Cedar Rapids tries to turn city of stumps into tree oasis...

The Tradition

HR King
Apr 23, 2002
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — Until one afternoon last August, Cedar Rapids had always been a lush, leafy island surrounded by a sea of corn and soybeans, with its giant oaks, sycamores and other trees towering over the community’s neighborhoods and providing a shady refuge from Iowa’s steamy summer heat.

It took 45 minutes to shred nearly all of those trees, as a rare storm called a derecho plowed through the city of 130,000 in eastern Iowa with 140 mph (225 kph) winds and left behind a jumble of branches, downed powerlines and twisted signs.

Power was restored in the following weeks, and workers continue repairing thousands of homes battered by the hurricane-force winds, but nine months later Cedar Rapids is not back to normal — because of the trees.

“A lot of people once took the trees for granted, for what they provided,” said city arborist Todd Fagan. “That’s not the case anymore.”

Now, city officials, businesses and nonprofit groups have teamed up with ambitious plans to somehow transform what is a city of stumps back into the tree-covered Midwestern oasis along the Cedar River.

They all acknowledge it won’t be easy, or cheap. Most of the trees are gone, and many of those that remain lost many of their branches, giving them a sparse, stick-like appearance.

As Shannon Ramsay, who heads the nonprofit group Trees Forever, put it, “It will take decades and decades to get our canopy back, but it will happen.”

The lasting damage in Cedar Rapids is a testament to the scale of the storm, which cut a roughly 100-mile-wide (160-kilometer-wide) swath from Nebraska across Iowa and through Illinois and Wisconsin and into Indiana and Ohio. It took the storm about 14 hours to travel nearly 800 miles (1,290 kilometers), causing an estimated $7.5 billion in damage and ruining 850,000 acres (345,000 hectares) of crops in Iowa alone.

Derechos are sometimes called inland hurricanes, but they’re actually classified as thunderstorms, with straight-line rather than circular winds that make up hurricanes and tornadoes. A University of Iowa professor coined the term in 1888, using the Spanish word for “direct” or “straight ahead,” according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The storm smacked directly into Cedar Rapids, and an estimated 100,000 trees were either snapped off or torn out of the ground, leaving giant root balls exposed on streets and sidewalks. Seventy percent of the tree canopy was destroyed and some of the city’s 97 parks lost almost every tree.

“It was chaos,” said Austin Even, who has been hauling away trees nearly every day since the storm.

It’s more manageable now, but in the days after the derecho, just getting around town was a nightmare, given 10-foot-high (3-meter-high) walls of debris, broken power poles and no cell service, Even said.

“No one can really understand it,” Mayor Brad Hart said. “The crews who came from other parts of the country to help clean up said they had never seen anything like this.”

Even now, piles of branches line streets and the whine of chainsaws is part of city life.

City officials have begun the long recovery process by committing at least $1 million annually for 10 years toward planting trees and $24,000 to watering new trees for the next two years. The city is working with Trees Forever on a “releaf initiative″ that is expected to stretch for 15 years or more.

As part of the effort, organizers are tallying up the remaining trees and specifying where new ones are needed on city property. Organizers also hope to raise up to $25 million from private sources.

With current funding, officials said, it will be years before some streets have a city-provided tree, and property owners will be responsible for planting trees on private property. Even if more money were available, officials said the need in Cedar Rapids has outstripped the supply of native Midwest trees available to plant.

The city has put out detailed plans for grinding out massive stumps in the right-of-way and rules for residents who can take on the task themselves. Officials promise they have no intention of planting puny trees even though they might be easier to maintain.

“Cedar Rapids has a long history of great shade trees on the street, and that’s what citizens want,” Ramsay said.

About 10,000 trees will be planted on city and private property this year, and that number will need to be repeated far into the future.

Ramsey said she hopes more businesses will pitch in. Hundreds of trucks and trailers lined up recently for a grocery chain’s offer of an 80% discount on 2,500 bur oak trees that were up to 10 feet tall and would typically cost $500.

