MG would have been better if he had a true SG instead of Clemmons playing next to him, this is what hurt him the most,
Jok played the SG in the 2014-15 season, this season stepped it up to play the SF position so that Jok could play the SG position, I feel even if Ellingson or Fleming had taken the SG spot the team would have been better than what is was,
Clemmons as the backup PG helped this team. my preferred lineup for the 15-16 season
PG MG backup AC
SG Jok backups Ellingson/Fleming
SF Uthoff backups UHL/Baer
PF Jones and was hoping Wagner would have been this years Basabe
C Woodbury backups by committee in a 3 forward lineup
nobody stepped up. lost Jones for the year, so Jok, Clemmons and Uthoff played out of position.
with these Fran now won't need to play players out of Position
PG's Williams/Bohannon
SG's Jok/Ellingson and Moss
SF Uhl/Baer and yes Pemsyl per Fran
PF Wagner/Cook
F/C Kriener
WILD CARD will be Jones as he can play the 3-4 and 5 in a 3 forward lineup. this will be determined on healthy his knee is this fall.