Children of the 70s - The Brady Bunch

Feb 9, 2013
Sounds like it’s more for display than ready for move-in, but would be surreal living there!

Brady Bunch Home Buyer Says Home May Be a 'Bad Investment' But It Brings Her 'So Much Joy' (Exclusive)

Lizzy Rosenberg
Fri, September 15, 2023 at 3:52 PM MDT
Tina Trahan, who bought the "Brady Bunch" home from HGTV, clarified her previous statement about the famous abode being a "bad investment," in an exclusive interview with PEOPLE

Here's the story of… an art collector who bought the original Brady Bunch home from HGTV. And despite previous reports, it seems that she absolutely loves it.

Art collector and property owner Tina Trahanwants to set the record straight. During an interview with The Wall Street Journal earlier this month, Trahan said that HGTV, the previous owner of her new "life-size dollhouse home," bought the property for too much — about $3.5 million. Trahan paid $3.2 million for the home after HGTV renovated the property — used for exterior shots in The Brady Bunch — so the interior matched the sitcom's set. She said that in the realm of buying property, HGTV's hefty purchase was the "worst investment ever."



How does that chick have that kind of money?

She much suck a lot of D.

Update: yep she sucks the D of a CEO.
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I read one time that Marsha in real life was quite the ho bag. I have know idea whether that was true but I choose to believe it.
She struggled with depression after the show and got into drugs pretty bad. Ended up sleeping with dudes for drugs at times in the late 70s. I recall reading that she auditioned for Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark but bombed it because she was on a multi-day coke binge. Thankfully she cleaned herself up. Imagine hearing the story from the guys claiming they slept with Marcia Brady just for giving her some coke. Nobody would believe it.
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