Trinidad Green said three trees around her house east of downtown came crashing down in the storm. The loss was heartbreaking, she said, and the lack of shade made it harder to keep her old home cool last summer and this spring.

“It’s so naked now,” she said.

Lisa Williams, the director of development for Trees Forever, acknowledged Cedar Rapids won’t look the same for years, but she said replanting efforts are picking up pace.

“It’s so important to replant now so people have this image of hope and the future rather than focusing on the tree skeletons,” she said.

Great article. Thanks for sharing. One of the best things about CR was its number of beautiful tree-lined streets. In fact, when we moved further from downtown we picked a street that resembled our old neighborhood’s beautiful array of crab apple, cherry trees, walnut, silver maple, and oak trees. Sure enough, our new neighborhood atop the valley got walloped, while our old neighborhood on the downslope of the valley was protected by the tall hills and got much less damage.

We did our part though. Bought 25 native Iowa Wild Black Cherry trees. One is thriving in our yard, replacing the old green ash that we lost. We gave away the rest to friends and family. We added more lilac bushes in the back, but our big silver maple made it.
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Trees by Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree

A tree that looks at God all day
and lifts her leafy arms to pray

A tree that may in summer wear
a nest of robins in her hair

Poems are made by fools like me
But only God can make a tree

Good one Lute. One of our all time favorite walks is in the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest, which is one of the largest virgin timber patches in the Eastern US.

I would caution Cedar Rapids folks about trying to instantly replant what was lost. Often a small, several year old seedling will quickly out grow a larger transplanted tree. We put in multiple 1’ tall sprouts in the early-mid 90’s that are now 60’ tall, while the one sugar maple I bought as a 15’ tall established tree is the same height.
A horticultural buddy told me to wait 3-5 years for the trees to get established and then jump start them. He had me punch three or four 2’ deep holes with a crow bar around the tree just at the outside diameter of the leaf cover. Fill them with 10.10.10 fertilizer and wait. Booyah, they took off!
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My brother and I went to a wedding in Dubuque yesterday, we drove from west end of Marion where he lives.

As I drove to his house (older, maybe 60 year old neighborhood off 8th Avenue), for the most part the neighborhood has most all tree removal completed and hauled away. A LOT more light is what is interesting...most all trees are sheared off at mid height like someone took a giant hedge trimmer to the whole neighborhood.

But there was one home that stood out from the rest, typical smaller Skogman single level with basement one sees everywhere in the "Collins neighborhoods" of Marion, maybe 50-70 years old now. Small front yard, all the houses there are fairly close to the sidewalks and streets. The grass is growing nicely, the house looks undamaged/repaired. But there is a stump maybe 6-8 feet round and 10 or so feet long with roots almost completely pulled out stretching out maybe a good 12 to 15 foot wide (and tall given it's laid parallel to the lawn) sitting smack dab in the middle of the yard. Rest of the tree is gone - my recollection was the tree was mammoth in size after I saw it laid down a week after the storm - it stretched over the 2 east side neighbors' yards and crushed a couple cars, but missed totally crushing the houses.

The trunk and roots dominate the front yard. It sits there like someone actually decorated the yard with it. Too big to saw up any further and they'll probably need a crane to haul it out.

The wind "leverage" needed to pull that tree down at the roots really is awesome to wrap one's head around.

The whole metro is still full of yards like this. Those Flannery tandem trucks are still hauling away tree debris, 7 days a week, sunup to sundown. You'll see houses with all the small stuff hauled away, but with these utterly massive trunks laying by the side of the road because those trucks can't haul those away.

Hell, there's still a massive amount of homes that haven't been re-sided or re-roofed yet EVERYWHERE you drive around town. It'll probably take years to get to them all.
My brother and I went to a wedding in Dubuque yesterday, we drove from west end of Marion where he lives.

As I drove to his house (older, maybe 60 year old neighborhood off 8th Avenue), for the most part the neighborhood has most all tree removal completed and hauled away. A LOT more light is what is interesting...most all trees are sheared off at mid height like someone took a giant hedge trimmer to the whole neighborhood.

