These ladies appear to be missing their tops.America!
2,4,1,3,5. Whatever method has #2 being first
These ladies appear to be missing their tops.America!
1 2 5 3 4
Lights on vs off could flip flop 4 and 5. Face vs chest.
This is difficult.
5 has the best pair but she’s kind of ugly.
Best overall is a tossup between 1 and 2.
Here we go:
2, 1, 5, 3, 4.
2 got the nod over 1 due to skin tone, tat, and bellybutton ring. She DTF.
I don’t think they’re really outside. That background look fake
Dude, quit trying to figure out the science behind it.
I didn’t even realize there was a background.
I would imagine all of them are DTF.
Dude, quit trying to figure out the science behind it.
I didn’t even realize there was a background.