CNN Anchor Receives Troubling Answer When She Asks BLM Activist About Disrupting a Busy Airport

I agree that they are not enforceable but they are legal and not a violation of any right. As a responsible citizen I would respect that property owners right.

Property owners who "welcome the public" have no rights. That was made clear during the Great Smoking Wars of the 1990s, and reinforced during the Gay Wedding Cake Rebellions.
Just run over them with the light rail and they will get the picture nobody cares about their alleged issues. I cannot fathom how you people allow them to disrupt traffic a Kenworth wouldn't even know they crushed a dozen of them.

Until the people fight back against groups like this they will continue to menace society.

What needs to be done is to arrest them en mass for breaking the law. Until there are repercussions, they'll keep up with these disruptions.

I ran the Twin Cities Marathon...They were talking of blocking the marathon at the end. There was a huge outcry from the public and the Mayor and Police Chief got the hint. They threatened arrests to anyone who tried. Guess what happened, they protested off to the side and maybe 50-60 people showed up.
BLM is on of the most irritating and damning side effects of PC culture.

It's gotten so bad that even hardcore liberals are taking notice. Very hard to respect this group when they have takenzero responsibility for their own problems.