But there was one home that stood out from the rest, typical smaller Skogman single level with basement one sees everywhere in the "Collins neighborhoods" of Marion, maybe 50-70 years old now. Small front yard, all the houses there are fairly close to the sidewalks and streets. The grass is growing nicely, the house looks undamaged/repaired. But there is a stump maybe 6-8 feet round and 10 or so feet long with roots almost completely pulled out stretching out maybe a good 12 to 15 foot wide (and tall given it's laid parallel to the lawn) sitting smack dab in the middle of the yard. Rest of the tree is gone - my recollection was the tree was mammoth in size after I saw it laid down a week after the storm - it stretched over the 2 east side neighbors' yards and crushed a couple cars, but missed totally crushing the houses.

The trunk and roots dominate the front yard. It sits there like someone actually decorated the yard with it. Too big to saw up any further and they'll probably need a crane to haul it out.

The wind "leverage" needed to pull that tree down at the roots really is awesome to wrap one's head around.

The whole metro is still full of yards like this. Those Flannery tandem trucks are still hauling away tree debris, 7 days a week, sunup to sundown. You'll see houses with all the small stuff hauled away, but with these utterly massive trunks laying by the side of the road because those trucks can't haul those away.

Hell, there's still a massive amount of homes that haven't been re-sided or re-roofed yet EVERYWHERE you drive around town. It'll probably take years to get to them all.
That is similar to what I witnessed across N. Florida after hurricane Michael. Massive devastation across a big area that will not be rebuilt soon. If ever.
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CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — Until one afternoon last August, Cedar Rapids had always been a lush, leafy island surrounded by a sea of corn and soybeans, with its giant oaks, sycamores and other trees towering over the community’s neighborhoods and providing a shady refuge from Iowa’s steamy summer heat.

It took 45 minutes to shred nearly all of those trees, as a rare storm called a derecho plowed through the city of 130,000 in eastern Iowa with 140 mph (225 kph) winds and left behind a jumble of branches, downed powerlines and twisted signs.

Power was restored in the following weeks, and workers continue repairing thousands of homes battered by the hurricane-force winds, but nine months later Cedar Rapids is not back to normal — because of the trees.

“A lot of people once took the trees for granted, for what they provided,” said city arborist Todd Fagan. “That’s not the case anymore.”

Now, city officials, businesses and nonprofit groups have teamed up with ambitious plans to somehow transform what is a city of stumps back into the tree-covered Midwestern oasis along the Cedar River.

They all acknowledge it won’t be easy, or cheap. Most of the trees are gone, and many of those that remain lost many of their branches, giving them a sparse, stick-like appearance.

As Shannon Ramsay, who heads the nonprofit group Trees Forever, put it, “It will take decades and decades to get our canopy back, but it will happen.”

The lasting damage in Cedar Rapids is a testament to the scale of the storm, which cut a roughly 100-mile-wide (160-kilometer-wide) swath from Nebraska across Iowa and through Illinois and Wisconsin and into Indiana and Ohio. It took the storm about 14 hours to travel nearly 800 miles (1,290 kilometers), causing an estimated $7.5 billion in damage and ruining 850,000 acres (345,000 hectares) of crops in Iowa alone.

Derechos are sometimes called inland hurricanes, but they’re actually classified as thunderstorms, with straight-line rather than circular winds that make up hurricanes and tornadoes. A University of Iowa professor coined the term in 1888, using the Spanish word for “direct” or “straight ahead,” according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The storm smacked directly into Cedar Rapids, and an estimated 100,000 trees were either snapped off or torn out of the ground, leaving giant root balls exposed on streets and sidewalks. Seventy percent of the tree canopy was destroyed and some of the city’s 97 parks lost almost every tree.

“It was chaos,” said Austin Even, who has been hauling away trees nearly every day since the storm.

It’s more manageable now, but in the days after the derecho, just getting around town was a nightmare, given 10-foot-high (3-meter-high) walls of debris, broken power poles and no cell service, Even said.

“No one can really understand it,” Mayor Brad Hart said. “The crews who came from other parts of the country to help clean up said they had never seen anything like this.”

