fair, getting the job in 1999 and trying to lead them through the the first few years of the 2000s was pretty bad timing for her. The HP/Compaq merger happened because both companies were weakened after the tech bubble burst. There were quite a few tech companies changing CEOs during the first half of the 2000s. She obviously is a pretty competent person to have actually made it to the top of a company the size of HP, particularly one that has a history of being an "engineers" company, but she struggled as the HP CEO.

I have spent a lot of time at the HP offices in Houston and the employees there who came over from Compaq have no fondness for her whatsoever.

More of her positions on issues. Some from when she was running in liberal California. It will be interesting to see if any of those "evolve" to appeal to the crazies in GOP primaries.

While she's still wrong on a whole lot, she nevertheless seems either better or no worse than the other GOP candidates we hear about (announced or otherwise).
When BHO evolved to the left was he trying to satisfy the crazies in the Dem party?
In order to be the CEO candidate, shouldn't you at least have a good record as CEO?

Actually that does not seem to be a standard for many of the other candidates of late. Obama was probably our most ineffective Senator, for example, and Al Gore was a failure of the first order at everything he ever did. Aside from Bush and Romney, I cannot think of a single "accomplished" candidate running for our highest office.

McCain was successful at surviving the Vietnam war, but not at much else. Kerry did manage to marry a wealthy woman, (as did McCain) but that is hardly a resume for higher office. Clinton was the ultimate smoke-and-mirrors candidate and his skills at "redefining politics" did not exactly dove-tail with the skill set required to actually "be" President.

I suspect that Carly would manage just fine. Even a difficult run at HP is a better background for running the largest capitalist society in the World, than anyone else out there (exception: Jeb) is providing as background for the job.


I should add that our next president is going to have to be the ultimate Turn-around artist. She is the only one in the field who has even come near to taking on such a project (Other than Jeb, and maybe Scott Walker).

The next president is going to have to clean out every senior executive at every single government agency that we have. I cannot imagine the depth of the cancer known as "Obamaism." It has to be so deeply rooted that it will take years if not decades to root out.

I think Carly, with some real-life Board-Room experience might just be the person for the job.
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Actually that does not seem to be a standard for many of the other candidates of late. Obama was probably our most ineffective Senator, for example, and Al Gore was a failure of the first order at everything he ever did. Aside from Bush and Romney, I cannot think of a single "accomplished" candidate running for our highest office.

McCain was successful at surviving the Vietnam war, but not at much else. Kerry did manage to marry a wealthy woman, (as did McCain) but that is hardly a resume for higher office. Clinton was the ultimate smoke-and-mirrors candidate and his skills at "redefining politics" did not exactly dove-tail with the skill set required to actually "be" President.

I suspect that Carly would manage just fine. Even a difficult run at HP is a better background for running the largest capitalist society in the World, than anyone else out there (exception: Jeb) is providing as background for the job.


I should add that our next president is going to have to be the ultimate Turn-around artist. She is the only one in the field who has even come near to taking on such a project (Other than Jeb, and maybe Scott Walker).

The next president is going to have to clean out every senior executive at every single government agency that we have. I cannot imagine the depth of the cancer known as "Obamaism." It has to be so deeply rooted that it will take years if not decades to root out.

I think Carly, with some real-life Board-Room experience might just be the person for the job.

Face it, the liberals are losing their damn minds because the Republicans not only have relatively young candidates running for office, but we have a woman, a black man, and two hispanics.

They don't know what to think.

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