"Clean Coffee"


HR Legend
Gold Member
Nov 13, 2007
I was at a leadership retreat this week and was talking with one of my peers. They were at the airport on their way to the retreat. They stopped by a Dunkin Donuts and ordered a "black coffee".

The kid behind the counter (African American) communicated that they call it a "clean coffee" at their location. It made my peer kind of do a double take, but the kid was serious.

He didn't make much of a fuss and ordered his coffee "clean". He did kind of joke with me that if milk and sugar were added (normally both white) was it considered "dirty"? I chuckled at that statement.

I drink my coffee black and order it that way. Anyone run into the above response when ordering coffee?
I was at a leadership retreat this week and was talking with one of my peers. They were at the airport on their way to the retreat. They stopped by a Dunkin Donuts and ordered a "black coffee".

The kid behind the counter (African American) communicated that they call it a "clean coffee" at their location. It made my peer kind of do a double take, but the kid was serious.

He didn't make much of a fuss and ordered his coffee "clean". He did kind of joke with me that if milk and sugar were added (normally both white) was it considered "dirty"? I chuckled at that statement.

I drink my coffee black and order it that way. Anyone run into the above response when ordering coffee?
This is the well adjusted normal response. Maybe a little confusing, but whatever. Not hurting anyone.
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This is the well adjusted normal response. Maybe a little confusing, but whatever. Not hurting anyone.

I'm sure some snowflakes from this board/country would have thrown a shit fit. I'd probably still order it black next time and moving forward. Not trying to rock any boats over something so benign.
I'm sure some snowflakes from this board/country would have thrown a shit fit. I'd probably still order it black next time and moving forward. Not trying to rock any boats over something so benign.
NGL the first thing i thougt of was comparing it to a dirty martini and not a dirty martini. like, how funny would it be if he was like "Coffee, virgin!"
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I'm sure some snowflakes from this board/country would have thrown a shit fit. I'd probably still order it black next time and moving forward. Not trying to rock any boats over something so benign.

I won't have this problem because I rarely buy a cup of coffee and wouldn't order it black. Cream and sugar FTW!
Black coffee is the only option in the morning. Cream and sugar are for wimps.

Afternoon is cold brew time…if needed
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Coffee with cream and sugar should be referred to as ‘gentrified’.
How about calling it "Regular?"

When I first moved to NYC (Pre-Starbucks), I had a hell of a time buying black coffee. I would straight-order black coffee and would always be asked if I wanted my coffee "Regular." I of course would say yes, thinking "regular black coffee."

It would then come with milk and sugar ... and with a lid since I was on my way to work and taking it with me to my office. It took me 4-5 attempts to realize that "regular" and "Black" were not synonymous. Until then, it was damned aggravating to settle into my little office, take the lid off my cup and discover milk colored coffee.

Now that I am retired, I drink Cafe Latte's ... so the problem eventually solved itself.
I'd have told the kid he was free to call his coffee anything he wanted, but the coffee I just ordered is going to be black...