Clueless Iowans........


HR King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
Reading the Aldi "aisle of shame" page today and there was a woman there complaining about the price of eggs...."I didn't know anything about this "bird flu" her rant said......
Well lady, it is not like "the bird flu" hasn't been in the Iowa news everyday for the past couple of weeks.....The first news of it was it The Register on March 21, 2022......and reportedly over 7 million birds have been euthanized by Iowa farmers since........and this gal says she had no clue? She might be clueless!
America, enjoy your $2.50/$4.00 a dozen eggs! It'll be awhile before this price gets regulated. Buy your Thanksgiving turkeys early! Iowa has been hit pretty damn hard here...and Iowa is the leading egg producing state in the nation, I believe.....Good luck!
Timing is everything in life....and this bird flu outbreak couldn't have come at a worse time.
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Reading the Aldi "aisle of shame" page today and there was a woman there complaining about the price of eggs...."I didn't know anything about this "bird flu" her rant said......
Well lady, it is not like "the bird flu" hasn't been in the Iowa news everyday for the past couple of weeks.....The first news of it was it The Register on March 21, 2022......and reportedly over 7 million birds have been euthanized by Iowa farmers since........and this gal says she had no clue? She might be clueless!
America, enjoy your $2.50/$4.00 a dozen eggs! It'll be awhile before this price gets regulated. Buy your Thanksgiving turkeys early! Iowa has been hit pretty damn hard here...and Iowa is the leading egg producing state in the nation, I believe.....Good luck!
Timing is everything in life....and this bird flu outbreak couldn't have come at a worse time.
Thanks Obama
Reading the Aldi "aisle of shame" page today and there was a woman there complaining about the price of eggs...."I didn't know anything about this "bird flu" her rant said......
Well lady, it is not like "the bird flu" hasn't been in the Iowa news everyday for the past couple of weeks.....The first news of it was it The Register on March 21, 2022......and reportedly over 7 million birds have been euthanized by Iowa farmers since........and this gal says she had no clue? She might be clueless!
America, enjoy your $2.50/$4.00 a dozen eggs! It'll be awhile before this price gets regulated. Buy your Thanksgiving turkeys early! Iowa has been hit pretty damn hard here...and Iowa is the leading egg producing state in the nation, I believe.....Good luck!
Timing is everything in life....and this bird flu outbreak couldn't have come at a worse time.
Who the hell reads the Register anyway?
Retirement has allowed me to see first hand that "stupid" was not limited to my workplace! It is truly, everywhere.
I cannot even imagine going back to work now after 8 years of this....."work" was in a different lifetime, I believe.
I wonder what your former coworkers think of your intellect. It would be interesting to hear what they have to say.

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