
Jan 3, 2011
Just opened in our small town. Going with a large taco to test the waters. Im sure you're interested in the results so I'll post later.
Poor guy is gonna need one of these
Pretty lame attempt at pizza. Maybe they haven't figured out the secrets since it has just recently opened. Flimsy crust and bad ingredients. Yep, gas station pizza. Good thing we have a good mom and pop pizza place in town!
1. I'll know where the OP lives when I read about a massive outbreak of diarrhea in some small Iowa town.
2. Wa, why is someone fumigating that guys ass?
Follow it up with a breakfast pizza tomorrow morning.
I went out on an early fishing trip Thursday and picked up a Casey's breakfast slice. Very filling and stayed with me but not very good. Decided I should have gone with a breakfast croissant. Not that much better really but at least edible.
I went out on an early fishing trip Thursday and picked up a Casey's breakfast slice. Very filling and stayed with me but not very good. Decided I should have gone with a breakfast croissant. Not that much better really but at least edible.
When Steven Patrick has breakfast pizza with his wife it's baked by their personal chef, and made from the finest ingredients and hubris that Seattle can muster.
Caseys is part of the rural and bucolic scene in the Midwest.
It is the only place you can put cheap gas in your car and
cheap food in your body and also get gas.
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OK, I know the ramifications of saying this, but there is no food sold at Casey's that is good. Edible, yes, but not tasty.

I'd rather have Pizza Hut pizza, and I have avoided Pizza Hut for years.
The American public is in dire straits if we are looking to
Casey's General Store for our pizza, donuts, and subs.
Next thing you will become
the main dating source for the Midwest.
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