Even now, piles of branches line streets and the whine of chainsaws is part of city life.

City officials have begun the long recovery process by committing at least $1 million annually for 10 years toward planting trees and $24,000 to watering new trees for the next two years. The city is working with Trees Forever on a “releaf initiative″ that is expected to stretch for 15 years or more.

As part of the effort, organizers are tallying up the remaining trees and specifying where new ones are needed on city property. Organizers also hope to raise up to $25 million from private sources.

With current funding, officials said, it will be years before some streets have a city-provided tree, and property owners will be responsible for planting trees on private property. Even if more money were available, officials said the need in Cedar Rapids has outstripped the supply of native Midwest trees available to plant.

The city has put out detailed plans for grinding out massive stumps in the right-of-way and rules for residents who can take on the task themselves. Officials promise they have no intention of planting puny trees even though they might be easier to maintain.

“Cedar Rapids has a long history of great shade trees on the street, and that’s what citizens want,” Ramsay said.

About 10,000 trees will be planted on city and private property this year, and that number will need to be repeated far into the future.

Ramsey said she hopes more businesses will pitch in. Hundreds of trucks and trailers lined up recently for a grocery chain’s offer of an 80% discount on 2,500 bur oak trees that were up to 10 feet tall and would typically cost $500.

Trinidad Green said three trees around her house east of downtown came crashing down in the storm. The loss was heartbreaking, she said, and the lack of shade made it harder to keep her old home cool last summer and this spring.

“It’s so naked now,” she said.

Lisa Williams, the director of development for Trees Forever, acknowledged Cedar Rapids won’t look the same for years, but she said replanting efforts are picking up pace.

“It’s so important to replant now so people have this image of hope and the future rather than focusing on the tree skeletons,” she said.

I am giving Trad props for not playing a Floridian "You call that a windstorm?" card.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — Until one afternoon last August, Cedar Rapids had always been a lush, leafy island surrounded by a sea of corn and soybeans, with its giant oaks, sycamores and other trees towering over the community’s neighborhoods and providing a shady refuge from Iowa’s steamy summer heat.

It took 45 minutes to shred nearly all of those trees, as a rare storm called a derecho plowed through the city of 130,000 in eastern Iowa with 140 mph (225 kph) winds and left behind a jumble of branches, downed powerlines and twisted signs.

Power was restored in the following weeks, and workers continue repairing thousands of homes battered by the hurricane-force winds, but nine months later Cedar Rapids is not back to normal — because of the trees.

“A lot of people once took the trees for granted, for what they provided,” said city arborist Todd Fagan. “That’s not the case anymore.”

Now, city officials, businesses and nonprofit groups have teamed up with ambitious plans to somehow transform what is a city of stumps back into the tree-covered Midwestern oasis along the Cedar River.

They all acknowledge it won’t be easy, or cheap. Most of the trees are gone, and many of those that remain lost many of their branches, giving them a sparse, stick-like appearance.

As Shannon Ramsay, who heads the nonprofit group Trees Forever, put it, “It will take decades and decades to get our canopy back, but it will happen.”

The lasting damage in Cedar Rapids is a testament to the scale of the storm, which cut a roughly 100-mile-wide (160-kilometer-wide) swath from Nebraska across Iowa and through Illinois and Wisconsin and into Indiana and Ohio. It took the storm about 14 hours to travel nearly 800 miles (1,290 kilometers), causing an estimated $7.5 billion in damage and ruining 850,000 acres (345,000 hectares) of crops in Iowa alone.

Derechos are sometimes called inland hurricanes, but they’re actually classified as thunderstorms, with straight-line rather than circular winds that make up hurricanes and tornadoes. A University of Iowa professor coined the term in 1888, using the Spanish word for “direct” or “straight ahead,” according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The storm smacked directly into Cedar Rapids, and an estimated 100,000 trees were either snapped off or torn out of the ground, leaving giant root balls exposed on streets and sidewalks. Seventy percent of the tree canopy was destroyed and some of the city’s 97 parks lost almost every tree.

“It was chaos,” said Austin Even, who has been hauling away trees nearly every day since the storm.

It’s more manageable now, but in the days after the derecho, just getting around town was a nightmare, given 10-foot-high (3-meter-high) walls of debris, broken power poles and no cell service, Even said.

“No one can really understand it,” Mayor Brad Hart said. “The crews who came from other parts of the country to help clean up said they had never seen anything like this.”

Even now, piles of branches line streets and the whine of chainsaws is part of city life.

City officials have begun the long recovery process by committing at least $1 million annually for 10 years toward planting trees and $24,000 to watering new trees for the next two years. The city is working with Trees Forever on a “releaf initiative″ that is expected to stretch for 15 years or more.

As part of the effort, organizers are tallying up the remaining trees and specifying where new ones are needed on city property. Organizers also hope to raise up to $25 million from private sources.

With current funding, officials said, it will be years before some streets have a city-provided tree, and property owners will be responsible for planting trees on private property. Even if more money were available, officials said the need in Cedar Rapids has outstripped the supply of native Midwest trees available to plant.

The city has put out detailed plans for grinding out massive stumps in the right-of-way and rules for residents who can take on the task themselves. Officials promise they have no intention of planting puny trees even though they might be easier to maintain.

“Cedar Rapids has a long history of great shade trees on the street, and that’s what citizens want,” Ramsay said.

About 10,000 trees will be planted on city and private property this year, and that number will need to be repeated far into the future.

Ramsey said she hopes more businesses will pitch in. Hundreds of trucks and trailers lined up recently for a grocery chain’s offer of an 80% discount on 2,500 bur oak trees that were up to 10 feet tall and would typically cost $500.

Trinidad Green said three trees around her house east of downtown came crashing down in the storm. The loss was heartbreaking, she said, and the lack of shade made it harder to keep her old home cool last summer and this spring.

“It’s so naked now,” she said.

Lisa Williams, the director of development for Trees Forever, acknowledged Cedar Rapids won’t look the same for years, but she said replanting efforts are picking up pace.

“It’s so important to replant now so people have this image of hope and the future rather than focusing on the tree skeletons,” she said.

I was going to post this, but you beat me to it.
Thanks for sharing it. I’m doing my part to help replenish the city tree canopy.
Cedar Rapids came back amazingly from the flood of 2008. It will do the same with the derecho. Great place to live with good city management.

While I agree with that, the flood was effectively "near the river", plus it was a month in the making too. We had a full week to see it coming.

Not diminishing it given the devastating effects of flooding in general...but actual flood waters didn't reach most of the city. And most everybody in the worst hit areas had time to bug out of areas we had a pretty good idea were gonna get crushed once the CRANDIC bridge toppled over that Thursday morning.

The derecho was everywhere, plus the suburbs. Nobody was spared. And while we had some advance warning, the thing was flying across Iowa already and once it hit Des Moines, it picked up speed and power.

Here's how much a warning we had...


Here's the radar, 1046am NWS DM. The storm hit CR at roughly 1230pm - it went roughly 130 or so miles due east in less than 2 hours.


I'd say the city had maybe tops an hour of "quality warning time" - roughly beginning when the PDS was issued. That's also probably generous at best. My thinking is most the metro, the general population I'll call it...was effectively blind-sided unless you were watching the midday news, listening to the radio, or had some sort of weather alert thingie on your cell phone.

Even then though, my bet is for most there'd have been an "ain't gonna be that bad" feeling for most.

I feel very fortunate I'm weather geekified and that I had gotten a short video from a buddy in Waukee when it hit his house. "If that hits us, we're in trouble" crossed my mind at 11am. Hell, even then I didn't really believe it would hold together let alone strengthen. Most likely scenario would be our weather bubble would kill it or split it north and south of us like most our storms do rather than dead centering CR.

Either way, I was able to get everything buttoned up and shut most everything off at my home. But I'm betting I was the big time exception compared to most of the 250k give or take in the metro at that time.

The sheer mass of it all is what sticks with me most. You can't go anywhere in the entire metro and not see an untouched area, even 9 months later. The scars are everywhere, and will be for quite some time.